Just wondering when

I am just wondering when the push back will start. I, for one, am getting more and more skeptical by the day. No, I am not talking about the election and the results. I am talking about this whole Wuhan novel corona virus ordeal and the petty tyrants it has spawned.

Everyday I read where Governors and other elected officials around the country are planning a new series of crackdowns because of the continual rise of infections, hospitalizations and deaths due to the virus.

Which brings me to these questions. If this virus is so deadly then why the hell are they planning more crackdowns in the future and not implementing those measures immediately? Why are gatherings being limited to a certain number and not just outright forbidden? Why is there such a variance in the ages of children when they must wear a mask? Some states decree age two while others decree age five. Instead of listing all of my questions as you read along you may come up with your own questions.

Thanksgiving is just two days away and some of you will be having your Thanksgiving alone as you are forbidden to gather in groups of varying size, some of you will be forced outdoors, and some of you will have only an allotted time to celebrate with family or friends and you will be mandated to wear a mask. Some of you have been threatened with rather hefty fines and even jail time if you fail to comply with these decrees.. All this brought about by petty tyrants, mad on power.

Took a little time this evening to check the Covid19 numbers and to check the several States decrees, in force and those planned. I checked the list of States with a mask mandate and also checked the number of infections and deaths. I also checked the States without a mask mandate number of infections and deaths. I then had to wonder why people in states with mask mandates were still experiencing high infection rates.

We will never be told the truth about how many became infected even though they wore the mask, practiced social distancing, and did frequent hand washing. After all they never told us the truth about mask wearing in the beginning. Or did they? They did say that wearing a mask was not necessary. I seem to remember someone saying, “Seriously stop buying masks”.

Then I remembered something from long ago. “If the disease doesn’t kill you the cure might”. Remember back to the grand and glorious plan to flatten the curve. Talk began about shutting down the economy. The choice of words was purely political, it was more than shutting down the economy it was shutting down the country. It was not a national shutdown, it came from the State and Local level. The result was the same. Someone mentioned that the cure could be worse than the disease.

Then something more recent came to me. There was a gentleman testifying before Congress about the effectiveness of masks. He said, something to the effect of, masks were the most important tool in stopping the spread of the virus, even more effective than a vaccine. In the video this gentleman could not even wear a mask properly and he is a doctor. Then I went back to the old, If the disease doesn’t kill you the cure might”.

This brought me to those damned masks. Could the masks be the reason people are still getting infected and hospitalized? The only way we would ever know that answer would be if somebody had the courage to step forward and tell us and not be censored.

Now comes this. The same organization the gentleman testifying before Congress that could not even wear the mask correctly has now changed their story on how long one should quarantine. They now say instead of 14 days one should quarantine for 7 to 10 days. Well which is it 7 or 10? Pick one, obviously 14 was wrong. Read the whole article. It also explains whose fault it is that the 14 day quarantine was ineffective.

Perhaps these so-called experts have been wrong about everything all along.

If the current legal challenges over the election fall short we will get a new president in January. Will the new administration decree a national mask mandate? Probably not. They will instead use the old tried and proven route. Coercion. The administration or some agency in the administration will make a strong suggestion to the Governors of the remaining States without a mask mandate to implement one. You know how this works. I ( the federal government) cant make you but I (the federal government) can make you wish you did. Federal funding.

Now I have to wonder which of the remaining States will be the last to be forced into issuing a mask mandate. I think it will be either Florida or South Dakota, my money is on my Home State of Florida. If you do not think the federal government would stoop so low then you do not know history. Historically speaking Rhode Island wanted no part of joining the Union. Find out why and how they were forced to join a “voluntary” union.

When they, the federal government, finally has everyone wearing a mask, what some have taken to calling a face diaper, people will find out that the incoming administration has no plan to deal with this virus.

What you will find is this. The rate of infections will suddenly drop. As will hospitalizations from the virus. As well as deaths from the virus. Citizens of this country will once again die from heart attacks, cancer, complications from diabetes, strokes and all the things they had died from before. It will be a miracle. They will claim it is because everybody is wearing a mask.

Is it really about a virus with a 94% chance of survival? Or is it about control of the population through behavior modification?

We really should question everything.

