May as well get back to it

Before getting started we got through Irma just fine, trees down, power was out and no phone service or internet. Pretty much the same story for the rest of this part of Florida. Some people did experience flooding and home damage. It is gonna take some time to clean up the mess. Parts of it was like a mini-vacation, some parts were an inconvenience. I was quite disappointed in the conduct of some of the people in this area before and after Irma which I will address later in this post, if not in this one certainly in a future post.

This post is a continuation of the last, and yes there will be gaps and holes and again they are intentional. A lot has happened since my last post and some of it will be covered and some wont. Most of it is just a distraction, drawing our focus away from the important matters. So let’s get started.

I am just about tired of hearing about the latest republican efforts to do something about the ACA. They are doing something about it by doing nothing, which is/was and has been their intention all along. They are going to leave that wretched piece of legislation in place because they don’t give a crap. If there ever was an intention to repeal the ACA there would have been legislation ready for the President to sign. It was said by a politician years back, “Watch what we do, don’t pay attention to what we say”. It looks like this problem is not unique in American politics, the U.K. may never get out of the E.U. thanks to the British politicians. America may be stuck with Obamacare forever and the U.K. may never see Brexit be fulfilled. Back to this later.

So the NFL players decided to protest the National Anthem. I would not have known that if that did not become the biggest news story of the century. Every news outlet TV, radio and print has covered this in great detail. As for me I have not watched a football game since the 84/85 season and then only if Miami was playing. Gave up on baseball shortly after. Never watched hockey or basketball, much less tennis or golf. Watched the Olympics once back in the 60s. Gave up on NASCAR years ago. Don’t care for college or high school sports either. I don’t even watch the pro-anglers anymore. No boxing, wrestling. No cable. No satellite. Oh, I can just hear it now. People screaming that that is just not American, those are all American pass times. I don’t go to amusement parks either, so take that.

Those listed above might be pass times to some they are just not how I wish to pass my time. None of those listed above are worth on minute of my time. How many hours of your life are spent in front of a TV or at some sports venue? Those are hours that you will never get back, and you get nothing of any real value in return. Lost and wasted. Some of you are outraged, outraged I say over the players protesting the National Anthem. Some of you have even said that you will boycott the NFL. Some, a very small majority are sincere and will do what you said. To the rest of you I say horses ass, your butt will be in front of the TV or in the stands watching the next game. Your anger will be short-lived. Why do I say this? The answer is simple, remember back to when the videos surfaced showing baby body parts being sold. The Republicans were outraged, outraged I say. They were so outraged they swore to defund Planned Parenthood. But when the time came to fund the government they funded Planned Parenthood just like nothing had ever happened. Their anger was short-lived too.

So I may as well give my opinion on what the NFL players did. They are “attention whores”, wanting attention and they got it wall-to-wall attention. They will continue to act in this manner as long as it gets them attention. If you want this behavior to stop the answer is simple stop opening the events with the National Anthem. They will have nothing to protest. I did not say stop playing the Nation Anthem, I said stop opening the event with it. It would be fun to just play the National Anthem at some point during a play, just to see how many of those attention whores took a knee or locked arms in protest, maybe on a 4th and long situation. Play it loud, Play it proud when they least expect it. Here is how I see it, what they did has had no effect on my life in the slightest and never will. I do not give a rat’s ass about them or their sport or how they conduct themselves.

As for me I did not boycott the sports listed above, I just lost interest and found a better way to spend my time. I found a better pass time. Maybe it is time for a new pass time in this country. How about this coming Sunday instead of sitting in front of the TV you take yourself and your family to Church, and after Church you take your family to the local park. You know the one you never seem to find time to visit because you are parked in front of the TV. Perhaps next Saturday you could take your kids fishing. You know spend some quality time with your family, you might just find out being a parent is a lot more rewarding than being a fan. Church and Family could be the new American pass times, actually they are not new pass times, they are the old pass times.

I have spent enough of my time on this subject. Remember this you only have so much time on this Earth, spend it wisely. You are outraged over the NFL players conduct and speak out yet you are silent on what the politicians have done to America.

Now let us go to nuclear weapons for just a moment. It is too late to prevent North Korea from acquiring nuclear weapons and it is most likely too late to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. North Korea, Iran and their respective leaders are in the same category as the NFL players, “attention whores”. There is no need to waste resources and time with any further “shows of force”. It is time to send them a clear message. One that says “Welcome to the Nuclear Age”. Now that you have developed nuclear weapons it is best that you do the same as the other nuclear nations and not use them. If you choose to use them rest assured there will nothing left of your country or your people.

Up until this point in history only America has used nuclear weapons against another nation. America at that time was the only nation in possession of nuclear weapons. Japan can bear witness to destructive power of Atomic bombs. Now there exist even more destructive nuclear weapons. Lots of them and several nations are in possession of them.

If memory serves no nuclear nation has attacked another nuclear nation outright, yet. The nuclear nations have so far just engaged in proxy wars. Has anyone given any real thought as to how a nuclear armed country might react if attacked or act if they do not care about the consequences? A country could be duped into a preemptive strike. This subject is worthy of a future post on its own.

