Who or What is next?

Now we have this from the Liberal Left Socialist Progressives(LLSP). It now appears that there are offensive monuments in the Halls of Congress. We know this because some “esteemed and enlightened” politicians(clowns)have said so. These clowns have wandered these same halls for years, however it would seem that they have just now at this very minute seen them, though most of these statues have stood there silently for years bothering no one. These same “esteemed and enlighten” clowns want to introduce legislation to have them removed from Capitol Hill.

So you have to ask yourself why must or did they announce to the world that these offensive things exist, offensive to them but only recently. The answer to that is simple, and here is why. American politics revolves around opinion polls, yes it is the pollsters and those who hire them that set and control the political agenda. Likewise the American foreign policy has for years been shaped by “World Opinion”. They are just checking to see which way the wind blows.

There is a reason why the legislation to remove the “offensive” statues from the Statutory was announced. If the legislation stalls in committee, the LLSP esteemed and enlightened clowns will go to their allies in the media and decry the obstructionists to this legislation as racists, neo-Nazis, or what ever term will give them the most “traction”. The same will happen if the Congress does not pass the legislation. Any opposition to the legislation will be met with the same vicious attacks, the legislation will most likely pass with little or no opposition. Worse will happen if the legislation becomes a bill and is sent to President Trump and he refuses to sign the bill into law. If the bill passes with little or no opposition and the president vetoes the bill his veto will be overridden. Damned if you do Damned if you dont. The LLSP will then claim that our Constitution works, the same Constitution they have worked so hard to destroy and so despise when it stands in their way.

There was also a reason the announcement of the existence of these statues was announced. The vast majority of Americans have never visited Washington D.C. Consequently the existence of these statues was until unknown. Those who knew of their existence were not offended. No one demanded their removal, until these clown sprang into action. With this announcement there has been an invitation to visit the Capitol, not to see the beauty but to look for things that offend.

Stacking the Deck. This is exactly what the LLSP have done with these announcements, they announced the presence of these statues, they also announced their intention to introduce legislation to have them removed. These esteemed and enlightened clowns know that the legislative process in Congress is slow to the point of being excruciatingly slow, they have been a part of the process for years and in some cases decades. They intend to speed up the process, but only in this instance. By making these announcements these esteemed and enlightened clowns have effectively and intentionally invited protests, more protests to D.C. Even without legislation the protests and the ensuing violence will cause outcry. You will get what you want. You intend to make it swift.

Playing both ends against the middle, a favorite tactic of the LLSP. They know by these announcements there will be protesters coming to D.C. There will be those who are opposed to the removal/destruction or the statues for whatever position they hold. There will be those for the removal/destruction of the statues again for whatever position they hold. These will be the only protestors, they come in peace to voice their opinions under the First Amendment, Free Speech. They want to make speeches and carry their signs and posters, Protesters not Rioters. These clowns know full well that the extremes will show up, left and right, they are counting on them. They are also counting on violence, without violence they will not have a victim. They will undoubtedly infiltrate the protesters, whether paid or just to cause trouble. The extremes never come in peace, they bring death and destruction, they provide what you need. The LLSP will blame only the ones who protest the removal.

The Ends Justify the Means. The LLSP and their allies in the media have an agenda to fulfil and will see it through not matter what the cost. They do not and never have considered the cost of their schemes. Their agenda has got to be to destroy America. To destroy America they must finish off the South. Four years of war did not get it done, reconstruction still did not get it done. The South and the Southern culture still exists, and it and has been a thorn in the side of the LLSP, the media and the elitists.

There was country song years back that had the lyrics; You cant stomp us out and you cant make us run. The LLSP know full well that one can only be pushed so far. Maybe a poem will help.

by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good
When the Saxon began to hate

They were not easily moved
They were icy–willing to wait
Till every count should be proved
Ere the Saxon began to hate

Their voices were even and low
Their eyes were level and straight
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate

It was not preached to the crowd
It was not taught by the state
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate

It was not suddently bred
It will not swiftly abate
Through the chilled years ahead
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate

All of this leaves one to wonder just what it is that the LLSP wants. Are they pushing for a Civil War? A War pitting political factions against one another? A War pitting the regions of America against one another? Or are they pushing for Martial Law? What you need now is the same as you have always needed, you need a triggering event. The triggering event you so desperately need and seek has yet to appear. You now seek to cause one, using your allies in the media and violent factions. Be careful what you wish for.

