Playing out in real time

The government of Ukraine has finally understood something clearly at last. Our founders clearly saw this, those who drafted whatever document that Ukraine operates under should have seen and understood as well.

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The government is offering to give arms to every citizen who wants one, ID is required. They will be giving citizens “military grade weapons” aka “weapons of war”. Even giving training, as time permits. in weapons use, handling (safety) and tactics. Firearms restrictions are being loosened for private purchase. This may prove to be too little too late. The wolf, or in this case the bear, is not just at the door he is coming through the door.

One question being asked is this. Would Russia have invaded if they would be facing a military and a well-armed civilian population aka Militia? We will never know.

The arming of the civilian population has been covered by the MSM here in America. Even those with an anti-gun agenda. Strangely enough the anti-gun organizations, aka gun control cult, have been strangely silent on civilians having military grade weapons, aka weapons of war. Not just having them but being given to them by the government.

Now I have a question or two. If Ukraine is successful in stopping the Russians and driving them out with the aid of an armed population, will they then seek to disarm their population? Will the Ukrainian government once again put in place gun control measures?

One more question. Will the Ukrainian population who just fought for and defended their country from foreign aggression allow their own government to disarm them?

You can bet your bottom dollar that if the Russians are successful, one of the first things to happen will be a complete and total disarming of the population.

Many in America like to use the phrase “right side of history”. Allow me to use your phrase. The unfolding events in Ukraine prove the Founders correct. They were on the right side of History. Past, Present and yes even Future. This is true no matter the outcome in Ukraine.

Does the deafening silence from the cult of gun control indicate that they may have come to their senses and realized that they have been wrong? Hardly. They are at this moment plotting their next gun rights attack. Even though they are wrong and know it they are too far down this path to say so.

I would tell them to go to Ukraine and witness firsthand the absolute necessity of an armed civilian population, armed with the weapons of war because they at this moment are at war. They are not in a pillow fight. They need and deserve weapons equal to those of the aggressor, I would argue they need and deserve weapons superior to the aggressor. But if they went, they would do their best to tell the Ukrainians they are wrong and do not need weapons of war. They would say that weapons of war do not belong on the streets of Ukraine. Even though the streets of the cities may well become a battle ground. They would say that only the military needs weapons of war, while it is an armed hostile foreign military they are facing. These Ukrainians are in a fight for their very lives.

The way I see the gun control cult is this. You are like the person who feeds the crocodile, you only feed it in hopes it will eat you last. You are willing to surrender but not willing to fight. If surrendering is your thing, fine go ahead. You have a right to surrender, you do not have a right to take me along.

The correct response to the crocodile was to engage and come away with a nice belt, wallet and even a pair of boots.

And this is for the cult of gun control. The difference between you and me and those like me is this. I will defend myself, I will defend my family, I will defend my home, I will defend my State, and I will defend my country should the need arise, I will do all of that and if necessary, I will even defend you. You on the other hand will ask or beg (depending on the circumstance) others to do for you what you are unwilling to do for yourself.

To the people of Ukraine, I wish you all the best.

Nothing new under the sun

Starting a new project or series. Have yet to decide the frequency. May get around to changing the title of the Blog, haven’t decided. This is the idea, I will read (dig) through my library and find things written in the past that were relevant then and are just as relevant today. I will however not disclose the author, date, or subject. If you choose to find who, when and why you will have to do a little digging as well.

Cancel Culture is not new.

“The name of the man who but lisps a sentiment in objection to it, is to be handed to the printer, by the printer to the public, and by the public he is to be led to execution.

It is more than just “Bad Optics”

Bad Optics, a phrase we were exposed to not all that long ago. A phrase employed or deployed by government, more precisely those in government, to give them “cover” when they do something stupid. Like a president going golfing when an American has just been beheaded. It is not bad optics their actions show just how little they care.

Let us look at just some of the “Bad Optics” on display courtesy of some if not many in our government.

We have the anti-gun left, which by the way includes some if not many in the republican party, declaring that we must get “weapons of war” off of our streets. They say this while at the same time placing actual weapons of war on our streets. The Military, National Guard stationed outside the perimeter surrounding the Capitol complex are not armed with typewriters, they are indeed armed with weapons of war.

Not only are the anti-gun left placing actual weapons of war on our streets, there is talk of those actual weapons of war remaining well into the future. There has been talk of a Quick Reaction Force comprised of National Guard members on a rotating basis being permanently stationed in DC to augment the Capitol Police.

