What gets the blame the next time?

We have the Liberal Socialist Progressives pedaling yet another lie. Recently the Secretary of DHS gave an interview in which he stated “Gun control is Part and Parcel of Homeland Security for Public Safety”. That is one big lie, in fact the man is 180 degrees out of plumb. The Truth is that “Gun ownership and the Right of Self-Defense are Part and Parcel of Homeland Security and Public Safety”. But the lie will be repeated and accepted as truth. The victims in Orlando, San Bernardino, Ft. Hood, Chattanooga and others all had one thing in common, they were in areas where firearms were prohibited. In each instance the victims obeyed the law, the same can not be said of the Terrorists. Gun control in action.

While it is true that there is no proof that the victims could have defended themselves from the Terrorist if they were armed, there is a high probability that they could have lessened the death toll. There is also the very high probability that the Terrorist would have passed them by if he even suspected they might be armed. But we will never know if they could have or not. Why you ask? They were not given the chance to prove you right or me wrong. Why you ask? They followed the law, the one which you made that prevented them from defending themselves. They may well have failed but at least they could have tried, they never had a fighting chance. You took that from them. Now you push gun control for public safety, you have got to be kidding me. The victims were out in public at a public establishment and they were attacked. When the Terrorist attacked he used a gun or two and those that responded brought guns, many guns. Again the good guy with a gun stopped the bad guy with a gun. But they had to wait for you. The same action taken by law-enforcement could have been the same action someone in the club could have taken without the wait, if only they had the means.

As of yet America does not have exploding people, yet the government allows people into this country that are prone to explode. Nor does America have exploding cars, trucks, buses or motorcycles yet the government allows people into this country that are prone to own or operate wheeled vehicles that do Explode. Nor does America at this time have roads that explode yet the government allows people into this country that seem to enjoy exploding roads. It seems that it would just make common sense to keep people out of this country that explode, drive or ride in exploding vehicles or enjoy exploding roads. Our government does just the opposite allows them to come here and worse yet they encourage them to come here and even worse they bring them here.

When the time comes, and it will come, when people start exploding it will not be the clothing that exploded it will be the person wearing the clothes. The government will spend more time finding out who made the clothes, so they can blame the clothes and the ease in which that brand can be bought in America, rather than the exploding person. The same goes for cars, buses and trucks even the roads.

In case you missed it, there seems to be a practice in parts of the Middle-East where if a gay is found he is taken to the top of a building, dangled by his feet and then dropped to his death. In some cases they were just outright thrown off of the roof top. When this happens here in America, will you claim that the building was to tall or that the ground was too hard? When a woman gets stoned to death here in America, will you blame her for getting stoned or will you blame the rock for attacking her? What will you blame when mass beheadings occur in America? Will you blame the one being beheaded or will it be the knife? Not to mention the offenses committed against women and children, what will you blame in that instance? The list goes on and on.

You push gun control while you should push for terrorist control. Makes me wonder what it is you really want to control. The legal and lawful gun owners are under control most, definitely the vast majority, exercise self-control while others, a definite minority, are controlled by the laws. Those that exercise self-control will never be a problem, unless forced. Those that are controlled by the law will not be a problem as long as there are laws. What is out of control are the terrorists, they have no self-control and are not afraid of you or your laws much the same as the criminals. Seems to me you are taking out the frustrations of not controlling terrorists or criminals on the already law-abiding.

You push to limit and/or take away the only means that the legal and lawful citizens have to protect themselves. While you on the other hand have a small army at you disposal(a well armed small army)to keep you safe at all times. I have only me to protect and defend me and mine. By the time help arrives, it is most often to late. If you doubt that watch the news.

Seems kind of backwards to me that you provide better for them in their homelands than you will allow me to have in my homeland, and still you seek to further limit me. By the way, Which country is it that your are Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security for?

I have a much better idea for you to focus your time and energy on. Why don’t you go there(where ever they are from)and teach them how to make clothing that does not tend to explode. Help them build modes of transportation that are not prone to explode. Help them build roads that are not prone to explode. And don’t forget to teach them to build kitchen appliances that are not prone to explode.


uncle-sam-prayer-for-americaEnough already. The levels of incompetence and ignorance have reached a new all time height. I mean even modern jets have a maximum ceiling(altitude) and even a maximum airspeed where they can still function safely. Apparently there are no such restrictions on incompetence or ignorance, there are no limits on how high it can go or on how fast it can spew forth.

