Lies of the left

Have you noticed how many leftists refer to the United States as a Democracy. I am going to point this out once again, not all leftists are democrats. The United States was founded as a Republic. The US has been called a Democracy so often that many believe that to be true. There is an old adage that goes something like this; Repeating a lie does not make it the truth. It has also been said that if you repeat a lie often enough people will take it for the truth.

When Benjamin Franklin was asked; What do we have? He responded; A Republic. He also added these few words as a part of that answer; If you can keep it. He answer seemed to imply that it would take some “work” to keep this a Republic and not let it become a Democracy.

At some point along the way the “ball” got dropped. The Pledge of Allegiance, is it still recited in school? The word Republic is in the pledge, the word Democracy is not. I thought I would include this video by Red Skelton.

And one by Johnny Wright.

Have we lost it? Is this Republic now on the verge of becoming a Democracy?

Southern Born, Southern Proud

This post will in most likelihood send the farcebook censors running for their safe-places and frankly I don’t give a rat’s behind. The time is upon us where we must make and take a stand. We Southrons(Southerners)must do all we can to preserve our Heritage and preserve our Rights as Southrons and Christians.

Think on this. How many times have we been lectured too about being tolerant of others? Yet, we are not tolerated, we are ridiculed.

We are expected to be tolerant of gays and lesbians, I believe they are called the LBGT community, I also understand that a whole plethora of other letters have been added to their description. But no letter they have claimed indicates that they welcome those of us who are straight(normal). We are expected to be welcoming to them yet they are not expected to be welcoming of us. So much for tolerance and reciprocity. If this crap keeps up we will all be expected to be a part of the LBGT community. No Thanks.

Think about how many times per day you and I see the symbols of the LBGT and what ever letter they now have affixed to their movement. Whether it be on the media outlets or within our own sight. We are expected to react positively or not to react at all. We cant claim to be offended, for if we did we would be called homophobic. We cant run to our “safe-spaces”, we don’t have safe-spaces nor do we feel a need to have them.

We are expected to be tolerant of those who enter our country illegally. Law-makers at the federal and state levels have even introduced legislation to protect their rights, some governors have even signed that legislation into law. Rights by the way they do not have. Those who are here legally and lawfully have Constitutional protections, those who are here illegally and unlawfully dont. The democrats even shutdown the government over the issue of illegal immigrants, dreamers and DACA. They are in this country illegally and display the flags of their native lands, this to is not supposed to offend us. Yet they are offended by our flags, we must hide our flag from their sight so as not to offend them. They burn our flag in protest, but what are they protesting? We have been lectured too by some in high government offices that America is a nation of immigrants. Well that may be, true to a point. The immigrants of times past assimilated into American society, learning to read and write English. Those days are long past, today immigrants are no longer encouraged to assimilate. As a matter of fact it appears that assimilation is discouraged, even frowned upon. Why do I have to press 1 to continue in English?

We must be tolerant of the Muslims coming to this country. Employers are being forced to bend over backwards to accommodate their religious beliefs and activities. At the same time employers are sued if they allow Christian prayers on company property. We must be tolerant of Islam while being intolerant of Christianity. If we get offended we are labeled as islamophobic.

We are expected to be tolerant of the what I call the gender confused. We are expected to let them use the bathroom of their choice, no matter how they are plumbed. We are not supposed to get offended if a man thinking he is a woman or vise versa, for that day to go into the bathroom with our wives and/or children and not complain. Wouldn’t want to offend them. I am not quite just sure if there is a phobia, ist or ism label for that one or not, don’t rightly care. There is at he same time no consideration of the woman who wants to use the women’s room absent the prying eyes of a man claiming to be a woman. The offended confused can and do sue because they have been “shortchanged”, not allowing them to express their preference. Yet, what legal avenue does the one being forced to submit to the bathroom choice policy? Do that with mine and I will do more than just offend you.