More “bad optics”. The open borders left, which again includes some republicans, bitch and moan over the wall that was being constructed on the southern border have no problem with a fence erected around the Capitol complex. For people of an ideology of fences and walls do not work and are in fact inhumane seem to be loving the fence around them. They seem to be okay with leaving the border wide open to whoever wants to come in while they fence in their area to keep whoever out. Seems as though they have a greater concern for their safety and security than the safety and security of the nation and indeed the safety of those living along the southern border.

Another. What happened to the left and their “defund the police”? From what I read there are going to be hundreds of new hires by the Capitol Police to provide a greater level of security and safety for those in government. I have a hunch that the defund the police movement only applies to the ordinary citizens not those who rule over us.

And now this example. It appears, to me, that the chief role of the military is shifting. The military is shifting away from defending the nation towards defending the government and indeed the seat of government. We may indeed come to understand why the Founders were so against having a permanent standing army.

Now to tie all of this together.

We now have the democrats controlling the Legislative branch and the Executive branch and just as expected they are on their march to enact gun control legislation. Two bills have already cleared the House with republican support. The Senate is once again putting forth an “assault weapons” ban while we wait to see how many republicans join their ranks. They do this while surrounded by actual weapons of war and a pretty effective physical barrier.

As of this writing the democrat controlled Senate will come up short on enough votes to pass any of these or any other gun control bills, even with some arm twisting. However nothing can or should be ruled out. The gun control groups poured a lot of money into this past election and they are going to demand a return on their investment. The filibuster rule may just go away and bills in the Senate could pass on a simple majority vote.

Some will say that whatever the democrats do the republicans will undo if we, the voters, give them back the Legislative branch and the Executive branch. Any republican that makes that claim is a bald faced liar. They promised to repeal the ACA, they did not do that.

No, what will happen is that the politicians will sit behind their physical barrier surrounded by men and women of war armed with real weapons of war while they continue to forge the chains they intend to rivet upon us.

Surely they can

walk and chew bubble gum at the same time. Much time and effort is being spent on identifying the people who entered the Capitol building. There is another avenue that should have at least some effort, if not as much, on. And that is why. The why is much bigger than the who.

The who is not requiring all that much effort on the part of the government. Surveillance cameras are all over. Inside and outside the Capitol building. Damn near everywhere. Plus there is facial recognition software at their disposal and up to this moment I have heard no one complaining of its use. The government has the added benefit of “social media”. Those that entered the Capitol building were kind enough to stop and pose for pictures, some even took selfies, and all of it was posted on a social media account or in some cases several of them. Then there is another item that makes uncovering the who easy, people turning in family members and or friends. There does remain a few that must be identified the old fashioned way, through investigation, specifically chasing leads.

In the near future the who will be answered, but when will the why be answered?

The why, will never be answered by a commission. Why, you ask? The answer is right in front of them and they can not see it. Much like the person that can not see the Forest for the Trees.

As they say

Improvise Adapt Overcome. There is much talk these days of censorship on the “social media” platforms, across the internet and by the “so-called” news media.

In the grand scheme of things the internet has not been with us all that long. The “social media” platforms have been with us for an even shorter period of time. Believe it or not we have not always had cell phones. And let’s face it the news media, even though it has been with us for a long time, is not what it once was.

So, I guess this post is directed to those on what is called the political right. You say your twitter account has been suspended. I guess your account was suspended for violating what they call their “community standards”. Well I would have never known about your suspension had it not made the “news” whether by you or in the case it made national, even world, news. You see, I do not have a twitter account, nor do I intend to ever have one. So if you were trying to communicate your ideas to me via twitter I never heard a word you were typing. Had a facebook account for a while, lost interest closed it. Never had a snap chat, instagram or any of the rest. This is about as close as I have to a social media account. Oops, I do have some on Tumblr. You may find it hard to believe but I am not the only one that has little or nothing to do with social media, there are many, many who do not.

Look at it this way, this is a land with a population of some 237 million and you have, let’s say, 1 million followers or friends. That means 236 million people never hear a word you type. Sure some that got your tweet or whatever sent it to their followers or friends that are not a part of your million. But even with that did you ever consider the fact that many do not participate?

By the way, I have heard some of you closed your social media accounts in protest of another person being suspended or outright banned from a particular platform. Childish, don’t you think? You basically silenced yourself.

