Sowing Seeds

These so-called experts cannot help themselves. Not when it comes to covid19 and certainly not with these vaccines. Perhaps the reason they cannot help themselves is because they just cannot keep themselves from being so visible. Everyday they appear before the cameras, issue statements or try to clean-up what they said earlier. They have pretty much destroyed what little credibility they had. They really are their own worst enemy.

It seems as though the vaccines are not working as planned. Much breath has been expelled on the need of “boosters” with one side planning on a booster rollout on the 20th of this month, while others on that same side admit they are needed but they must wait on approval. Others on the vaccine side are saying they do not have the data to support the necessity of boosters. Go back to the first group and one claims that he fully expects approval for boosters before the 20th for at least one of the vaccines. Sounds to me like someone is applying some pressure, political pressure. The one who fully expects approval for boosters is the same one saying three shots might be needed to gain full effectiveness.

If these “people” were farmers they would be sowing the field with seeds of mistrust and confusion. These are the only seeds they sow. Then to top that off, they act surprised when those seeds sprout and they get a bumper crop of mistrust and confusion. After all those seeds were planted in fields enriched with “politicians promises”.

I do not know this for a fact, it is pure speculation on my part. I would imagine that there are many around this country right now that are experiencing a little “vaccine remorse”. Meaning that they now regret their decision to “get the jab”.

So let us now look at this bumper crop, the latest bumper crop. Remember the one you had over the sudden reversal of the “masking guidance”. Not to mention the one you had when the reversal was reversed.

Vaccine mandates. This is perhaps the only time the truth was told, “With full approval you will see more vaccine mandates”. Well that certainly happened. But now we may begin seeing “mandate remorse”. If an employer mandates that an employee get vaccinated with a vaccine that “fades” over time in order to remain employed, how can that same employer not mandate the employee get the booster at the prescribed time? If the vaccine wanes over time then there must be a time when the vaccine reaches zero effectiveness. When will the booster need a boost? Will that also be mandated?

If an employee does not comply with the mandate based on a religious or medical exemption. If that exemption is granted then the employee must undergo testing once or twice a week, mask and distance themselves, and whatever else they can come up with to punish you for not getting the jab. I seem to recall something about higher health insurance premiums for the unvaccinated, risky lifestyle.

As a condition of employment. No jab no job. I do not think that anyone with a medical condition preventing the jab is going to get the job. Health insurance risk. I do not think a person with a religious exemption will get hired either. Just saying.

Nothing says “keep me” or “hire me” louder and clearer than “I will comply”. There was a time when the decision to hire or fire was based solely on an employees knowledge, skills and abilities.

There will in all likelihood be some that will not comply with the mandates. Some will seek an exemption, while others will not. Some will stand their ground and walk away. The employers may just learn a lesson the hard way. They may just find those that have the skills, knowledge and abilities just walked out the door. What will they be left with? It most likely will not be the cream of the crop. There is a big difference between those that love their job and those that are just there for a paycheck, eight and hit the gate.

Vaccine passports. It was not all that long ago if someone was to talk of “vaccine passports” they were spreading a “conspiracy theory”. Well they have arrived in some areas of this land and appear to be gaining ground. No passport no entry. Welcome to “conspiracy fact”. If you have ever held a US passport you should have noticed that it had an expiration date. What will be the expiration date of these vaccine passports? How long will they be good for? 4 Months? 6 Months? 8 Months? 2 Weeks? 1 Day?

There may come a time in this land when an “official” approaches and says “Papers please”.

Now we have a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Pardon me, but if the news and you so-called experts can be believed it looks like we have a pandemic of the vaccinated. It looks like your much touted vaccine is not measuring up.

Now we have a new variant, Mu. At least one so-called expert has said that this variant may be resistant to the vaccines, but the data is not in yet. You make a claim and in the same instance you say there is no science(data)to back it up. Good grief, why on Earth would anyone even utter that. Mandates have been decreed to be vaccinated against what? If the new variant is resistant to the current vaccines why even have a vaccine mandate? What good is it to even discuss and propose boosters for an ineffective vaccine?

At this point one has to wonder if the vaccines even work, or if they ever were designed to work. You claim that you have saved millions of lives and prevented millions of hospitalizations. You have no way to back up those statements, it is mere speculation. Also one has to wonder about all these variants. Could it be that your vaccine was never effective and the new “vaccine resistant variant” just gave you cover for failed vaccines.

It was not all that long ago, in the grand scheme of things, when all you people could talk about was vaccine hesitancy referring to the unvaccinated. One of the reasons you offered was that many were in the wait and see mode. You claimed some were waiting for “full approval” of the vaccines. That may have been a reason, some may have taken the jab after the approval. I have a suspicion that many in that category were not swayed by the approval, especially when news broke about the breakthrough infections. Others may have suspected that the approval came under intense political pressure. Some in your circle did say that the decision to unmask was the result of political pressure. Some were waiting to see what side effects appeared and how severe they were. The best you could offer was to add a warning label and say, “The benefits far outweigh the risks”.

The seeds of confusion that you were sowing caused people to have questions, serious questions. If the masks work, why the distancing? If the distancing works, then why the masks? If the masks and distancing work, then why the shut down? If the masks work, then why the vaccine? If the vaccine works, then why the masks? If the vaccine is safe, then why the immunity clause? Questions like these as well as others deserve an answer. Sit Down and Shut Up is not an answer. All that answer did was allow the seeds of mistrust to take hold.

Now you want to stop misinformation and conspiracy theories. No, what in fact you wish to do is control the narrative. You want what you say no matter what it is even if it is the opposite of what you previously said to be accepted as fact and allow no dissent. More seeds of mistrust.

Just wondering. When we were advised that masks would be of no benefit, were you spreading misinformation or lying?

In case you are still wondering what I meant by “politicians promises”. Well around these parts that is what we call Bull Shit.