The question not asked

I am quite sure by now everyone has heard the Senate passed the $2 trillion economic stimulus package to “fight off” the economic crisis brought on by the Wuhan corona virus crisis. Complete bi-partisan support 96-0, no opposition. Shortly after the Senators got the heck out of town. The House, when they(some of them)return to town, has promised swift passage(voice vote), then off to the President to sign. Of course a roll call vote could be forced therefore requiring House members return to D.C. that would slow things down a bit or for quite some time.

Keep in mind that this is the third corona virus package and a fourth is in the works.

Given all of the debate, posturing and the rest that goes along with Congressional “negotiations” I noticed one thing missing that is a mainstay with normal non-crisis partisan debates and posturing.

The question not asked was, How is this going to be paid for?

When it is a partisan plan the other side and their talking heads without fail will ask , How will this be paid for? But this is a bi-partisan plan with no opposition no one cares about the cost or how to pay for it. Not a one has said, Wait a minute we can’t afford that.

Was not all that long ago that a current sitting member of Congress suggested that two $1 trillion coins be minted and placed on deposit with the Federal Reserve. Then I got to thinking, How can you deposit money that you do not have?

That brings me to this. We are told that we as a nation are in debt, a debt that exceeds our GDP. If we are that deep in debt you would think that those in charge of the “purse strings” would be very careful when money must be spent. But they are not, they spend and give away money hand over fist like there is no bottom. We have been told for years that there is a national debt.

Suppose for a minute that there is no national debt. Suppose we have been lied to about that. The recent first time buyers of firearms have been lied to forever and only realized the extent of the lies when they attempted to make their purchase. They say that repeating a lie often enough does not make it a truth, however if you repeat a lie often enough it can be taken for the truth.

We are told we are in debt and swallow that hook, line and sinker. Has anyone out side of government ever seen the balance sheet from the Treasury? Has anyone ever seen the receipts and expenditures from the Treasury?
This little tidbit comes from a speech given by Patrick Henry 07 June 1788. …Another beautiful feature of this Constitution is the publication from time to time of the receipts and expenditures of the public money. This expression, from time to time, is very indefinite and indeterminate. It may extend to a century….

I will add this. It may extend to forever.

While I am here I might as well get this out of the way. Has anyone outside the top echelon of the Federal Reserve ever seen the balance sheet?

And now they know

They ran head first into a brick wall.

By now everyone has heard, seen or read about the “run” on gun stores. From the videos I have seen the stores are pretty much sold out. From what I gather the vast majority of these sales of firearms, accessories and ammunition were to first time buyers.

So I was wondering what was fueling the sudden “need” to have a firearm. Could it be that you now, at long last, know that you are your own best defense?

What were they buying? From what I have seen just about anything and everything. I imagine that the shoppers that got in on this “run” early got pretty much what they wanted. From the looks of it the ones shopping later were buying what was available(leftovers)and then only if there was ammunition available. This might cause you a problem down the line, but something is better than nothing.

Many a first time firearm owner/buyer has come to the stark realization that acquiring a firearm is not as easy as they have been told. From what I hear some of you were taken aback at how difficult and time consuming the whole process can be.

You were told all you had to do was give the clerk some cash and walk out with a firearm. Didn’t work out that way did it? Had to “jump through some hoops” did you? Let’s look a some of the “hoops” you had to jump through after making your selection.

First you had to fill out a form 4473 in which you had to give up a lot of personal information and submit to a background check. If your State has a law requiring a background check for ammunition then you had to submit to that also.

Second the FFL had to make a phone call and wait for approval before the firearm could actually be transferred to you. The system could be overwhelmed and shutdown, operating hours could be reduced, personnel shortages many things could cause that approval to be delayed, no approval no firearm.

Third if your State has a mandatory waiting period you did not walk out with your firearm. You paid for it but you left empty handed. Depending on how long your State requires then you will wait that many days before taking possession.

Fourth if your State requires that you first get a license to purchase a firearm and you did not have that then you just plain did not get to buy a firearm. From what I hear the office that issues that license is closed, thus you are just out of luck.

Fifth if your State is in the “one gun a month club” and you just bought a firearm because it was all that was available then you are going to have to wait a month to buy another firearm. For instance you had every intention of buying a pistol for yourself and found them all gone and all that was left was a single shot 410 shotgun and you bought it because it was the only firearm available with ammunition you will have to wait 30 days for your next purchase in hopes of getting what you really wanted. You may find that by the time your “time-out”has expired there are no pistols left. But at least you have that 410 and as I said something is better than nothing. By the way, if your “time-out” has expired and you finally get to purchase what you really wanted you will have to go through the whole process again, the form, the phone call and the approval, the waiting period it is not a one time ordeal.

Sixth do not forget about the safe storage laws that your State may have.

Seventh if you tried to order a firearm on line and have it delivered to your house you found that it does not work that way either. You are going to need a licensed dealer to complete the transfer, and yes you still have to complete the form and the phone call still must be made and you must wait for approval and do not forget the mandatory waiting period.

All that above are just some of the “hoops” that must be jumped through. Some apply to everyone no matter what State they live in while others are specific to some States.

So I guess you now know that it is not harder to buy a book than a firearm. Did you ever have to fill out a government form to buy a book? Did you ever have to undergo a background check to buy a book? Was there a mandatory waiting period to take possession of your book? Were you ever limited to the number of books you could buy in a month?

I suppose right now the natural inclination would be for me to sit back and laugh at you in your current predicament, but I shall not do that.

If you are a first time firearm buyer/owner I would personally like to welcome you to the community. Congratulations on your purchase. If you are now just old enough to make your first purchase then I want to take this opportunity to wish you a belated Happy Birthday. More on this in a later post.

If you live in a State with a “red flag” law you now are subject.

What you had and have to endure is the product of and result of many years of gun control steps and measures. There are many more in the works. Things like a national registry and mandatory liability insurance on your firearms just to name two.

The gun control zealots, politicians and/or citizens, have been lying for years, lying to all of us, some bought into their lies and others did not.

They lied when they claimed that “gun free zones” were safer. Well until your recent purchase your home was a gun free zone. What was it that caused you to feel not so safe? By the way most of those claiming that gun free zones are safer are surrounded by armed security details whether paid for by the taxpayers or privately funded.

If you are well above the minimum age to buy a firearm and just got around to purchasing a firearm then you have first hand experience at how difficult and time consuming the whole process is. Your eyes are now open and hopefully you now realize that you have been lied too for years. If they have lied so much and for so long about how easy it is to buy firearms, then you need to ask yourselves, What else have they lied about? Well I ask you, Are their lips moving?

I would like to point out that all of these so-called “common sense” gun control measures have had no effect on the criminals. What they have had an effect on is you and your ability to exercise your right, the Right to Keep and Bear arms. Keep in mind there is an election coming.