So, if you are a politician that has found yourself silenced and now you find yourself at the point of having to Improvise, Adapt and Overcome. If you have no experience with either of these three “You are going to have a tough row to hoe”. Quit whining and get busy.

Perhaps in the next few posts I can give you some tips.

Returning to Normal or adapting to a New Normal.

The future what will it look like? Will we at some point return to what we considered normal or will we find ourselves adapting to the new normal?

I seriously doubt we will ever return to what we considered normal, that would be the time before the Wuhan novel corona virus. I think we will find ourselves adapting to a new normal, that would be the time post Wuhan novel corona virus. I say this because we still find ourselves living in a post 9/11 America. Almost 19 years have passed and we have yet to return to the “normal” before 9/11 and we probably never will. Does anyone even remember the times before 9/11?

So what will this new normal look like? Came across an article from Business Insider that may shed some light on this subject. This article was written about a report that played out in three different scenarios. There was more, much more, in the article, but for now I will focus on the three scenarios. If you have not read the entire article you should.

Scenario 1. There would be a first peak followed by similar size waves over the next one to two years. Mitigation measures would be required periodically like lockdowns and travel bans.

Scenario 2. A second larger wave than what we have now would come in the Fall or Winter, and smaller waves would arrive in 2021. Mitigation measures would be reinstated in the Fall.

Scenario 3. Ongoing transmission and case occurrence caused by the virus after the first wave without dramatic peaks. Referred to as a slow burn, making it’s way through the population. Governments would not likely have to reinstitute mitigation measures.

In my opinion the word “not” should have never been used in the third scenario, it should read Government would likely have to reinstitute mitigation measures. Actually it should read, Governments would reinstitute mitigation measures. Why? Because government at all levels have found new power and will never relinquish that power. The power to decide what is and is not essential.

Did you notice the change in the narrative as it pertains to the Wuhan novel corona virus? It was all about “flattening the curve”. It has become “stop the spread”.

If the times we are now living in are to be considered as the new normal it is time to have a serious discussion.

You have all by now seen the video of the man that took his paddle board out into the ocean, by himself no one else around. Then came law-enforcement in boats to arrest the man. What was his crime? Was he putting others in danger or was he placed in danger? People being cited and fined for being in their cars watching the sunset. The list goes on and on. A bit heavy handed I would say.

Americans as a whole are not designed(wired)to be placed under “house arrest” for extended/indefinite periods of time or repeatedly. People can and will stay confined to their homes for only so long no matter how much “bread and circus” in thrown their way. Some will not be confined to their homes at all. People did and will continue to protest against the apparent heavy handedness of government, push back I believe it is called.

I do have to wonder what the next step will be for government if and/or when another shutdown and lockdown is ordered. As parts of the country begin to reopen more and more requirements are being forced on the people. Masks are being required in more places. It was not all that long ago we were told, “Seriously stop buying masks”.

Speaking of masks, in some areas masks are required at restaurants, you must wear the mask unless you are eating or drinking. How much thought went into that bit of “wisdom”? Do they really believe you could eat or drink while wearing a mask(face covering)or even try? Maybe they just figured that you were not intelligent(smart)enough to know that you could not eat or drink while wearing a mask on your own. Perhaps they were showing how much they care by allowing you to remove your mask, but only when they allow and only under certain circumstances and only for the length of time they allow.

Will a part of this “new normal” be the requirement to wear masks if social distancing is not possible? Or will it be simply you are required to wear a mask at all times outside of your home? Speaking of social distancing, will the new normal mean social distancing for eternity? Keeping 6 feet distance between individuals. Who is to say that the social distance will not be increased? Will forced quarantines be a part of the new normal? Sporadic lockdowns and shutdowns?

Many people cooperated this time and all they got for their trouble was to see their rights curtailed or outright denied, loss of their livelihood(job), unable to feed their family and could no longer pay their bills. There may not be as much cooperation the next time, in fact there could be little cooperation. Vast numbers of people may not comply some by choice, others out of necessity(they have to eat, feed their families, pay their bills, and so forth).

If the people refuse to comply will compliance be forced? We saw this time what happened, those who would not or could not comply found themselves running afoul of law-enforcement. Fines and arrests were commonplace. Will there be an escalation in force when people refuse to comply the next lockdown? Some law-enforcement agencies around the country have taken to using drones to seek out and disperse people gathering in large groups. Parks that have reopened have had a large presence of law-enforcement to enforce social distancing orders.