As a side note, to those businesses that have adopted the policy of using which ever bathroom you want my shadow will never cross your threshold. Much the same for those businesses that post a no firearms sign.

For most the rest of this post I will be using visual aids found on the internet.

As a matter of fact we are expected to be tolerant of everyone and everything but ourselves. We are expected to deny our culture and heritage. To borrow a line from a book I read, We are expected to sit atop the stool of everlasting repentance, apologizing for our culture and heritage. Well, this ol’ boy aint sitting atop no stool, I aint got nothing to apologize for. I certainly aint gonna apologize for being a Southron. I certainly aint gonna apologize for being the descendant of a Confederate soldier. I will also not apologize for being descended from those brave men who first fought for our Independence from the British. I am a Floridian, and no apology there either. I am an un-reconstructed Southron, and again no apology. If you are sitting atop that stool kindly get the hell down. Take a stand. Make a stand. Be proud of your culture and heritage.

The social justice warriors are demanding that the symbols of the South must be torn down. They seem to be offended by our culture and our heritage. The Flags of the Confederacy, the Statues and the Monuments are all offensive to them they claim that they are the symbols of slavery and white supremacy. Hogwash, they are no such thing. To borrow a line from another book I read, These people suffer from Confederaphobia, Confederaphobia an American epidemic.

So what are we to do? Well that is entirely up to you, but time is short, do something. I have few suggestions.

Quit apologizing and get down from the stool. This should be easy. Did or do you own slaves? No, then quit apologizing for slavery and quit apologizing for those who did. See how easy that is.

Educate yourself on your culture and heritage. Realize that you have been lied to since grade school and seek the truth. The soldiers of the Confederacy were noble men who believed in their cause. It was not a lost cause or a fool’s errand.
If you are in denial and find yourselves constantly apologizing for being a Southron, it is you who are on a fool’s errand.

Educate your children and grandchildren. They are being taught a lie, it is your responsibility to teach them the truth.
It is our descendants who must carry on. At this moment the preservation of the Southron heritage and culture seems pretty bleak. This must be turned around.

One would think that we are living in George Orwell’s book 1984. The Ministry of Truth had the power to say what the truth was and change the truth a the drop of a hat. There was no truth in that ministry, much the same as the education system teaches everything but the truth, while calling what they teach the truth. The former truth was dumped down the memory hole and the new truth
became the truth, the truth that had always been. 2+2=4 right? But it equals exactly what they say it does. Remember the impeachment hearings of a few years back. It depends on what your definition of is, is.

When a Confederate symbol taken down put two, three or more up in its place. Show your pride. In fact you could put up a Christian flag for good measure. Yes you can be a Southron and a Christian at the same time. My ancestors were. Don’t believe the lie that the Confederacy was not a Christian country and a Christian people.

Educate others. Spread the word. Spread the truth. Join an organization that supports and promotes the South, Southron Culture and Southron Heritage. If you join an organization participate to the level you can. Don’t be browbeaten into being at every event across the land, or chastised for not being at some place others think or thought you should have been at. Most of us have limited resources and have jobs to support our families. If you cant find one start one, even a book club.

Forget about the whole “coexist” ideology. You can not now and never will be able to coexist with those who only want you to be destroyed. You may be perfectly capable of being a good neighbor with people who are different with you, but they will never be good neighbors to you. Coexistence is a fool’s errand. It was Gen. William T. Sherman who once said “The problem with the South is that it has to many Southerners”. Fully one-quarter of the male population of the South were either killed or maimed during your civil war. Towns, cities and the Southern people were ravaged and savaged. Well Billy Boy, both my Great-Great Grandfathers survived and here I am.

Make no mistake about it what is going now with the symbols, statues and monuments of the Confederacy is no more than another period of Reconstruction, reconstruction 2.0, if you will. The South may have lost its bid for independence, the South did not lose its identity. There is another thing, the socialist social justice warriors will not stop with eradicating the last vestiges of the Confederacy. While they “chomp” away at the symbols Confederacy, they are “nibbling” away at much more.

