Random thoughts

On so-called conservative politicians. Getting pretty tired of hearing how you plan to stop the liberal progressive agenda. You continually promise and never deliver. Now you plan to de-fund planned parenthood due to the video of how Planned Parenthood sells organ and parts of human beings. Yes I said human beings, that is what abortion does it kills a human being before birth. This is not the first time the so-called conservatives have threatened to de-fund Planned Parenthood. You failed to do it then and you will fail to do it now. More on Planned Parenthood later. Lets look at some of the other broken promises you have made, I only refrain from saying the lies you sold the voters, no I will not refrain, you lied to the voters. Not only have you lied you will continue to do so until your butts are out of office. You promised that the only way to stop the liberal agenda was for the republicans to control the House. You got control of the House of representatives and you did not stop them, nor did you try, Oh you did a few show votes, but to no avail. That was only done to fool the voters. Looking back it was effective. Next you claimed that if you only had the Senate as well as the House you could make things happen. So far that has been another lie. You had a show vote and it too was to no avail. You ran on promises of de-funding Obamacare, stopping amnesty for illegals and whatever else you could think of to again fool the voters. Again it was effective you got what you wanted, the voters again got nothing. Nothing you promised has been delivered, again broken promises or were they lies. When “push came to shove” you funded every aspect of the government, even those you promised not to fund. You complain when BHO takes more power and steps outside of the Constitution. Then what do you do ? You grant him more power. You refuse to act, the courts get to decide and again you complain. You are self-serving, the constituents are not represented, you represent the Lobbyists and special interest groups. You no longer feel honored to serve. You fatten your bottom line at the expense of the tax-payers. You have forgotten who it is that you work for.

It is time for a Mr. Smith goes to Washington moment. At the present time there are two Mr. Smiths and one Ms. Smith in the field of sixteen. Personally I am looking forward to the debate next week. The only thing that worries me about the Smiths is the possibility that they will start to use the establishment politicians tactic of telling the voters what they want to hear, instead of what needs to be said.

My vote is no longer guaranteed. If you want my vote it will need to be earned, just like my respect. As of this moment the only respect you get is respect for the office you hold, none for you. If you have not earned my vote you will not get it. No more promises will be accepted, action is what I and so many seek from you. No more excuses. No more pity parties.

Now back to Planned Parenthood. You at this point remind me of the German people living in towns and villages near the Nazi Concentration Camps. You act surprised and disgusted by what was happening right under your noses as they did. They claimed to not know what was happening just as you do. They only found out when the activities were exposed. What was it you thought was being done with all of those aborted human beings? You may be disgusted and outraged by the sale of organs and parts of aborted human beings, and you should be. Would you be so vocal if the public was not made aware of the goings on? You would not be using this atrocious activity for personal or political gain would you? So now you again plan to de-fund Planned Parenthood. Do you think that de-funding that cancer on society will stop their criminal activity? I would hope that there is a law on the books prohibiting the sale of human body parts. Oh, that’s right there is. You only seek to de-fund them. Why are the participants not being prosecuted?

There are two parts to this Planned Parenthood equation. And I use this same equation on the issue of slavery.
The first part of the equation is Planned Parenthood offering the organs and parts of aborted human beings for sale. This in itself is despicable and a down right sin. Just like in slavery there has to be one entity willing to offer a person for sale. Slavery and Planned Parenthood have this in common, a person or parts of a person are viewed as property and are placed on the open market for sale.
The second part of the equation is that there must be someone willing to buy what Planned Parenthood has offered for sale. The same as it was for slavery, someone must be willing to buy the slave. One can only buy what is being sold.

Which is the most evil? The Seller? the Buyer?

I have not read or heard of anyone demanding a “client” list for what Planned Parenthood has up for sale. Is it being done on the open market? Is it an underground market? What are the organs and parts of aborted human beings being used for? If it is illegal to sell human body parts, it makes sense that purchasing the same would be just as illegal. Could the “client” list be so damming that it would be an embarrassment to someone, is that why no one has brought-up the prosecution question?

De-funding criminal activity does not stop criminal activity. Prosecution will at least slow it down. What are you waiting for?

