Forward to the Past

Freedom and Liberty are but one generation away from being extinguished is certainly a true statement, sort of. The further this nation gets from the days of its founding the less some of the population, and the numbers keep growing, understand the reasons why America why America wanted to be and became a free nation. The reasons the Colonials wanted to be free were basically pretty simple. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, yep just that simple. The Colonials had suffered(lived)under the rule of tyrants and despots as long as that life was sufferable. When the insults, usurpations, despotism and tyranny reached a point where they were no longer sufferable those brave men and women rose up against tyranny and threw off that form of government and instituted a new form of government. The intended form of government was one in which governed by consent of the governed, it was not one in which they would be ruled. When one is ruled there is no need for consent. If the colonials had only sought to continue to live under tyrannical and despotic rule the would have been no need for the American Revolutionary War. No, they did not intend to replace tyranny with tyranny, they instead sought to live a life with individual freedoms and liberties, willing to live and be governed, but not willing to live under rule by force.

It is not just this or the next generation that places this Republic in danger, sadly previous generations play a major part in placing this Republic in great peril. Many in America, people of all ages and dispositions have become completely dependent on government. These are the people who only slightly mumble in complaint against government overreach. They expect that the government provide for their lives from cradle to grave. What they do not grasp is the fact that if the government gives the government can take away. They also do not grasp the fact that for the government to “give” them something it must first be “taken” from another.

Another true statement is, Freedom and Liberty are but one election away from being extinguished. It is saddening and somewhat frightful that the voters of America are even considering voting for some of the candidates who are seeking the office of the President of the United States of America.
Lets face it when a self-proclaimed Socialist is running in the primaries and doing very well there is something wrong. The talking heads and pundits on TV, radio and print seem to think that this is because the voters only support a socialist because they do not understand what socialism is or just do not care. While I do believe that they do not care they do know what socialism is. Basically it boils down to this, whether it is socialism, communism or fascism the government takes care of everything and that is what they want. The supporters of socialism want the government to take care of everything and thus they are free from personal responsibility. The residents of nations under socialist, communist or fascist rule live a life where the government provides for their lives from cradle to grave.

There is an old saying from the past that sums it up best, and it goes something like this; The Republic is finished when the voters realize that they can vote themselves money from the national treasury. So with that, I ask you this, which is the lowest of the low, the one that would vote him or herself money from the treasury for personal gain or the one that would provide an avenue for a person to vote themselves money from the treasury? There would be no mechanism for a person to vote for themselves money from the treasury unless a corrupt politician provided that avenue. That shows that the politician is the lowest of the low, but the person that votes money from the treasury for his or her own gain is pretty damned low, also.
It seems that some of the voters of today, of varying ages and dispositions have given up on the ideas of self-determination and self-reliance and seem content to be cared for by government. It is quite possible that this election could be the one that ends the Republic as we know it. It also seems that some voters are voting to move forward into the past taking what was left to us and giving it back to tyranny and despotism.

It does not matter if the Tyrant is a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent a tyrant is a tyrant. If the democratic party is willing to accept a Socialist who carries the letter (I) behind his name, to run on the democratic ticket the Democratic Party has become the Democratic Socialist Party. The GOP is not much better than the Socialist Democrats, at least not in the aspect of pushing forward with the “big government” agenda. I get tired of hearing Republicans calling themselves Conservatives. I also get so tired of hearing the Republican Party being the “party of Lincoln and of Reagan”. Lincoln was a big government republican, he came from the Whig party. Do not confuse the Whig Party with the Whigs of the Colonial and Revolutionary War times. Maybe the GOP really are “big government” Republicans and not Conservatives. They would stop being RINO(republican in name only) and become known as CINO(conservatives in name only). Government is about power and growing government and acquiring even more power.

Yet another true statement is, Freedom and Liberty could be extinguished by one more stupid vote or action by the congress critters, the courts and/or the current administration. This is perhaps the most damning of all, the Legislative branch is supposed to write legislation and send it to the President for signature of approval or veto. Congress does not read the legislation they pass, remember these words “You have to pass it to find out what is in it”. The president is not supposed to legislate by executive order. The courts are supposed to interpret law not make law, abortion and same-sex marriage come to mind. If a law is unconstitutional then by all means strike it down, do not strike it down and then just up and make law. The idea was to have three separate branches of government, each with its own specific role in government, a system of checks and balances.

Some of the candidates on the GOP side are saying what needs to be said, while others are saying what we want to hear. As for abolishing the IRS, just how is that possible? What about the 16th Amendment? Do you just plan to abolish the 16th Amendment by executive order? As for simplifying the tax code that takes legislation. Does anybody really believe that the government will in any shape, manner or fashion give up that power? We on the right, the Conservatives, the true Conservatives have been promised so much by Republican Party politicians only to be disappointed, sold down the river so to speak. Promises made but never kept and in some cases no attempt was even or ever made to act in a manner to fulfill the promises.

On the Democratic Socialist side all of the candidates are promising to give away “free” stuff. As pointed out above the only way for the government to give away anything it must first be taken away from another. Ask one of the Democratic Socialists, what happens when all of the wealth has been redistributed and everybody is equally poor what happens next? As for taxes how much is a fair share? To tax the wealthy at a level you say is their fair share you have to modify the tax code. That takes legislation, are you planning to tax by executive order? How many poor people have ever given another a job.

This election is about more than electing a President and some Senators there is the possibility that three or four Supreme Court Justices will be replaced. Think about that, it is especially important since the Supreme Court has taken up deciding rights and making law. The President will nominate Justices and the Senate will hold confirmation hearings. Do you really want a Democratic Socialist naming a person to a lifetime appointment?

Fail to learn the lessons of history and history repeats itself. Do not vote America back in time, politically. I was not there, but I read somewhere that the times before 1775 really sucked.