Here is a little bit from a Patrick Henry speech 05June1788.
You read of a riot act in a country which is called one of the freest in the world, where a few neighbors cannot assemble without the risk of being shot by a hired soldiery, the engines of despotism. We may see such an act in America.

It was 50 years ago this Month, the 4th to be exact, that the Kent State Massacre occurred. University students were shot, 4 killed 9 wounded, by members of the Ohio National Guard. It later came to light that authorities were authorized to disperse the crowd. Were they authorized to open fire on the students? The objective to disperse the crowd was accomplished. The heavy handed response was brought about because of antiwar protests at the university. I am quite amazed at the numbers of people who do not know about or even remember this event in American history. Research it for your self.

Elected officials have stated that things will not return to “normal” until there is a cure, some have said not until there is a vaccine.

I think I will end this post here and pick it up on the next one. Here is a catchy tune by Johnny Rivers.

Lies of the left

Have you noticed how many leftists refer to the United States as a Democracy. I am going to point this out once again, not all leftists are democrats. The United States was founded as a Republic. The US has been called a Democracy so often that many believe that to be true. There is an old adage that goes something like this; Repeating a lie does not make it the truth. It has also been said that if you repeat a lie often enough people will take it for the truth.

When Benjamin Franklin was asked; What do we have? He responded; A Republic. He also added these few words as a part of that answer; If you can keep it. He answer seemed to imply that it would take some “work” to keep this a Republic and not let it become a Democracy.

At some point along the way the “ball” got dropped. The Pledge of Allegiance, is it still recited in school? The word Republic is in the pledge, the word Democracy is not. I thought I would include this video by Red Skelton.

And one by Johnny Wright.

Have we lost it? Is this Republic now on the verge of becoming a Democracy?

How far will they go? Part one

For this part of this post I will use some parts of some historical speeches and yes I am going to cherry pick.
June 5th 1788, a speech by Patrick Henry…There are many on the other side, who, possibly may have been persuaded of the necessity of these measures, which I conceive to be dangerous to your liberty. Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force: Whenever you give up that force you are inevitably ruined… The Honorable Gentleman who presides, told us, that to prevent abuses in our Government, we will assemble in Convention, recall our delegated powers and punish our servants for abusing the trust reposed in them. Oh, Sir, we should have fine times indeed, if to punish tyrants, if it were only sufficient to assemble the people. Your arms wherewith you could defend yourselves are gone; and have no longer an aristocratical; no longer democratical spirit. Did you ever read of any revolution in any nation, brought about by the punishment of those in power, inflicted by those who had no power at all? You read of a riot act in a country which is called one of the freest in the world, where a few neighbors cannot assemble without the risk of being shot by a hired soldiery, the engines of despotism. We may see such an act in America….

June 7th 1788 another speech by Patrick Henry… That Government is no more than a choice among evils, is acknowledged by the most intelligent among mankind, and has been a standing maxim for ages… It is on a supposition that our American Governors shall be honest, that all good qualities of this Government is founded: But its defective, and imperfect construction, puts it in their power to perpetrate the worst of mischiefs, should they be bad men: And, Sir, would not all the world, from the Eastern to the Western hemisphere, blame our distracted folly in resting our rights upon the contingency of our rulers being good or bad. Shew me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men, without a consequent loss of liberty? I say that the loss of that dearest privilege has ever followed with absolute certainty, every such mad attempt….

It was not all that long ago that California Congress critter and another gentleman got into an “exchange” over a gun confiscation scheme. The congress critter implied that the people would simply obey the law, and the gentleman said there would be a civil war. I know you have heard seen or read about this, but again bear with me. The congress critter said it would be a short-lived war the U.S. has nukes. Things went wild around the internet over the implied use of nukes on Second Amendment supporters. I think the congress critters implication was that we would obey willingly or force would be used to bring us into compliance. Words have meaning and those were the words of a petty tyrant. The two things I took from the congress critters statement was:
1. The government under democrat control would contemplate or attempt a gun grabbing scheme, one like a voluntary buy-back program. Which is not meant to be voluntary by any means, you would participate(comply)or else.
2. The or else, is the use of government force and the infliction of penalties to make one wish they had “voluntarily” complied.

More recently there was yet another California congress critter that said he would like to limit speech, but the First Amendment prevented him from doing that. What he said is troubling to say the least, but I do admire his honesty. At least he did say that the Constitution did prevent him from doing this, However, I doubt seriously he would have the same mind-set about anything he could do to infringe on the Second Amendment, which is also a part of the Constitution. Again the words of a petty tyrant.