The Lion, the Switch, and the Unborn

Kingsjester's Blog

thA2LI80LPThe 24-Hour News Cycle has gone off the rails, once again, purposefully diverting society’s attention.

The New York Times reports that

An American dentist who admitted that he killed a well-known lion this month in Zimbabwe and planned to mount the head kept his office closed on Wednesday as the furor about the hunt turned vitriolic and, at times, threatening.

Dr. Walter J. Palmer’s neatly groomed property near Minneapolis, adjacent to a preschool, has turned from a dentist’s office to a memorial to the lion, called Cecil, with red roses and more than a dozen stuffed animals laid outside the locked front door.

There was no answer to repeated knocks and doorbell rings at his large, stucco house in an affluent neighborhood. And his neighbors would not talk.

In an email distributed Tuesday night to his patients, Dr. Palmer said “media interest” had disrupted his practice and had caused people…

View original post 1,123 more words

Wrong Title

The president of the U.S.A. has long been looked to as, and referred to as the Leader of the Free World. That statement is not only false, it is down right dangerous, and becoming more dangerous. The President of the United States of America is just that the President of the United States of America, he is not the Leader of the free word, he is however president of the greatest nation in the free world. The label of Leader of the Free World can give one an over-inflated opinion of ones self. This over-inflated opinion did not begin with BHO but it has surely become more noticeable with BHO.

Think how the world has been affected by the action of a person proudly wearing and accepting the label of the Leader of the Free World. The supposed Leader of the Free World actually thinks he knows what is right for the free world. He does this when he does not even know what is best for America, the United States of America. Reaction by Reason and Logic is replaced by Reaction by and from emotion. Giving no thought to what comes next.

Let me use this example. The Colonials living in what would become the United States of America, did not need another country or government to tell them how bad it was to live under tyranny and oppression. They new first hand what living under tyranny and oppression was like. No other country came forward to offer to help defeat Britain if we would try their form of government, it would have been rejected because the Colonials had a better idea. It was the Colonials who fought off the yoke of tyranny and oppression not the government they would form. They sought to build a country like no other and establish a government like no other. A government of, by and for the people. No longer a people of, by and for the government. The people wanted to be free, the word “wanted” is key here.

Some examples of what happens when a person that is the President of the United States of America starts to believe that he or she is the Leader of the Free World.

Iraq. Had the people reached a point where they said “no more” and rise up? That is what the citizens of Colonial America did. Did some outside influence think that they had the right answer, regime change. A people who have lived under a dictator can not be made to be free they must want it. Some people can not handle freedom and liberty, others do not want it. Freedom and Liberty come with a cost, until people are ready to pay the cost they will not seek it. When Freedom and Liberty are gained they must be safeguarded and if necessary fought for to keep. GWB did not understand that simple concept. No matter the pretext for regime change, there is a life after for the people. Removing Saddam Hussein removed one problem and created another, religious sectarian violence and near civil war. BHO did not consider what would happen when he abandoned Iraq, more religious sectarian violence and the rise of ISIL, that became ISIS and now simply IS.

Libya. Again was it the people, citizens of Libya that rose up and said “No More”? Or was it some outside influences come in to stir the “pudding”. The statement from above apply in this case also.

Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan, Yemen and The Ukraine. Again was it the people, the citizens of these countries who rose up and said “No More”, or is some outside influence or influences?

Reacting out of emotion rather than reacting from reason and logic. Being a person born in a Free nation and enjoying the Liberties that go along with that make it hard to observe or hear about the atrocities suffered by the people of a nation ruled by a dictator. The instant reaction is to free them, that is emotion. Reason and logic should take hold and stop you before you can act, but sadly there are politicians and those who see themselves as the Leader of the Free world that do not. The Leader of the Free World acts before he thinks.

Meddling is not a good foreign policy and division is not a good domestic policy.

There was never a need for and no country has the right to force their will on another country. But, I guess you thought the right when you took on the title Leader of the Free World.

The next person elected President of the United States of America needs to be reminded of that fact, President of the United States of America is your title, you are not the Leader of the Free World you were not elected to that post.