There is perhaps one aspect to all of this hatred of all things Southern and Confederate, not to mention the jealousy of the South, that the LSSP and their allies may have overlooked. The monster you create today will come for you tomorrow. If you manage to finish us off by whatever you have in mind there will be no one to save you from the monster you created. You believe you have insulated yourselves, news for you there will never be enough insulation. Your creation(monster)will destroy you, unless you destroy it. How will you destroy them?

God Bless Dixie
God Bless the Southern Culture

What was right in 1776 was right in 1861 and is right today.

You really want to know why?

I read a post that seemed to ask the question why now? Why all the sudden are the Confederate Monuments so offensive? They seemed to have a place just a few short years ago and offended no one down in these parts. Now it seems that all things Confederate are the most offensive objects on the planet. Street names have become offensive. County names have become offensive. Names of Military Bases have become offensive. Anything named or called Davis, Lee, Jackson, Stewart, Hood, Bragg, Hill, Johnston, Hampton, Gordon, Longstreet, Smith, Morgan, Gist, Waite, Beauregard, Forrest, Early, Ewell, Stuart, Cleburne, Anderson, Mosby or perhaps one of my personal favorites Bryan. There are many, many more, not just the President and the Generals, there are even things named after Confederate Privates, Sergeants, Lieutenants Captains, Majors and Colonels. Anything memorializing these men has to be removed or renamed, so as not to offend. Honoring these men and their cause has become akin to a sin. Hell, it probably wont be long before people start changing their last name or even their whole names because their name might offend someone.

At this moment Social Justice Warriors(SJW)are fanning out all across the South, Dixie, looking for anything that “smacks” of the Confederacy and claiming it to be offensive. People see these things each and everyday are not the least bit offended by them. They have no idea that they should be or have been offended, at least not until some carpetbagger tells them they should be offended. I was quite surprised when there was a song playing on my radio and a young man who heard it did not know what the song was, the song was Dixie’s Land or just Dixie as we call it. He would not have known it was Dixie had I not told him. You cant be offended by what you dont know. Some families have lived on the same street for years, there are even instances where their off-spring bought a home on the same street, and only just recently were offended. If they were offended by the name why the hell did they buy a home on that “awful” street with that “offensive” name?

So when did this new hatred of the Confederacy, the South, Dixie start? In all actuality it never stopped, it has always existed and always will. It could be hatred but it could also be jealousy.

Four years of war did not destroy the South, the South is still recovering. The re-construction years did more damage to the South than the war, the South is still recovering from that as well. The going has been long and slow. So what are we again entering re-construction? A new re-construction period(more on this later).

There was something from years back that went; Why do you boys still fight a war you lost back in 1865? The reply was; Why do you people keep shooting at us.

Now let us go to the events in Virginia this past week-end. You had a debate concerning the removal of a statue from a park. The park for years was known as Lee park, it is now known as Emancipation Park. You changed the name of the Park, but left the statue of General Lee where it stood. Now you want to remove the statue. You could have done both in the dark of night.

Let us go back in time. A time when the park was known as Lee park. Children from all walks of life played in that park, their parents took them there. Students from the local university went that Park, as did many tourists. Children played and students studied in that park, some in the shadow of the statue of Gen. Lee. Neither the name of the Park or the statue of Gen. Lee offended the first soul. I would bet that many a picture was taken in the presence of Gen. Lee, there may have even been proposals of marriage made in the presence of the General.

So what was it that caused the violence in Charlottesville? Everybody is looking to blame somebody, anybody or anything. There is certainly enough blame to go around. First up is the local government. You knew full well what was going to happen when you announced to the world that you were considering the removal of the statue of General Lee. You knew what would be descending on your town. First you would have people arriving to protest the removal of the statue. Second you knew there would be counter-protesters. Then you would have those that were spoiling for a fight, whether they be extreme right or extreme left(alt-right alt-left). You needed the extremes to show up. These events have a tendency of bring out the best in people and the worst in people. I do not understand the slow response from the VSP, nor do I judge them.