Hide and watch. It will not stop with eradicating the Confederacy, they are already moving towards other targets. Think the plaques at the Church attended by George Washington. Much the same as the, at the time civil unions of same-sex couples. Civil unions was not the goal, it was however a “launching pad” towards their ultimate goal. Their goal was same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is with us today, not by legislation, but by a ruling, a decree if you will. Not by the president, but by the courts, the Supreme Court. The majority opinion of 9 people in black robes decided that the rest of the country had to succumb to and accept same-sex marriage as the law of the land. Make no mistake their goal is the complete and total eradication of this Republic. Which brings this question, How do you eat an elephant? One bit at a time. Eradication of all things Confederate is just the “launching pad”.

There was a futuristic fiction movie some years ago, the title was Fahrenheit 451. It was a movie about firemen, they did not exactly fight fires, they instead would set things afire, books to be specific. There were another group of people in the movie. They spent their time talking, not just talking but reciting books that they had read and memorized. As they aged they began reciting to the young, the young were taught to memorize a book that they had never seen, memorizing the spoken word. If the terror were to ever end the surviving generations would then be able to reproduce, print the books that had been lost. They were saving literature and history. If not for this effort all history would have been lost. I encourage you to watch the movie, before it too is lost.

Sherman said what he said in his time. I say what I say in my time. The problem with the South is that has too many “carpetbaggers” and “scalawags”.


God Bless Florida

Falling apart at the seams

The political establishment may have at last met its match. At long last we may see the party of Lincoln on the ash heaps of history along with the Federalist, Whig and Free Soil parties. At current there are two republican Senators who will not seek re-election, hopefully many more will join them. One of them cites something akin to party disloyalty, disloyalty by the president, as his reason for not seeking re-election. I say good riddance and dont let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya on the way out and please take as many of your kind as possible with you. I doubt that the democrats will ever field a candidate that would turn the democrat party on its ear as President Trump has done with the republican party. More on the democrats later.

President Trump has done more to expose the corruption in D.C. than any president in recent history. President Trump has not hijacked the republican party, he has however exposed the party for what it is. The republican party is now what it has always been, the party of big, big government. They believe that for every problem there is a government solution, when in fact most problems are the fault of government interference and intervention.

In order not to paint with too broad of a brush, let me say this. There are people serving in Congress in both parties that want to do the right thing. There are two things stopping them, first are the establishment politicians and second is the political party machine. The problem is that those wanting to do the right thing are few and far between, scarce as hen’s teeth.

Let me take a side road for jest a minute. There are many that call themselves Constitutional Conservatives while at the same time saying how much they admire Abraham Lincoln. They talk out both sides of their mouths. No one can be a Constitutional Conservative and an admirer of Lincoln, impossible I say. Lincoln did more to destroy the Constitution and this Republic than any other President. He took it upon himself to appoint himself Caesar of America. Read your history and research this for yourselves, you may just be surprised at what you find out about Mr. Lincoln.

Let me continue on this side road. More Presidents than not have done their level best to find a way to get around the Constitution. Most have been very successful at circumventing the Constitution. Some have weaponized the government, using government agents against their political opponents. Some have used the government to reward their supporters. Some have done both. Just following in the foot steps of Lincoln. The damage they have done may be unrepairable at this late date.

Now to the democrats. It seems that the democrats will risk losing an election or two even three just to get what they want. The best and most recent example of this would be Obamacare. The democrats took a gamble, a gamble that has paid off and will continue. Let me explain.