The United States of America has enjoyed a head start on the rest of the world. The key reason for this is written in history. History is loaded with examples of what has failed and what has merely existed. America was not born to fail. America has not merely existed. America has thrived and grown. One part of growing is making mistakes, another part of growing is not repeating mistakes. America does not live in the past, if one stays in the past they only stagnate and are reduced from thriving and growing to merely existing and eventually going to a footnote in history.
A side note on the founding of America. This is for those who do not believe God had a hand in the founding of America and the well-being since. Was it by chance or design that so many would be at the same place at the same time wanting freedom and liberty and then enough at one place at one time willing to make the sacrifices to make it happen?

Incrementalism and Gradualism Engineering the means to the ends Part 2

Conditioning the people. It does not have to be all the people, just enough of the people and in the right places. Think of it this way. Conditioner is applied after shampooing to make the hair easier to control and manage, preventing tangles thus aiding in grooming. Conditioning is no more than an application of whatever to make the population easier to control and more manageable. Another way to think of it is this, conditioning the population is a way of grooming them into what government wants them to be versus the way they want to be or are supposed to be.

Conditioning through teaching reliance on government. This began in the 1930’s with government attempts to end the Great Depression, even though government interference caused it to last eleven long years. But, none-the-less the conditioning began. Then came the 1960’s and the “great society”, conditioning on steroids. No longer expect self-reliance or self-sufficiency instead teach and instill government dependence. The government will provide for you that which you can not or will not provide for yourself. If one social program was not enough to bring total government dependence another program would be introduced. Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC, Section 8 Housing, the list just goes on and on. Sooner or later a segment of the population will be given enough through government social welfare programs to make working for a living pointless. Working and earning even a little bit would cause a drop in the amount received from government social welfare programs. Welfare programs began to be used as either a reward or a punishment. A person could either be rewarded for laziness or punished for trying to make it on their own. Now the point has been reached with welfare programs where those receiving government welfare live as well and in some cases better that the ones who pay the taxes that support those programs. The social welfare programs did as they were intended, that was to make a segment totally dependent on government for their every aspect of their lives. This conditioning took off like a rocket when social welfare programs began to be called “entitlements”. More on entitlements later.

There are many more ways to condition a segment of the population than for government to bestow gifts upon them.

Conditioning through behavior modification. Let’s face it behavior modification has been around a long time. A child who veered from the path of right, or confused right and wrong had his or her behavior modified by parents who actually took the time to raise their children. If you are even close to my age you understood the previous sentence. The government engages in behavior modification in a different way. The government uses taxes and the tax code to modify behavior.
I will use this example as a way to punish with taxes and the tax code. Tobacco and Smoking. For as long as I have been smoking there have been warnings on the packs about cancer, birth defects and a myriad of other warnings. There have been statistics released on how many people die from lung cancer every year. So how does the government attempt to make me change my behavior? They tax the crap out of tobacco. If smoking is so bad why is it not banned? Because there is a federal agency that regulates tobacco. If smoking was banned the government would lose a source of revenue. So I buy tobacco, pay the taxes and try to enjoy a good smoke. Then they further try to change my behavior by telling me where I can not smoke. They still will not ban it, they only limit where it is used and tax the crap out of it. Money is more important than any thing else. The taxes are used to fund social welfare programs, think SCHIP.
I will use this example and a way to reward with taxes and the tax code. Home improvements, the energy star and electric cars. The appliances in your home are aging and you have considered replacing or upgrading. Major appliances are expensive you decide to wait, after all the old appliances still work and do the job that they were intended to do. Enter the government to offer a tax credit if you replace your appliances. The newer ones are more energy-efficient, or so they claim. So you replace them early for a tax credit, a break on income taxes. The same is true of electric cars and solar panels, again the purchase of one garners a tax credit. You do what the government wants and you get a break on taxes. You get not tax credit for conserving without upgrading. You only get a tax break for buying what they want you to buy.

Think about the other ways the population is being conditioned. Getting accustomed and used to seeing and experiencing now what would have been cause for alarm. I am not one to believe that the government allowed the events of 9/11 or the Boston Marathon bombing and the other terrorist attacks to happen. They may have missed the warnings. They have certainly capitalized on every catastrophe and incident. Government has grown or expanded its powers each and every opportunity presented to it. There are many more, you only have to think.

Are you being conditioned?