There were four casualties, the poor unfortunate girl who was run down, two Troopers that died in a helicopter crash and your city. My thought and prayers are with the families of the girl and the two troopers. Your city will recover her family and the families of the two troopers have suffered a loss that cant be recovered.

Now to you politicians. You needed the violence, you however did not expect fatalities. You will now use the death of the girl for sure and possibly the troopers to your advantage. Now you have to take down the statue, if for no other reason than to honor her and possibly them. You really are pathetic. You got what you wanted and again you did not care about the cost. You needed the drama, you counted on it and by golly you got it and your friends from the media were right there.

Lee(Emancipation)Park is not the only Park in your fair city. Anyone that was offended by the statue could have simply gone to a different Park.

Unfortunately these kinds of things will keep happening. Unfortunate for this Republic. Unfortunate for the South. Truly unfortunate for the victims. They will keep occurring as long as the politicians can “arrange” for extremes(right and left)to meet. The only winner in this equation is you and your agenda, that is all you care about.

When dont matter, Why matters. The New Reconstruction. They war years did not kill the South, though the damage and loss of life was great. The first Reconstruction did not kill the South, though the damage was great, politically and economically. The Culture of the South survived both, that is what the left is so pissed over. Now you seek to destroy Southern Culture with the Second Re-construction. You really do not understand Southern Culture. We seek to maintain and preserve our culture. We are not into multiculturalism.

Multiculturalism will lead to the destruction of this Republic. Historically multiculturalism has been the root cause of failure of the great republics. As long as the Southern culture stands and remains intact so will this Republic. There is no other section of this Republic that has retained its culture.

I could venture of into the realm of conspiracy theories, but I will not. I will however us a term that most everybody has heard, the New World Order. You can not have a New World Order until you dismantle(destroy)the Old World Order. Destruction and Reconstruction and if needed a Second Reconstruction. My question is what kind of New World do you envision?

That what was right in 1776 was right in 1861 and is still right today.

God Bless Dixie.

Well excuse me

The republican leadership(if it can be called that with a straight face)in the Senate is about as useless as “milk dispensers” on a boar hog. The only thing they seem to be able to do is make excuses. Now it appears that President Trump has set his expectations to high. He actually expected to get things done. The justification for that remark, “He’s not from the political world and does not know how things work around D.C.”. Well I am not from around D.C. either but I am from around here, and around here a mans word is his bond. The politicians seem to have forgotten that little tidbit. You did make campaign promises, did you not. One of which was to repeal Obamacare, you said you would repeal Obamacare, you never said that we should not expect too much. You certainly never said that we should not expect you to repeal Obamacare.

It becomes more apparent by the day that a statement made in the past is true, “There is not a dimes worth of difference between the political parties”. The republicans are little more than Whigs, radical red republicans, the democrats are little more than socialists, radical red socialists. Both are for big government, a big centralized powerful government.

From this moment forward I will expect you to do nothing, my expectations of you and from you will be low, to the point of being non-existent. That way I will never be disappointed in you. If by some miracle you do get something done I will get more than I expected. Thanks for finally coming clean with us.

I am pretty much done with you republicans, at least on the national level. I will no longer put or help to put a pretend friend at my side. You Whigs are no friend to America or to me(socialists never are), though you pretend to be. You have proven that a pretend friend will turn on a dime. You may still wind up at my side but I will keep a wary eye one you. We still do pretty well with republicans(not as many pretend friends, Whigs)at the state level here in Florida, well but not great.

While I am here I might as well clear this up for the politicians and the talking heads. There is a special election coming up in the state of Alabama to fill a vacant senate seat. I have heard of it being referred to as Jeff Sessions seat. I would like to point this out, the Senate seat belongs to the state of Alabama, it does not and did not belong to Jeff Sessions. He was just the most recent occupant of that seat. For that matter there is no man or political party that can lay claim to any seat in Congress. The two Senate seats belong to the State, the seats in the House of Representatives belong to that District in that State. Choose wisely Alabama.

When and if the Convention of States convenes there are two things I would like to come from it. 1 The States Rights Initiative, including Nullification and if necessary Secession. 2 Repealing the 17th Amendment.