Which brings me to ask these questions. Is there a swearing-in ceremony for congress critters? If there is a swearing-in ceremony, do they swear(affirm)to protect and uphold the entire Constitution? Perhaps they only swear(affirm)to defend and uphold only the parts of the Constitution they, their party, their donors and their base supports. Perhaps they do not give a tinker’s damn about the Constitution and only mouth the words, you know with their fingers crossed.

this goes for women too, would not want to appear sexist

So why is it that this Republic is inching closer and closer to socialism? Hint, it aint changing demographics.

It was once said that if socialism/communism were ever to come to this land it would come by way of the ballot box. In this recent election how many socialists were running for office? How many socialists were elected? How many socialists were re-elected? Don’t get me wrong I do read and laugh my tail off when the memes are posted poking fun at the young woman, the self-declared democratic socialist, from New York who was elected to congress. But here is a news flash, she is going to congress where she and those like her will be legislating for the next two years, legislating over the entire country. In two more years will she and those like her be voted out of office? Will she and those like her be re-elected? Will even more like them be elected in 2020? Think about this, we will be and are paying socialists from the national treasury(tax dollars)to legislate over a free country.

The circus during and surrounding the Supreme Court Justice confirmation showed just how many clowns there are in congress. So now we are going to be governed by clowns as well as socialists. If Patrick Henry could see what our government has become, I believe he would say “I told you so”.

Not all leftists are in the democrat(socialist)party there is likely more than a handful or two in the republican party. It was once said that there is not a dimes worth of difference between a democrat and a republican when it comes to politicians. Think about this it makes news when a politician changes party affiliation and the party gaining welcomes them with open arms. If a republican switches to democrat does he/she abandon the principles they once stood for or said they stood for? The same goes for a democrat switching to a republican. Is it just a uni-party when it comes to politicians? It seems that assimilation is not a problem for a politician.

Without a doubt the democrats that will control the House of Representatives come Noon on the 3rd of January will continue to push their anti-gun agenda. They will seek to continue their push for their so-called “common sense” gun control measures. As I see it, there is with a high degree of probability that they will attach their schemes to “must pass” legislation, like funding bills. How many so-called republicans will join them, you know in a bi-partisan fashion?

I do have suspicions of any government that would want the citizenry disarmed. I also have suspicions of any government that would seek to limit(curtail)if not outright take away any of our Constitutional Rights.

So to answer the question, How far will they go? The leftists will go as far as they can possibly get away with, inching ever closer to socialism.

To answer the question, Why is this Republic inching closer to socialism. Oddly enough the answer lies in the 60’s and 70’s, possibly even before. The 60’s and 70’s did provide us with some great music. Even the protest songs of that by-gone era were and still are better than the noise they try to pass off as music these days. Still listen to and enjoy the music.

But like most things, there are two sides. The same goes for the music of the 60’s Hello Viet Nam, written by Tom T. Hall and performed by Johnny Wright. This song has some truth in the lyrics.

America has trouble to be stopped
We must stop Communism in that land
Or freedom will start slipping through our hands.

I hope and pray someday the world will learn
That fires we don’t put out will bigger burn
We must save freedom now, at any cost
Or someday, our own freedom will be lost.

I have nothing but the highest respect for all who served in Viet Nam, for each and every one of you I am forever grateful.

Back to the lyrics of Hello Viet Nam. Communism was not stopped in that land. Freedom is slipping through our hands. The world did not learn. The fires are burning bigger. Freedom was not saved. Someday our freedoms might be lost.

Back to the congress critter wanting to limit speech. Actually congress does not have to legislate laws to silence the opposition to the leftists, that messy business can be handled by the tech giants and the current gambit of social media platforms.

Back to the “exchange” concerning a civil war for just a moment. No on second thought I will save this for the next part.



criminals(men and women)will not obey the Law and Word of God, then what could ever possibly make anybody think that they will obey the law and word of mankind? God already said “Thou shall not murder. Another mass shooting(murder)and more calls and demands for gun-control.

The left as well as those who favor gun-control push what they call “common sense” measures. The problem is that those measures will only apply to law-abiding citizens, they will not apply to the criminal element in our midst.