Now to entitlements. You are entitled to the following by being an American citizen; Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Outside of those three things you are entitled to what you have earned or produced. You are not entitled to one single thing that I or anyone else has earned or produced. You certainly are not entitled to Welfare.

Incrementalism and Gradualism, Engineering the means to the end Part 1

Incrementalism, a policy or advocacy of a policy of political or social changes by degrees.
Gradualism, the policy of approaching a desired end by gradual stages.
Those two words best sum up the Domestic Policy of liberal progressives and especially the current administration. Bit by bit, bringing America down to the level of the rest of the world. Liberalism and progressivism are not just confined to the Democratic Party, it also exists in the Republican Party. In that context when the term “liberal progressive” is used it does not necessarily mean a democrat. Perhaps a better term would be “social progressive” or “political progressive”, that would eliminate some confusion.

The easiest population for government to have absolute power and domain over would be best described as a population of totally compliant Peoples, the ones that are most referred to as sheep, aka “sheeple”. By contrast the hardest people to have absolute power and domain over would be those that believe in the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

There are only two types of governments around the world.
1 The governments founded on a principle that denies basic rights to the citizens and power is retained by the government, even if that government is composed of only one person. In these countries the constitution, if the country has one, gives power to the government, which by default limits, denies or removes power from the people. These countries are ruled by force not consent, a totalitarian government. The people have no rights and have no choice but to comply with government. The inhabitants are property of the State and are passed along to the next Ruler. This is an example of a Democracy, rule by the majority. Actually the people do have somewhat of a choice, they can choose not to comply, which will have dire consequences.

2 The governments founded on the principle that the government has power only because the population gives their consent to be governed. These countries are governed by consent not by force. In these countries the power remains with the people, a representative government. In these countries the Constitution is to limit the powers of the government, not the people. Not only do the people have and are guaranteed, not granted, their rights, they are also free to exercise them or not, as they choose. The Constitution in these countries limit the power of government, each branch has its own specific roles and limitation and operate on a system of checks and balances.

The question at this point would be do you wish to live under a government or with a government?

If your answer was to live under a government, this is what you chose.
You have only the rights given to you by government and can only exercise them as long as government allows. What the government gives the government can take away.
Basically this sums it up best. Rights when granted are not granted equally. The government has complete and total control over your life and all aspects of it from cradle to grave. Government control is total and limitless. A government that tells you what you can do, when you can do and for how long. A government that tells you what you can buy and when. A government that tells you what you will or will not buy.

If you chose to live with a government, this is what you chose.
You recognize and accept that you have Certain Inalienable Rights namely Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. The usage of the word Certain in the previous sentence is the same as the Founders and Framers intended as to mean Absolute. You are responsible for your life from cradle to grave. You have rights that are granted by the Creator of the Universe. They are yours, you can not transfer them, they are yours. You have a choice when it comes to “Certain Inalienable” rights, you are free to exercise them or not. That is real Freedom and Liberty.

Given the choices above and the question of which would you rather do live under a government or live with a government, there arises a new question. Why would a people who had so happily lived with a government would now voluntarily give that up and choose instead to live under a government? Going from being governed by consent to being ruled.

This brings up another question. At what point is the government no longer content with the idea of governing by consent?

There comes a time when government begins to see the population as “a thorn in its side”. When government reaches that point governing by consent goes out the window and rule by force becomes the government. There are only two ways implement a government ruling by force in a nation that had up to that time been governed by consent. The first is Fast and Brutal, in a large nation fast and brutal has inherent problems. The second is in slow, planned, and gradual or incremental steps and requires patient engineering. As I have written before government is about power and control. Government is only concerned with the continued existence and well-being of government. The larger government grows the harder it is to control, at some point it goes out of control, out of control of the people, that is. The larger government grows the more power it has or takes and the more power it wields over the population. Soon the population is powerless to resist the force of government.

A sickness crosses the Land

More of a decay than a sickness. The decay is from rot and corruption, and it is spreading at a fever pitch. There is an old adage that goes; America can never be destroyed from the outside, if America is to be destroyed it must come from the inside. Truer words could never have been said, but those words were said long ago. That was the America that was.