Now let us move on to DACA. Let me address the “immigration activists” and the “immigration rights” crowd. First off there is no right to immigrate to this country or any other. There may be a “desire” to immigrate but there is no “right”. People in this country illegally have no “rights” under the U.S. Constitution, quite simply the Bill of Rights does not apply to non citizens. This subject is also worthy of a future post on its own.


One does have to wonder

What exactly is the objective of the rioters? I mean really what is it they want or do not want? Do they really think that rioting and protesting are one and the same? Could it be that they have gone full Orwellian?

It is obvious that they live in an Alternate World. A World where Lies are Truths and Truths are Lies. A World where Peace is War and War is Peace. A World where Anarchy is Law and Order and Law and Order is Anarchy. A World where Love is Hate and Hate is Love. A World where Tolerance is Intolerance and Intolerance is Tolerance. A World where Democracy is Fascism and Fascism is Democracy. A World where Wrong is Right and Right is Wrong.

As for me, I believe that all this began with the Education system, no not education but Indoctrination. This is proven by the appearance of so-called educators participating and encouraging the riots. The problem with these “wacked-out” educators, is that they are teaching the next generation, no not teaching but continuing the indoctrination process of the next generation. The next generation of what you ask? The next generation of Educators, Doctors, Lawyers, Corporate Executives, Journalists, Engineers and even Politicians. Think about this for just a minute. When you send your children to Public School will they receive a good education or will they be further indoctrinated? Scary thought, isn’t it?

It is possible that the Leftist Liberal Socialist Progressives have taken the position of “If we can’t have it then no one can” when it comes to this Republic. There is also the old mantra of the Socialists to consider, “The ends justify the means”. If their objective is to Transform this Republic from a Constitutional Republic into a Socialist Nation they have little care as to how the accomplish their task. Whether it be the riots, threats against President Trump, vicious attacks on Trump supporters or vicious attacks on anyone who has a differing opinion.

They risk being arrested and charged with crimes because of the rioting, but they do not care if this is the price they must pay to reach their ends. They damage and destroy public and private property again without care. One has to wonder how far are they will to go to accomplish their ends. How far will they go? They have faced little opposition and few have been arrested. Law enforcement has done little to stop the unrest(rioting), so what happens when it spreads? Can or will Law-Enforcement allow it to continue? At some point Law-Enforcement will step in and attempt to restore law and order and they know that. Maybe that is their temporary objective, just a step towards their ultimate ends. Law-Enforcement intervention will give them a new cause in their quest. They will get to shout “Police Brutality”. Could that be it, could they be seeking a large-scale confrontation with the Police? If the Leftist Liberal Socialist Progressive rioters were only seeking a large-scale confrontation with the Police(government)they would not be engaging in personal vicious attacks on individuals. They would instead stick with property destruction and general mayhem.

No, I think that the Leftist Liberal Socialist Progressives will not settle for just a confrontation with Law-Enforcement. The quickest way to their goal of a Socialist Nation is to turn the citizens on each other, a Civil War. They engage in vicious attacks on individuals because they know that sooner or later those being attacked will reach a point where they will take no more. They may be right on that point. From the videos that I have seen the rioters specialize in sneak attacks. There was one where a lady’s hair was almost set afire. There was another where a lady was sprayed with pepper spray. There was another where a fellow was sucker punched. The examples go on from there. At present Law-Enforcement is not doing much to help curb or stop the violence. At some point if the Police do not act, and act in a decisive manner, the people being attacked will act and it will be decisive and instantaneous. I do realize that these riots, violence and vicious attacks are occurring in Leftist Liberal Socialist Progressive strongholds and have to wonder if action would be taken if the “shoe was on the other foot”, so to speak. I somehow think that it would.

The Leftist Liberal Socialist Progressive protesters and certainly the rioters, of the same ilk claim to be protesting against Fascism, yet they are the ones demonstrating that they are indeed Fascists. They demand First Amendment, free speech protections yet deny those of opposing views their Right to Free Speech. They destroy property, private property as well as public property. These are some of the things done in the name of Fascism, not in opposition to it.

Mob Mentality is prevalent in protests that turn into riots. No one thinks for themselves they just follow the crowd, sort of like Lemmings. They go where they are led, unwavering and unquestioning. The excuse, is that they just get “caught up in the moment”. The reason, is that they have no self-control, no moral compass and most importantly no sense of right and wrong.

The Super Bowl is over and soon there will undoubtedly be a “Victory Parade”. It will start out peaceful enough, but will it end that way? The Champion is from a Leftist Liberal Socialist Progressive stronghold, come to think of it so is the Loser. There will certainly be dedicated fans there to cheer on their “heroes”. There will also be those present looking for the opportunity to turn a celebration in to a riot. If it turn riotous watch the mob mentality take over.

With that many people taking to the streets things could get ugly in a hurry. But then it is just a “Means to their end”.