A prime example of this is the political reaction to the recent terrorist attack in Orlando. The political solution is apparently to further restrict the rights of law-abiding American citizens. Everybody at the club were law-abiding citizens, they were out for an evening of entertainment and merry-making. As I recall firearms are not allowed in the part of a club serving alcoholic beverages, so consequently the lawful were disarmed, obeying the law. The only one who broke the law was the terrorist who entered the club with firearms. And then he did what terrorists do, he starting killing unarmed citizens(civilians). He chose a “soft target” because he wanted to go about his terroristic intentions unimpeded by the possibility of encountering anyone inside the club that may have been armed. You will note that this like almost all large-scale terrorist attacks the intended victims would have no way to effectively defend themselves. The laws on the books worked just fine, problem is the terrorist had no intention of following the law. It will be the same the next time it happens, wherever it happens, the same as in California. The law-abiding citizens obeyed the law, the terrorists did not nor will they, ever.

Immediately the gun control crowd jumped up on their “soap-box” claiming that more gun control was needed to prevent such acts. They actually blamed the murder and mayhem on the gun. So they cries went out for somebody to do something, the gun violence must be stopped. I do need someone to explain to me how a gun, an inanimate object can become violent all by itself. It again just like every other crime or terrorist act took the intentional effort by a human being to carry out the act. It was not the gun that is or became violent enough to load magazines itself and pull back the charging handle and the aim itself at people and then commence firing and change magazines as the ammo became depleted. No all those actions required a human. I would even be bold enough to claim that if a rifle were to be loaded with a full magazine, the charging handle pulled back and released to send a live round of ammunition into the chamber and the safety not engaged(left on fire) and then placed in a corner the loaded rifle would stand right there until the end of time and never turn violent. The only thing left to do was to pull the trigger and it would go bang, it would wait right where it was left waiting for a human. Magazines can not load themselves, charging handles can not pull themselves to the rear and triggers can not depress them selves, all those steps require human action, willful and intention human actions.

What needs to happen is that the right to self-defense of the citizens of this country needs to be unimpeded. But the gun control crowd and the liberal socialists in government(democrat, republican and independent)will demand and do just the opposite. It is not the law-abiding citizens that are the problem in this country nor is it the availability of firearms. The problem is the criminal element and now terrorists in this country. We do not need gun control, what we do need is criminal control and terrorist control. Criminals can be controlled by the laws already on the books, but only if the laws are enforced. Terrorists can be controlled by not letting them in this country, in other words immigration and visa control. Failing to control immigration and visas into this country is akin to letting people into your house that should never have been allowed on your lawn, then acting surprised when they destroy or attempt to destroy you and yours.

One interesting tidbit was the congress critter from down Orlando way spewing this garbage, people should not be allowed weapons that fire seven hundred a minute. That idiot should do the math on his foolish statement. 700 rounds per minute would equate to 11.6 round per second, that is one fast semi-automatic rifle no to mention the quickness of changing magazines, and the weight of that much ammunition. Are the good people from his district really contemplating sending him back to congress? Lord help us. After hearing what that man had to say I had to consult Webster’s for a possible word and definition that would help describe the level of incompetence and ignorance of some of the distinguished members of government, I came up with the following;
Nit-wits, Half-wits, Dim-wit and Witless, they pretty much all mean the same thing. A stupid or foolish person. The I looked for words to describe the statements they make and possible laws they may attempt to introduce in the aftermath of the Orlando terrorist attack. I came up with the following; Half-baked, not completely thought out.

I would like to point this out in case any of the gun control crowd missed it. When the call for help went out it was answered by people with guns, a lot of people with a lot of guns. If you are so against guns why did you call for and expect people carrying guns to show up? If the terrorist wanted to cause such carnage and he did not have a gun or two he would have chosen a different method, the result would have been the same many innocent would have died. The same can not be said if someone, anyone or everyone in the club would have had a least the same capability as the terrorist. I thought you liberals were all about equality and creating a level playing field. You gave one an advantage over many others. Why do you promote policies that go against one of your stronger beliefs? All things being equal, I mean. Seems to me you actually promote inequality.

Then I have to say that the Dim-wits, Nit-wits and Half-wits can only be in government if people of the same caliber continually elect and re-elect them. The only way we have half-baked ideas for laws is that people elect people who hatch half-baked laws. You reap what you sow. You elect stupid you get stupid.

Then there is this, incompetence and ignorance runs rampant through society. Read on Free Republic today where the Southern Baptist Convention(SBC)has banned the display of the Confederate Flag in SBC churches. So let me address this real quick while on the subject of Dim-wits, Nit-wits, half-wits, Witless and Half baked. The Southern Baptist Church I attend does not display the Confederate Flag on the grounds or in the Sanctuary, there are however on display in the Sanctuary the Christian Flag and the U.S. Flags. Were you referring to the Stars and Bars(the Flag of The Confederacy, The Confederate States of America) or the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia? Just asking. Since when did political correctness enter the Sanctuary? If you are by decree banning the flag that may or may not be displayed in a Southern Baptist Church because someone may be offended, when will you deny Christianity because someone may be offended?