This is the America that is. America is being destroyed by the rot and corruption that exists on the inside. If that were not enough rot and corruption are being brought inside from the outside. Much like a piece of lumber under attack from termites and exposure the elements. Both eating away, both causing irreversible damage.

There is another old adage that goes; An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This country at one time had all the tools necessary to prevent rot and corruption. That was then this is now.

The Reverse Revolution was mentioned in the last post. Just a refresher: A revolution, like the American Revolution, was waged to throw off the yoke of tyranny and oppression inflicted on the colonials and the country by an unjust government. A Reverse Revolution, like the one being waged against the American people, is being waged to put the yoke of tyranny and oppression on the people and the country by an unjust government.

The sad part is that the government is using one of this countries most cherished founding documents to do it. The government is using none other than The U.S. Constitution in an attempt to place the yoke of tyranny and oppression upon the neck of America. The equal protection clause is at this time is their favorite weapon in this war. The equal protection clause was to protect the people not their causes or lifestyles. But even the usage of the equal protection clause is not used equally. It is used only if it benefits government and the politicians who occupy Constitutional Office and helps to fulfill their agenda.

If any do not believe that the Constitution is being used to place the yoke of tyranny and oppression around the neck of America, I suggest that you read the following; The Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of Arms. Check the list of offenses the British Crown committed against the Colonies and the Colonials. One that stands out is the arbitrary nullifying of Laws. Case in point, the State of Florida, as did many others, had until recently a law on the books banning same-sex marriage. The people voted on it and it passed and became Law in Florida and many other states. That was then this is now. The SCOTUS ruled, no legislative process they just ruled, and the country was forced to recognize same-sex marriage in all 50 states and the District of Columbia as being a right. Laws were over-turned and the peoples voice was silenced. The same goes for abortion, that too was legalized by SCOTUS, now it has been revealed that this great nation has been reduced to allowing the sale of body parts and organs of the unborn, and giving millions to the agency responsible. What other horrors has the SCOTUS unwittingly un-leashed on America? Only time will tell. There will probably be many and they too will be horrendous.

The other day I was visiting various blogs, one of the many that I frequent, It was a “prepper” blog. Yep, I read opinion, politics, history, prepper and conspiracy theory sites. The part that caught my attention in the post I was reading was about the Constitution. The author was writing about a prepper community and if they survived the event someone would have to rebuild America, he suggested that every one in the community have a copy of the Constitution as a guide to rebuilding America. I do not think the author realized that even though the Constitution was written by good and decent men, it is being used now as the instrument for the destruction of America.
On a side note: Conspiracy theories are only theories until that theory becomes fact.
The preppers are nothing like the reality show. How do I know? Guess. The preppers are not some fringe group. If prepping is a fringe activity, explain this. The Federal government has a fully staffed and equipped prepper agency, FEMA, paid for with your tax dollars. If it is okay for the government, why is it only a fringe activity if the citizens do it? The preppers use their own money.

Back to the Constitution, as I said it was written by good and decent men. It is only worth the paper it is written on if good and decent men meant it when they take the oath to uphold it. You would be hard pressed to find good and decent men among career politicians.

The rot and corruption that is destroying America must be stopped. It can be stopped by electing good and decent men to Constitutional office. We do not need more politicians we need more statesmen. We need statesmen who will pledge their lives, their sacred honor and their fortunes. We do not need politicians who intend to make a fortune while holding office. It can also be stopped by a Press that fulfills its obligation to the people, by holding the government accountable. It can be stopped by a citizenry that understands that if they wish to reap the benefits of living in America they must bear the burden of supporting it.

Upside down and Backwards

Who would have ever thought America would reach this point? The point of being upside down and backwards. Being born in the 1950’s I remember an America that was right side up and moving forward. That was the America that was and now we have the America that is.