And yes, so you will not be surprised. You will still see elected officials and bureaucrats violating their own edicts. When caught they will still offer some excuse about what they should have done or blame someone for ambushing them. Bad optics, they call it. But then again their edicts are for you and me, not them as they are the privileged elite.

Who is John Galt?


Think about this

One of the twenty democrats on stage during the DNC debates, or one of the uninvited, will eventually be the democrat nominee. Any one of the the twenty debaters would be a disaster for this Republic as well as the others. More may well jump in.

Yep, I watched the debates, both of them. Now many, if not all, will be out doing damage control either for the answers they gave or for past actions, inaction or statements made. Some will even claim that they were misquoted or taken out of context, even though what they said was what they said. Some will claim they are or have been the victim of some sort of ism.

Each and everyone of them think and believe that more government control will cure all the ills in this country, on this the republicans are no different.

On healthcare most of them were trying to sell(pitch)Medicare for all, the basis for which is that the healthcare system is broken and one claimed the deductible was too high. Was not the Affordable Healthcare Act(ACA),aka Obamacare, supposed to fix the broken healthcare system? Could it be that they knew it would not, just a stepping stone to get to Medicare for all(single-payer)? The dream of every liberal politician.

I do feel they are at least a little dishonest in their Medicare for all plan, anybody over 65 will tell you Medicare A covers doctor visits, Medicare B covers hospital stays but only 80% of the total the remainder is covered by supplemental insurance(insurance you must purchase on your own)commonly called Medicare part C, then there is Medicare part D which covers prescription drugs. So just what are they really offering? By the way anybody that has Medicare part B will tell you that part B has a monthly premium. As to part D, all medications are not free sometimes there is a co-pay and some medications are not covered, which means those drugs are paid for “out-of-pocket”.

More than a few raised their hand when asked if they would end private insurance. If private insurance was eliminated how would a person pay the remaining 20%?

Is their plan to cover medical costs, all medical costs, from cradle to grave? If that is the plan how could it possibly be paid for? There is no way taxes could be increased enough to pay the bill.

There was only one person in the first debate that brought up this little tidbit. Hospitals could and would possibly go out of business if they were only reimbursed at Medicare rates. I wonder how many doctors would continue in practice if they were only reimbursed at Medicare rates.

Then again that could be the plan. Drive the hospitals and doctors out of business. Imagine living in a country where the hospitals are all government owned and operated, and all doctors are government employees.

By the way this Medicare for all, single payer or universal healthcare(or what ever it morphs into)will also cover those here illegally.

On education almost all have a plan to give away something. Many want to either forgive student loans or at a minimum help pay down the debt. As to forgiving the debt owed by university graduates, just how could that debt be forgiven? It is money owed, it must be repaid. The plan is to tax Wall Street to come up with the funding for this scheme. There was only one during the first debate that said it would not be right to have those who never attended college to pay off the loans of those who did.

There is also the issue of a free college education, even to four year university. Could a university remain open if all students could attend free? They can not be in earnest if they think this could all be paid for by taxing the rich, Wall Street and Corporations. Could a government owned and operated college and university system with all professors and staff being government employees be in our future? The government already controls the primary and secondary school system as it is. So why not expand the government education(indoctrination)system?

There was one with a plan for universal pre-k. The lady can not be in earnest. She has a plan for universal pre-k while supporting abortion. She supports the killing, in the womb, of those who would benefit from her proposal.

On gun control. They all have some sort of scheme to further encroach on the rights of law-abiding citizens.

This one is just stupid. One has a plan for a anyone who owns a firearm to obtain a gun license. They would have to apply for a firearm license at a local office that would be widely available in urban and rural areas. I have no idea which Constitution this man has read but according to the one I have we already have a firearm license, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment to that Constitution.

Read this carefully. “Keep your pistols, keep your rifles, keep your shotguns, but we can take the most dangerous weapons from the most dangerous people”. I would like to point out that this man is not earnest, how can he say on one hand keep your rifles when he plans to ban and confiscate a class of rifle. Remember back when someone said if you like your plan you can keep your plan? What is he saying? Does he consider the law-abiding American to be dangerous just because they choose to possess a certain type of rifle? Who or what are we a danger to?

