I wonder if….

It would seem that nearly all of the congress critters and almost all of the talking-heads have already convicted Judge Roy Moore from the Great State of Alabama of sexual improprieties. Not only have they already convicted him they demand that he step aside in the Senate race. One of the enlightened clowns presently holding a seat in the senate has already said that “He has no place in the Senate”. At least one has said that Judge Moore must prove his innocence. Judge Moore has already been convicted in the court of opinion. Judge Moore has not, I repeat has not, been convicted in a court of law. They have even began a campaign to find a write-in candidate in the senate race. One would expect this from the other party. Judge Moore won the republican primary in Alabama and the afore-mentioned statements are coming from republicans. It seems to me that the republicans will torpedo their own, wanting and willing to lose the election and the seat. Or is it just they did not get the candidate they wanted? Seems to me the republicans are trying to put a monkey wrench into the works.

It has even been said by some Judge Moore should step aside and let the party select a nominee. They actually think the party machine is smarter than the voters who supported Judge Moore. Seems to me not all that long ago they wanted then candidate Trump, then nominee and now President Trump to step aside because of allegations of improprieties that were later proven false. Then as now they did not get the candidate they wanted.

Judge Moore as well as any other person accused of a crime should be and is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a Court of Law. A matter of Fact not a matter of Opinion. This still is America is it not? Since when is it the defendants responsibility to prove his innocence?

So I wonder if allegations of improprieties(taking liberties)were leveled at a sitting member of Congress, would they step aside? Would they succumb to opinion? I doubt they would. But the republicans in Congress are guilty of taking liberties, they have abused the voters that supported them. Constituent abuse. They have lied to the voters. Come on, confess your improprieties and step aside.

I question the timing of these allegations. They did not surface during the primaries. Why now?

You were willing to have a democrat president just not to have a President Trump. Anybody but Trump you said. You are willing to have a democrat senator just not to have a Senator Moore. Anybody but Moore you are saying.

Choose wisely Alabama.

You the republicans are the Jacobins of today. The ends justify the means.

God Bless Florida
God Bless Alabama