I remember a time when signs of national pride were everywhere. Classes in School were interrupted, a television was brought in and we would watch the rocket launches in an attempt to get an American on the moon. There were pictures and portraits of the presidents, the signing of the Declaration of Independence and many other American historical events and historical figures aka heroes. Copies and renditions of the Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, The Ten Commandments were everywhere. Flags were raised and lowered according to custom and tradition, Old Glory, the State Flag and yes even the Confederate Battle Flag. The Flags were respected even revered. Memorial Day brought about the most beautiful action possible, honoring the fallen. Flags were placed at the grave of each fallen soldier that lost their lives in service to their country. The soldiers of Confederate States of America were honored the same as the soldiers that lost their lives in service to the United States of America. The graves of fallen Confederate soldiers had a small Confederate battle Flag placed near their headstone. The fallen U.S. soldiers had a small U.S. Flag placed near their headstone. Respect and Dignity. Religious symbols were on public display. Statues were erected to honor men of the past and they too were on pubic display. All of this and much more and no one was offended. America was exceptional. That is the America that was. That was the America I and so many of you grew up in.

Now we have a country that has been turned upside down. There is a movement to remove any sign of and deny all national pride. It is ushered and encouraged by the Federal Government. We have a president who felt the need to go around the world on an apology tour, apologizing for America and even to declare that America was no more exceptional than any other country. He alone declared that there is no American exceptionalism. The religious symbols are slowly but surely being removed from public display on public land and from public buildings. As a matter of fact each and everything listed above is in danger. It seems that America and its greatness has become offensive. The truly sad part is that it is the citizens of America that enjoy lie here are the ones who are most offended by America. This is the America that is. This is the America that future generations will grow up in.

There was a time when the citizens of America were a resilient and hardy people. A time when a set-back or failure was viewed as another opportunity to succeed or at least try to succeed and keep trying. There was a time when the citizens of America were a self-reliant and self-sufficient people. They would do for themselves and provide for themselves. During times of exceptional hardships or severe set-backs these people would accept a hand-up never a hand-out. The hand-up came from the neighbors or the Churches. Repayment came in the form of helping another if they needed it. That is the America that was. That was the America I and so many of you grew up in.

Now we have a country that has been turned upside down. Through government programs and conditioning of the citizenry resiliency and hardiness are long forgotten or rarely practiced by the young. Now a set-back causes despair. The same government programs have conditioned some of the population to the point that they are no longer self-reliant or self-sufficient. There is no need to do or provide for themselves, the government will do that for them. They have become conditioned and accustomed to living on government hand-outs. The government does not and is not in the habit of offering a hand-up, their specialty is giving hand-outs. A friend will offer a hand-up, the government will give you a hand-out. The government is not your friend. What the government gives to one it takes from another. Again, each and every trait and attribute listed above is in danger. The government is about power and control. It is hard to rule over a population that is resilient, hardy, self-reliant and self-sufficient they can be governed but not ruled. On the other hand is easy to rule over a population that exhibits none of those qualities and is totally dependent on government. This is the America that is. This is the America that future generation will grow up in.

I could go on about the America that was and the America that is in regards to: The Judicial Branch legislating from the bench. The Legislative Branch abdicating its power to the Executive and Judicial Branches. The Executive Branch Usurping power. Immigration, legal and illegal. Amnesty for illegal aliens. Gun Control. And so many other examples of how America has turned upside down and backwards. I almost forgot to address the backwards part, so here it is.

There was a time in America when the yoke of tyranny and oppression became so heavy and oppressive that a group of brave men staked their Lives, their Fortunes and Sacred Honor to wrest the Colonies from rule by a tyrannical dictator and a tyrannical form of government. The Revolutionary War was waged against The British Crown and Great Britain to cast of the yoke of tyranny and oppression. The British Crown chose to have and fight that war, the Colonists did not want war. The Colonists only wanted to govern themselves and be left alone. The crown wanted to rule the Colonists. There are only two ways to get a person to see your point of view, Reason and Force. The Crown would not listen to reason, option 2 force was exercised. A Revolution is normally to through off and abolish a form of government. That is the America that was.

Now we have a country that has turned backwards. Not so much the country but the government. It seems that the government, all three branches along with the various departments and agencies has declared a war against the citizens through their onerous rules and regulations. Not to mention a total disregard to the will of the people. It cold be seen as a Reverse Revolutionary War, on in which the government is attempting to place the yoke of tyranny and oppression around the necks of the citizenry. As stated above, there are only two ways to get a person to come to your point of view, Reason and Force. This is the America that is or may become. It is or may become the America the America we are forced to live in as well as future generations.