Look at it this way, when permits to carry are denied to law-abiding citizens they simply do not carry. The criminal has no intention of applying for a carry permit, in fact the criminal will carry and would carry no matter what the law says or does. The only thing accomplished here is that a person who could have been “allowed” to have in possession a means to prevent himself from being a victim was instead “allowed” to be come a victim.

It is one thing to have the means and capability to defend oneself or another and choose to not exercise that option. It is quite another when one is denied the means to defend oneself or another leaving them no option.

At this point I am going to have to admit ignorance, I am at least partially ignorant of the laws particular to California as to where a person can carry or can not carry. As a matter of fact on that point I do not know all of the laws of the other 48 states or D.C. either. At this point in time there is no need for me to know the gun laws in or of the other 49 states or D.C. as there is no chance in the foreseeable future of me venturing out of the state of Florida, so I shall remain blissfully ignorant. Even if I were to leave the state of Florida there are some states I would avoid like the plague based on what little I do know of your gun laws.

What I do know are the gun laws that pertain to Florida as well as the Federal Laws. I know where I can carry and where I can not carry. When I do have to visit a place where I can not carry I conduct my business and depart. If a business I visit has a no gun policy, I simply turn and walk away never to revisit. He/she made their choice and I made mine. My point here is that I follow the law, and this is exactly what the criminal element counts on. They count on us to follow the law.

I would venture to say that the vast majority of these mass shootings(murders)are conducted in the shooters(murderers)home state, home town, nearby town or at the very least a state the murderer is very familiar with. If the murderer is in his/her home state then it is very likely that he/or she knows the laws for that state or at least some of them. The same is true if the murderer is in a state they are familiar with. Operating in familiar territory has advantages, for instance these mass murderers want “big numbers”. They will not achieve “big numbers” if they choose a target in which the intended victims have a means to fight back. There is a reason why these mass murders never happen at or are even attempted at a “cop shop”. They want a “soft” target they do not want a “hard” target, they do not even want a target of unknown softness or hardness. They will pass up hard, possibly hard, possibly soft just to focus on a “known soft” target.

The murderers use the law to their benefit(advantage)in racking up numbers. It is not the tool(gun)that gives them the advantage, what gives them the advantage is the lack of opposition.

Now is a good time to bring up few points.

First, the criminal element does not give one hoot about the Second Amendment. As a matter of fact they see the Second Amendment as a hinderance to their criminal enterprise. An armed populace is the last thing they want and what they fear most.

Second, the criminal element is probably and most likely among the gun-control cult. The more restrictions that can and will be placed on the law-abiding public means that there are fewer obstructions for the criminal element to overcome. The criminal element is probably the loudest voice in the gun-control cult.

Third, the common sense gun control measures they push benefit the criminal element while they only effect and burden the law-abiding citizens.

Fourth, the ones bank-rolling this cult do so with armed, heavily armed, security at their side or at least very near. You can bet that what restrictions they want placed on the public will not apply to them.

I do have to wonder about the motivation of any government at any level that would start legislating away the rights and liberties of the population. They promise more security if you give up a little liberty. A quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin goes something like this, “Any society that will give up a little liberty for little security will deserve neither and lose both”. But even with the promise of increased security they have admitted that nothing can stop all of these mass murders. Yet their favorite mantra is “We just did not go far enough”.

Let us look at some of their common sense measures.
A national registry of firearms. Historically speaking this had led to disaster for the population registering their personal firearms. Registration leads to confiscation, even if only of political opponents. It would be difficult to confiscate firearms unless one were to know where they were and who had them.
Universal background checks. Each time you buy a firearm from a FFL you must do the paperwork and pass a background check.
Close the gun show loophole. One can not close what does not exist. If you want a background check done on all firearm sales, including private(between individuals)just say it.
A ban on the AR and AK platforms, which will morph into a ban on all semi-automatic rifles, which will morph into a ban on a semi-automatic anything, which will morph into a ban on their next “demon” until we are left with nothing but sticks and rocks.
A gun violence tax. A per bullet tax. A gun buy-back. A background check to by ammunition. Limits on magazine capacity. Bans on bump-fire stocks. The list just goes on and on.

Please note that none of the above will affect the criminals in the least.

In the past they claimed they did not want to stop us from hunting, sport shooting or target practicing, well that was pretty generous of them considering. But it was not all that long ago they said they thought it was time to repeal the Second Amendment.

We now wait to see what laws are shoved down the throats of law-abiding gun owners in the states now in control and those that will be in the control of the anti-gun left.

We are living in interesting times.