Time to wake-up

Wake-up sleepy heads, as they say “Wake-up and smell the coffee”. While you are at it wake-up the American spirit, the spirit that should reside inside every legal and lawful American citizen. Wake-up your values and take notice of what is going on around this country. Wake-up your morals and take notice of what is happening around this country.

Then again you may not be sleeping, you may be like the frog in the pot of water. You were not placed in a pot of hot water if you were you would have recognized the danger that you were in and you would have immediately gotten out. You were placed in a pot of water with a comfortable temperature and you remained. A fire was built under the pot you were comfortable in and the temperature was slowly increased and you never felt the danger that was awaiting you. The water is getting hotter and hotter and still you remain, never noticing the water is at, if not already past the temperature where if you were placed in it at the beginning you would have gotten out. Perhaps you have gotten comfortable while you are being stewed. Comfortable and complacent.

America finds herself in the unfortunate position of being the frog in the pot of near boiling water. The American spirit has been being boiled out of the citizens for so long the American spirit is being boiled out of America herself. There is at this point two flames in America one is growing bigger and stronger while the other is growing smaller and weaker. The flame growing is the flame under the pot with America in it. The flame growing smaller is the flame of the American spirit, Freedom and Liberty.

Now, let’s talk about “Making America Great Again” more specifically the “Greatness of America”. America truly is a great, unique and exceptional country no matter what the “apologists” claim or say. I would dare to say that there is no nation on earth like America. What was it that made America great to begin with. A little history, short version.

America was not a free and independent nation in 1776 or times prior. The 13 colonies existed under the rule of a tyrannical and despotic Monarch. A point was reached when the insufferable was no longer sufferable. America declared its independence in 1776, and then fought for it for 5 long years. It took 5 years for the British to finally get the message that the Colonials had stood all they could stand and would stand no more, but get the message they did. The beginnings of American greatness began with the Colonials they wanted freedom and liberty and were willing to take up arms and possibly sacrifice everything, even their lives to gain it. Independence was not granted to the Colonials, they fought for it and won it many died to gain it. Those brave souls earned for each and every legal and lawful citizen of this great nation Independence with all of the Freedoms and Liberties associated with it. In short America became a great nation not because of the world, but instead in spite of the world, and therefore owes no apologies to the world.

So, how did America find herself sitting in a pot of near boiling water? There are three answers to that question.
The first answer is sadly enough the citizens. The citizens found out soon enough that they could indeed vote themselves money from the national treasury(more on this in a later post).
The second answer is that the government changed. They found out soon enough that they did not need consent to govern(more on this in a later post too).
The third answer is that the Conservatives found themselves swallowed up by the Republican Party(more on this now). The Republican Party does not now or has it ever represented any Conservative values. There have been times when a Conservative have been elected President and along with him brought Conservative values, but was only allowed to implement Conservative changes to government that the Republican Party would allow. The Republican Party is the party of Big Government, always has been always will be. The Democratic Party is nothing like it was, and has deteriorated to a level of outright Socialism. The funny thing is that most Conservatives are former Democrats. President Reagan was at one time a Democrat, as he famously stated when asked why he left the Democratic Party “I did not leave the Democratic Party the Democratic Party left me”. President Reagan knew and recognized that the Democratic Party had been hi-jacked and would never return, lost forever to Radical Ideologues. There are still many Democrats in the spirit of President Thomas Jefferson and President Ronald Reagan, but none of them hold office as Democrats and sadly they do not fit in with Republicans(this will also be covered in a later post).

There is before America a chance, perhaps the last chance to get out the hot water. That chance comes in the form of Mr. Donald J. Trump, he is no Jefferson or Reagan but he is the possible way out. Look at the rest of the contenders, one is a self-proclaimed socialist and the other is, well. Sanders and Clinton will both keep America in hot water, boiling the very life and spirit out of her and us.

Many of us recognized the dangers of being a pot of water long ago and got the heck out of it. Now we find ourselves trying to pull America out of the pot. The task before us is a great one. We try to pull but America sinks deeper in the pot, slowly having the spirit cooked out of her. There are times when we make great progress then a set back occurs and America slips back in. But we keep trying, it would be a shame to let this Nation continue to boil. At any rate, if you are asleep wake the heck-up realize that America is in a heap of trouble climb out of the pot dry yourself and for God’s sake help us pull this great nation out of the proverbial pot. You do have another choice, you can remain asleep in the pot of boiling water until one day you hear someone say “Put a fork in her she is done”. Your choice.