This is a good time to mention one of the greatest fictional literary works, at least in my opinion. 1984 by George Orwell, it was either fiction or a look into the future. It is beginning to appear as a glimpse of what he future holds for us.
Two parts come to mind and need to addressed.
First is the Memory Dump. A hole in the wall going to a chute where everything went that Big Brother said was to be erased from existence, like it never happened. Big Brother decided what was the truth and what never happened. Is the intent is to relegate the Confederacy and all associated with it to the Memory Dump? Are the attempts to destroy all signs of the Confederacy an effort to deny it ever existed? The Confederacy will not be relegated to the memory dump, it existed and will for evermore be a part of the American history. The A in the U.S.A. and the C.S.A. stood for the same thing America. No you will not get to deny the Confederacy existed.
Second is the Ministry of Love. The place where non-conformists were sent, and in some cases those that knew the truth. They were sent there to be re-educated and conform or just to disappear. FEMA Camps anyone.

Micro Economics

May be this will help Greece. It might even help the U.S. if any of those enlightened government spenders see it.

Going broke. If your monthly income is $2,000.00 and you spend $2,000.00 you are broke. If you are broke and have not met your basic needs, you at this point are worse than broke you are stupid.

Getting by. If your monthly income is $2,000.00 and you spend $2,000.00 you are broke. If you are broke and have met your basic needs you are still broke but you are not stupid, stupid. You could still be stupid in the instance there was any of that $2,000.00 left over and you wasted it.

Saving for “a rainy day”. If your monthly income is $2,000.00 and you only spend $1,900.00 you have now $100.00 you could save for that rainy day aka emergency. If you are successful at doing this for one year you will have saved $1,200.00, a pretty nice rainy day fund.

Coming up short aka deficit spending. If your monthly income is $2,000.00 and you spend $2,100.00 you have spent more than you took in. Now, if you had a rainy day fund the overage could be covered from that, but that fund would have decreased from $1,200.00 to $1,100.00. You could decrease your spending by $100.00 the next month thereby replacing the $100.00 you borrowed from yourself because you went over for that one month. But at some point you would need to decrease you monthly spending again by $100.00 because you did not make a monthly contribution to the rainy day fund. If you do not replace the $100.00 you borrowed your rainy day fund is actually short $200.00, the $100.00 you borrowed and the $100.00 you did not put in.
You in actuality could do this eleven more times before you went broke, spending $2,100.00 and only taking in $2,000.00. But if you did this for an entire year your rainy day fund would be wiped completely out and be $2,400.00 dollars short, the $1,200.00 you borrowed and the $1,200.00 you failed to put in. This again makes you broke and stupid.

The path to bankruptcy. Deficit spending with no reserve aka rainy day fund. If your monthly income is $2000.00 and you go over by as much as a penny with no reserve you are forced to borrow enough to cover the shortage. The next month rolls around and you get the same $2,000.00 but now you not only have to pay for the necessities you now have a debt to pay. If you are still short you find yourself in the awkward position of choosing what does not get paid or borrowing more to pay the debt. If you do not find a way to get control of this soon you will find yourself borrowing just to pay the interest. If left un-checked soon you will find yourself only paying interest, but the debt never goes down. At some point in time you will not even be able to make the interest payments. All it takes is one month when you do not get the $2,000.00, or you do get it and you misuse it. Sooner or later the debtor will demand payment in full.

Actually this post is not about Greece, you are already a financial basket-case looking for someone to bail you out of the mess you have gotten yourselves into. This post is intended for the spend happy politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. before the U.S. becomes a financial basket-case.

I doubt that the big government spenders will read this and even if they do it will be viewed as meaningless as I do not have a PhD in economics and I only used small numbers.

Just wondering what is the collateral on that over 18 trillion dollars of debt? Or is it 19 trillion dollars by now? If the debt is still increasing it is either interest that is not being paid, or more is being borrowed to pay the interest. What would be the payment on that much debt be? Just asking

And by the way, what will become of the 40,000 military personnel you plan to cut over the next two years? I was just asking because the release said the military would be cut, but the 17,000 civilians would be laid off. Which one will get un-employment? Just asking.

The government rainy day fund must be getting close to the end if it has not already been spent. The government seems to be cutting necessities to pay interest, or can you even pay the interest. Still wondering about that collateral issue.