That comes to us courtesy of the same Representative who got in an exchange concerning a mandatory buy-back plan(gun confiscation scheme)and starting a civil war and saying that it would be a short war the government has nukes. The same one that wants to ban and buy back every “assault weapon” in the United States and prosecute everyone who fails to comply. He seems to think that most all Americans would comply with this scheme.

Here is another one for you to read, and do read it carefully. “As somebody who trained on weapons of war, I can tell you that there are weapons that have absolutely no place in American cities or neighborhoods in peacetime. Ever. What is he saying? The words “in peacetime” caught my attention.

One claimed she liked the Representative’s plan but said congress was reluctant to act and she would give them 100 days to pull these plans into a bill she could sign. Should they fail at this she would take executive action.

One said “The gun manufacturers are the enemy”. The enemy of who or what? These are the same gun manufacturers that produce the firearms carried by his security detail.

I do wish that one, just one, of these moderators would have the “brass” to ask the following at one of these debates. By a show of hand, how many of you are for gun control. Every hand would go up. Now by a show of hand, how many of you would give your armed security? Do you think any hands would go up?

I am quite sure that security at the debates was many layers thick and armed to the teeth.

As I said above one of this cast of many is going to be the eventual nominee for the DNC. There are some in this cast of many that knew from the outset they did not stand a snowball’s chance in Hades of ever becoming the nominee. They are just there to gain enough support to influence the remainder of the field, pushing them farther left. As one after another bails out those remaining will be seeking their endorsement. I do wonder if the nominee has already been selected.

They spent considerable time bashing the usual big money donors. How do they expect to fund their campaigns without big money donors? Perhaps a wink and a nod, watch what we do not what we say.

If the eventual nominee wins the presidential election the people who were promised all this free stuff are going to demand all of that free stuff. In fact they will expect all of the promises made to be promises kept.

A few more items before I close.

They spoke of the corruption in D.C. Considering how long some have been there they are part of the problem, yet they try to convince the voters they can be the solution.

The subject of police involved shootings came up none of them could state the obvious, which is Stop doing stupid stuff that causes the police to shoot you.

The subject of incarceration came up and again none of them could state the obvious, which is Stop doing stupid stuff that gets your butt sent to prison.

It is not the fault of this nation that people trying to enter this country illegally die in the process. It could be the fault of the liberals for encouraging them to come here by offering freebies upon arrival.

Memorial Day 2019

Today is the first of two Memorial Days that I will observe. Today is Confederate Memorial Day. Yep, it is still observed here is sunny Florida.

Today we honour the Confederate soldiers and sailors who were killed in the hostilities of late. Some call that war the Civil War, I for one call it the War for Southern Independence. Of the two struggles for independence in this Republic only one succeeded.

Will there be a third?


Just wondering

With all or most of the democrat hopefuls signing onto the green new deal, I was just wondering if they will be taking the train to their campaign events. No why not? Aint one of the plans in this farce to do away with air travel? I mean after all the leader of this environmental cult said that we only have 12 years to save the planet. We must take radical steps now or it will be too late, she says. If it was all that important they should step up now, lead by example. Oh yeah leave your car behind, as another part of this is to get cars off the road. Ride the train, when you get to a passenger terminal get off the train and walk the rest of the way to your event. Show the rest of us how much you want to commit to stop using fossil fuels.

No these people are not going to take the train, they will instead continue to use jets to continue their campaigning. Nor will they give up travel by car. No they will instead keep using fossil fuels while preaching to the rest of us we must give up the use of fossil fuels. Sort of like the last group of environmental wackos preaching to us that we were destroying the planet, while going to their environmental summits in passenger jets or in some cases private jets. Yep, they too were preaching that we have to change our habits.

If you take the White House on the promise of this green new deal will you commit right now to getting rid of the fleet of Presidential Aircraft? Will you commit right now to getting rid of all the aircraft used by diplomats, agency heads and the rest right now if you win?

I did not think so.

So just when does this 12 year doomsday clock start ticking? 2020? 2032? Maybe never? They gave up on their 10 and 5 year clocks. Back when I was in elementary school(1960’s)they said that a new ice age was coming. The new ice age never arrived.

As for this high-speed rail system, it is over a one hour drive for me just to get to the nearest Amtrak station. If I even wanted to take a train, which I do not, I would have to walk for hours if not days if I were deprived of my truck. I might also point out that much of the land here in North Central Florida and indeed this Republic is not suitable for train tracks of any type let alone high-speed rail.