As long as I mentioned Nullification and Secession I might as well mention this. There is currently a petition going around here in Florida, a petition for the Secession of Florida from the federal union. A petition to place on the ballot for the citizens of Florida to decide to Seceded or not. An uphill struggle for sure but a worthy struggle. I must admit the Republic of Florida sounds pretty good. The movement in Florida is for real and the petition is for real.

On a side note as mentioned above this movement in Florida is real, unlike those who want out because they did not get the President they wanted(California). California and the rest have no chance unless Dixie goes first.

It is not just in Florida but all across the South. There are those of us who see the South as a defeated and occupied land. The Confederate States of America still exists. The Southern people and culture still exist.

God Bless Dixie
God Bless the Southern People and the Southern Culture.

Taking Turns

It would appear that the politicians both democrats and republicans are taking and have been taking turns stabbing the middle-class in the back. Both political parties are filled to over-flowing with big-government politicians, Whigs and Socialists. On one hand we have the democrats(Socialists)taking this Republic down the path to socialism, on the other we have the republicans(Whigs)taking us down the same path. If they get their way this republic will be inhabited by the same classes as Venezuela, the poor and the wealthy. The middle class will be eliminated here just the same as there. Of the two the democrats seem to be in the biggest hurry, the republicans seem to be a bit more patient.

There is another thing about the democrats, they are willing to risk losing elections on the way to Socialism. The democrats knew full-well that Obamacare would at some point implode, fail if you will. Still they did not care and moved ahead full-speed. They also knew that by passing Obamacare they would lose elections, the voters would take out their anger at the polls. Losing elections did not bother them. They lost control of the House shortly after passing Obamacare, retaining the Senate and the Presidency. Later they lost control of the Senate but retained the Presidency. For democrats losing was winning.

Now the republicans control the House, the Senate and the Presidency. Six months in and Obamacare is still with us. The republicans can not get rid of Obamacare, nor do they really want to. The democrats are coming to the rescue, they seek a bi-partisan effort to fix Obamacare. They knew it would fail. They sought no republican input is “crafting” that piece of legislation, yet they are willing to help the republicans to “fix” Obamacare. The thing about republicans is that they are not willing to lose elections on their march towards Socialism.

There is no way that we can ever go back to the way it was, or the way it is supposed to be. Big government politicians will see to that. Healthcare is just another thing under federal government control, one of many. Government has control and will never give that up. Power and control.

What will the republicans run on next year? Can or will they run on their record? Will they say they just needed more time? Maybe they will say the time to repeal Obamacare was lost, it has been with us to long? Will they say that too much time was lost investigating “Russian collusion”? The republicans have total control at this time, they could repeal Obamacare. If only they had the Nerve, had a Brain and had a Heart. They would never do that they might lose the next election.

What will the democrats run on next year? Will they run on saving Obamacare?

The democrats stabbed us in the back by passing Obamacare.

The republicans stabbed us in the back by failing once again to full-fill campaign promises. Which goes to prove that a politician will say anything to get elected or re-elected.

The democrats will in all likelihood use their time-tested tactics, the republicans will aid them(wittingly or unwittingly). The republicans will fail to repeal Obamacare. Obamacare will fail(implode), after all it was designed to do just that. The democrats will say that they were voted out before they could perfect Obamacare, what they had accomplished was only a first step. A first step that did not go far enough. The republicans had years to fix Obamacare, they could have helped us fix the flaws. The republicans knew the flaws, they repeated/regurgitated them often enough. The republicans refused to help fix it and now it has failed. The republicans did nothing, it failed and its failure is their fault. Now it is too late to fix it, we must take the next step. The next logical step in the minds of big government politicians is single payer health care. They will find a way to blame Obamacare on the republicans. They will even blame single payer on the republicans, had the republicans acted in time we would not be at this point. Even though single payer was their goal all along. The republicans in Congress will face and feel the wrath of the voters, the republicans will find themselves in the political wilderness.

There is another thing about socialism, there is only one political party. The republicans fear that the democrats will be in control when the change occurs. The republicans who stand up against the democrats of today will have no political future tomorrow. The republicans who side with the democrats today may have a political future tomorrow.