So you want everybody that wants a job to have a good paying government job. Looks like your plan blasts right through socialism and goes to full-blown communism. For every one to have a government job then the government would have to control everything, the means of production all the way to the means of distribution. You also want them to be union jobs. Why union jobs? Could that be a part of you plan because you green new deal will cost a lot of union jobs? Much of the auto manufacturing industry as well as the airline industry are good union dues paying members. You still must protect the unions.

Okay so you want to save the planet. Could you please tell me what providing a free college education to all has to do with saving the planet? Like wise could you tell me what free health care(Medicare for all)has to do with saving the planet? This guaranteed wage thing needs also to be explained.

Someone once said “Green is the new Red”. Some one also said “A communist is just an impatient socialist”.

Some, if not most, on your side claim that President Trump and the GOP are out of touch with the citizens of this nation and the values of this Republic. You, I dare say, are out of touch with reality.

Again I ask this, Is it too late for a divorce.


The American tragedy

“As nations can not be rewarded or punished in the next world they must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects providence punishes national sins, by national calamities”. Colonel Mason.

The murder of the unborn, abortion(legalized murder). Day by day the leftist governors, law makers and indeed leftist states are trying to out do the other when it comes to the murder of the unborn. Some states are now at the point of sanctioning abortion up to and including the delivery date, some are even okay with this murder to the point of dilation. At what point will the leftists be okay with this continuing spree of murder including the point where the child was born alive and then murdered?

I might point out that those cheering on this murder spree were actually born. Absolute hypocrisy, but that is one thing the left is good at. Another thing they are good at is choosing the language of the argument.

They call it abortion, so we call it abortion. No it is murder, premeditated with malice in the heart. They divide the pregnancy into trimesters, we dutifully use their language in the argument. Their language does no more than to dehumanize a human being. And just why do we buy into words like viability when it comes to a child, already born or not. We need to change our language.

I have yet to ask and expectant mother how far along she is and have her to answer which trimester she is in, she will instead answer with how many weeks or months along she is. The same when I ask an expectant mother when her due date is she will answer in how many days, weeks or months, never have I had an expectant mother to answer when the third trimester is over.

They call it pro-choice, a woman’s right to choose. They say that a woman should have control over her reproductive organs. It has nothing to do with choice or control of reproductive organs it instead has everything to do with legalized murder. Murder sanctioned and allowed by government, performed by supposed health care professionals and in some cases sadly supported by the church(small c)

We need to call it what it is, it is pro-murder. If one does want to get pregnant then she should not engage in activities where she is likely to get pregnant. There is more than just the woman’s choice to consider, there is also the child’s choice, but the child is never asked or consulted in the matter.

The left is about providing safe spaces, where one can feel safe. The Good Lord provided the safest place possible, the mother’s womb. Yet it is in the womb where a child faces the greatest danger. Some have estimated that upwards of 60,000,000 children in America alone have been murdered in the womb. Do you realize that number is 6 times the number of murders the Third Reich reportedly committed?

It is this very same crowd that comes out with their gun control rhetoric when ever there is a mass shooting(murder), especially when it is a school shooting. What language do they use? They say these measures must be undertaken to protect the most vulnerable in our society. It appears to me that the most vulnerable in our society is the unborn. They have no place where they can hide, no closet to hide in, no door to get behind and lock. The unborn has nowhere to run to avoid the forceps coming to crush the life out of them, or what ever implement the murderer, abortion provider they call them, chooses to use in the murder. Does the mother or the murderer hear the child scream as the murder is taking place? Can the mother feel the child as he or she struggles to stay alive? Can the mother feel the life leaving her still unborn child? Can the women in the waiting rooms at the murder mills hear the screams of the children being murdered in the womb while they await their turn to go in and have their child murdered? Would a child in the womb, if he or she had the means, fight off the attack or the attacker? The current thinking lists the following actions when attacked, Run, Hide, Fight, the child in the womb can do none of these. You see the child in the womb really is the most vulnerable, they count on the mother to protect them. Little does the child know that the mother is part of a conspiracy to murder.

It is this very same crowd that seeks to eliminate the death penalty. I guess it is, in their minds, being too much of a hypocrite to take the life of one who did the same thing as they do. They are unwilling to carry out the sentence, death sentence, of one found guilty of a crime, a capital crime mind you. At the same time they invoke and carry out the death penalty on one which has committed no crime, capital or otherwise. Has being conceived now become a crime, a capital crime? They call the death penalty inhumane while at the same time consider abortion(murder)humane treatment of a child. They worry themselves that a criminal condemned to death may experience some pain or discomfort as the sentence is carried out, They do not consider the pain or discomfort the victim may have experienced. Nor do they consider the pain or discomfort of a child experiences while being murdered in the womb.

Now we have a democrat congressman claiming that the right to be safe trumps the right to bear arms. He claims that the new congress is putting the right to be safe over any other rights possessed by Americans. https://thedaleygator.com/2019/02/02/rep-eric-swalwell-d-marxifornia-your-marxist-moron-of-the-day/

I see no democrat proposing legislation guaranteeing the safety of a child still in womb, they instead focus on depriving citizens of their rights.

I do have to wonder which will be the first state to release those convicted of murder under the premise that they were only late-term abortion providers. The left trying to out left the left.

God help us.


How far will they go? Part 2

Each and every time I try to get back to work on this series they, the left, seem to have gone farther left. I guess the answer to this question is there is no telling, no telling how far they will and are willing to go. Each one trying to out left the other by leaps and bounds without limit.

One wants to tax the upper income earners at a graduated rate up to 70%. Says the world will end in 12 years. Claims that conservative billionaires are immoral.

Another says there is plenty of money in New York City, it is just in the wrong hands. Wonder who he was addressing and just how does he plan to get the money into their hands?

Yet another wants to impose a wealth tax.

Many posts back I jokingly wrote that one day there could or would possibly be a new government department, The Department of Fairness and Equality. It looks as though these leftists and those like them are laying the foundation for that department. The left has come to believe that a person is entitled to everything, even the property of others. I however am quite sure that the politicians feel that no one is entitled to their stuff.

Now let us get back to where the last post in this series ended concerning a civil war. Will the left run the risk of starting a civil war? Unfortunately at this point I would have to answer that in the affirmative(much the same as 16 was willing to take that risk). Another question would be, Are some actually hoping for a civil war? Again the unfortunate answer would be in the affirmative. Yet another question is are some actually trying to start a civil war?

A so-called comedy writer promised to perform a sex act on anybody who would punch the smiling young man in the face that was in the video from the events in D.C. So now some on the left are willing to reward acts of violence with a sex act. Willing to cheapen herself if someone will do for her what she is unwilling to do.

A talking-head actually said that she is “triggered” by a MAGA hat? To her a KKK hood and a MAGA hat are one and the same.

Now we are witnessing not just leftist individuals and political parties but entire states.

Is it too late for a divorce?


Happy Secession Day

A repost

January the 10th in the Year of Our Lord 1861 the State of Florida seceded from the union.

Ordinance of Secession

We, the people of the State of Florida, in convention assembled, do solemnly ordain, publish, and declare, That the State of Florida hereby withdraws herself from the confederacy of States existing under the name of the United States of America and from the existing Government of the said States; and that all political connection between her and the Government of said States ought to be, and the same is hereby, totally annulled, and said Union of States dissolved; and the State of Florida is hereby declared a sovereign and independent nation; and that all ordinances heretofore adopted, in so far as they create or recognize said Union, are rescinded; and all laws or parts of laws in force in this State, in so far as they recognize or assent to said Union, be, and they are hereby, repealed.

Passed 10 Jan 1861

God Bless the Republic of Florida

No Time

Before getting started I do sincerely hope that each and every one of you had a joyful and Merry Christmas. I also hope you found time to remember the “reason for the season” our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

On a side note I will get back to the series,How far will they go, hopefully before the democrats take control of the House.

Well here we are again, in the midst of, yet, another partial government shutdown. This one, like all of the previous shutdowns was totally preventable. All congress had to do was its job and send a budget funding the government to the president. But no, they had to drag this out again, keeping things humming along with a continuing resolution until a later date, well that later date has arrived. Seems as though they did not have enough time or they squandered the time away. One or the other happened you decide.

They, some of them(democrat and republican), had more than enough time to make total asses of themselves during the Supreme Court nominee hearings and confirmation vote.

They, all of them, had ample time to take their numerous vacations and attend their “retreats”.

They had time to “haul” individuals before their various committees to hold hearings. Did these hearings really amount to anything productive?

They had time to appear before the cameras of their favorite media outlets.

They, those who had primary challengers, had plenty of time for campaigning, meeting with their donors and holding those stupid town hall meetings.

They, those running for re-election, had plenty of time to go campaigning, meet with their donors and hold even more of those stupid town hall meetings.

Some found time to go “stumping” on the campaign trail for their preferred candidate.

More than a handful have found time to visit Iowa and New Hampshire in hopes of seeking a higher office, putting out “feelers” for possible donors and staffers.

They had plenty of time after the election to throw their victory parties and in some cases their pity parties for losing.

They had plenty of time to send billions upon billions of dollars to foreign lands funding foreign governments, yet they had no time to fully fund our government.

The new Congress will be sworn in on the 3rd of January, their re-election bid begins on the 4th of January. Who is minding the store?

In fact, they had plenty of time to do everything except to perform the job they were sent to D.C. to do.

Just how many days out of the year does congress actually spend doing the job they were sent to do? Out of those days just how many hours a day to they set about doing the needed business of this country. My guess is not many.

It should be apparent that the biggest problem is not who occupies the White House as that person is there for 8 years at the most. The biggest problem is indeed those who occupy the halls of Congress for decades or even multiples of decades.

Had Congress sent forward the spending bills, all of them, to fund the government for the full fiscal year, instead of yet another piecemeal approach we would not be at this point again. It sometimes makes me think they do this on purpose, just to play the part of the “drama queen”.

How about next time, after the dust settles, when Congress sends the government funding bills to the President to sign, he hand it right back to them unless the entire government is funded and only the government, no more playing “kick the can”. If the critters “tack on” some extras like funding for PPH, the President should ask if PPH is a part of the federal government. The same goes for subsidies to corn, sugar, electric autos and the rest, address those separately.


How far will they go? Part one

For this part of this post I will use some parts of some historical speeches and yes I am going to cherry pick.
June 5th 1788, a speech by Patrick Henry…There are many on the other side, who, possibly may have been persuaded of the necessity of these measures, which I conceive to be dangerous to your liberty. Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force: Whenever you give up that force you are inevitably ruined… The Honorable Gentleman who presides, told us, that to prevent abuses in our Government, we will assemble in Convention, recall our delegated powers and punish our servants for abusing the trust reposed in them. Oh, Sir, we should have fine times indeed, if to punish tyrants, if it were only sufficient to assemble the people. Your arms wherewith you could defend yourselves are gone; and have no longer an aristocratical; no longer democratical spirit. Did you ever read of any revolution in any nation, brought about by the punishment of those in power, inflicted by those who had no power at all? You read of a riot act in a country which is called one of the freest in the world, where a few neighbors cannot assemble without the risk of being shot by a hired soldiery, the engines of despotism. We may see such an act in America….

June 7th 1788 another speech by Patrick Henry… That Government is no more than a choice among evils, is acknowledged by the most intelligent among mankind, and has been a standing maxim for ages… It is on a supposition that our American Governors shall be honest, that all good qualities of this Government is founded: But its defective, and imperfect construction, puts it in their power to perpetrate the worst of mischiefs, should they be bad men: And, Sir, would not all the world, from the Eastern to the Western hemisphere, blame our distracted folly in resting our rights upon the contingency of our rulers being good or bad. Shew me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men, without a consequent loss of liberty? I say that the loss of that dearest privilege has ever followed with absolute certainty, every such mad attempt….

It was not all that long ago that California Congress critter and another gentleman got into an “exchange” over a gun confiscation scheme. The congress critter implied that the people would simply obey the law, and the gentleman said there would be a civil war. I know you have heard seen or read about this, but again bear with me. The congress critter said it would be a short-lived war the U.S. has nukes. Things went wild around the internet over the implied use of nukes on Second Amendment supporters. I think the congress critters implication was that we would obey willingly or force would be used to bring us into compliance. Words have meaning and those were the words of a petty tyrant. The two things I took from the congress critters statement was:
1. The government under democrat control would contemplate or attempt a gun grabbing scheme, one like a voluntary buy-back program. Which is not meant to be voluntary by any means, you would participate(comply)or else.
2. The or else, is the use of government force and the infliction of penalties to make one wish they had “voluntarily” complied.

More recently there was yet another California congress critter that said he would like to limit speech, but the First Amendment prevented him from doing that. What he said is troubling to say the least, but I do admire his honesty. At least he did say that the Constitution did prevent him from doing this, However, I doubt seriously he would have the same mind-set about anything he could do to infringe on the Second Amendment, which is also a part of the Constitution. Again the words of a petty tyrant.

Which brings me to ask these questions. Is there a swearing-in ceremony for congress critters? If there is a swearing-in ceremony, do they swear(affirm)to protect and uphold the entire Constitution? Perhaps they only swear(affirm)to defend and uphold only the parts of the Constitution they, their party, their donors and their base supports. Perhaps they do not give a tinker’s damn about the Constitution and only mouth the words, you know with their fingers crossed.

this goes for women too, would not want to appear sexist

So why is it that this Republic is inching closer and closer to socialism? Hint, it aint changing demographics.

It was once said that if socialism/communism were ever to come to this land it would come by way of the ballot box. In this recent election how many socialists were running for office? How many socialists were elected? How many socialists were re-elected? Don’t get me wrong I do read and laugh my tail off when the memes are posted poking fun at the young woman, the self-declared democratic socialist, from New York who was elected to congress. But here is a news flash, she is going to congress where she and those like her will be legislating for the next two years, legislating over the entire country. In two more years will she and those like her be voted out of office? Will she and those like her be re-elected? Will even more like them be elected in 2020? Think about this, we will be and are paying socialists from the national treasury(tax dollars)to legislate over a free country.

The circus during and surrounding the Supreme Court Justice confirmation showed just how many clowns there are in congress. So now we are going to be governed by clowns as well as socialists. If Patrick Henry could see what our government has become, I believe he would say “I told you so”.

Not all leftists are in the democrat(socialist)party there is likely more than a handful or two in the republican party. It was once said that there is not a dimes worth of difference between a democrat and a republican when it comes to politicians. Think about this it makes news when a politician changes party affiliation and the party gaining welcomes them with open arms. If a republican switches to democrat does he/she abandon the principles they once stood for or said they stood for? The same goes for a democrat switching to a republican. Is it just a uni-party when it comes to politicians? It seems that assimilation is not a problem for a politician.

Without a doubt the democrats that will control the House of Representatives come Noon on the 3rd of January will continue to push their anti-gun agenda. They will seek to continue their push for their so-called “common sense” gun control measures. As I see it, there is with a high degree of probability that they will attach their schemes to “must pass” legislation, like funding bills. How many so-called republicans will join them, you know in a bi-partisan fashion?

I do have suspicions of any government that would want the citizenry disarmed. I also have suspicions of any government that would seek to limit(curtail)if not outright take away any of our Constitutional Rights.

So to answer the question, How far will they go? The leftists will go as far as they can possibly get away with, inching ever closer to socialism.

To answer the question, Why is this Republic inching closer to socialism. Oddly enough the answer lies in the 60’s and 70’s, possibly even before. The 60’s and 70’s did provide us with some great music. Even the protest songs of that by-gone era were and still are better than the noise they try to pass off as music these days. Still listen to and enjoy the music.

But like most things, there are two sides. The same goes for the music of the 60’s Hello Viet Nam, written by Tom T. Hall and performed by Johnny Wright. This song has some truth in the lyrics.

America has trouble to be stopped
We must stop Communism in that land
Or freedom will start slipping through our hands.

I hope and pray someday the world will learn
That fires we don’t put out will bigger burn
We must save freedom now, at any cost
Or someday, our own freedom will be lost.

I have nothing but the highest respect for all who served in Viet Nam, for each and every one of you I am forever grateful.

Back to the lyrics of Hello Viet Nam. Communism was not stopped in that land. Freedom is slipping through our hands. The world did not learn. The fires are burning bigger. Freedom was not saved. Someday our freedoms might be lost.

Back to the congress critter wanting to limit speech. Actually congress does not have to legislate laws to silence the opposition to the leftists, that messy business can be handled by the tech giants and the current gambit of social media platforms.

Back to the “exchange” concerning a civil war for just a moment. No on second thought I will save this for the next part.