When the democrats had control of the entire government, the House, the Senate and the Presidency. They introduced, passed and signed into law the ACA(aka Obamacare)the was no republican input or votes in support of the ACA. It was purely a democrat law. If it worked it would have been a huge victory for the democrats. But the ACA was not designed to work, it was intended to fail. This is best shown by the statement of the former democrat Speaker of the House, when she famously said, “You have to pass it to find what is in it”. Since most if not all of the democrats voted to pass the ill-fated law never read it, they did not care what was in it. Then it started, the republicans stating how bad it was. But how did they know it was so bad? It would seem that no one read the thing. The republicans began their campaign to repeal the ACA. The democrats had the republicans just where they wanted them and their gamble began to pay off.

The republicans gained control of the House, but the democrats still controlled the Senate and the Presidency. The republicans began their attempts at repealing the ACA. They knew it would go nowhere, it would never be passed in the Senate. Little more than political grandstanding. Next the republicans took control of the Senate. Legislation finally would reach the President. They full well knew two things. First they knew the president was never going to sign any legislation that repealed the ACA, the democrats still controlled the presidency. Second they knew that they could not find enough votes to override a presidential veto. More political grandstanding.

The republicans either fell into a carefully crafted trap or painted themselves into a corner. There is a third possibility that I will get into later. The republicans from 2010 ran on a campaign promise to repeal the ACA. Then the term repeal and replace was bandied about. Well they have been unable to do either. They cant even find enough support in their own ranks to even get legislation moving forward. The republicans control the House, the Senate and have the Presidency. Which brings us to the third possibility. The republicans only said what would get them elected, there never was a real intention to do away with the ACA. Now we have a bi-partisan effort to save the ACA. So the republicans were lying all the time. Oh, color me shocked. The reason that the ACA is still with us is because the party that crafted it and the party that supposedly opposed it are both big government political parties. At some point the ACA will morph into a single payer system at which time the government will have complete and total control over the entire health care system. I believe it is or will be called Medicare for all. One thing for sure we will never be subjected to the lie about repealing the ACA again.

Now lets visit Tax Reform. It looks like some will get a tax break, a lower percentage paid into the government. But hold on, the republicans are proposing a plan that lets individuals put less into their 401k. A 401k lets a person build up a personal retirement account, tax deferred. Meaning the government only gets their cut when withdrawals are made. The republicans want to lower that amount. Meaning two things, first people will put less into their 401k(having less when they retire, if they can), second they will be having more taxable income(more revenue for the government). The tax cuts are only an illusion. The government gets their cut sooner. Even with a lower rate the people will see their taxable income going up, and on the same pay. Go figure.

Lets go back to the democrats for just a bit. When the democrats are the majority they seem to be able to any thing they want, the republicans being the minority seem to be unable to stop them. When the republicans are the majority the democrats seem to be able to stymie them at will. It leaves one to wonder if the democrats are the perpetual majority no matter which party is the majority. So much for a two-party political system. The democrats took a gamble to pass the ACA, the republicans are unwilling to take a gamble on repealing the ACA. The republicans may just find themselves in the minority again, and possibly forever.

I said the democrats were willing to take a gamble, I did not say they were stupid. Though the speeches and remarks by some democrat congressional members would indicate otherwise. Back in 2010 the democrats had the “whole ball of wax”, the House, the Senate and the Presidency yet they made no attempt at gun control. They could have had their way in the arena of personal firearms and the republicans would have been powerless to stop them. Yet they did nothing even though they are anti-gun zealots. Funny thing about this is the fact that no gun control group has yet to chastise them for taking no meaningful action when it comes to guns. No going at that alone as a political party would be tantamount to political party suicide. Gun control is the only area that the democrats have any interest in bi-partisanship, they are willing to take some of the blame for that one but not all of it. The way the republicans cave it will not be long before they join the democrats on gun control.

Now let’s go on to debts, deficits and budgets. The Republicans have proposed a 4 trillion-dollar budget, but there is no indication as to where that money will appear from. Perhaps a money pit or a printing press. We have been told for so long that there exists a national debt, hell I have even repeated that. I have read that the amount is close to if not exceeding 20 trillion. Now I am beginning to wonder if there is a national debt. It seems that the government can always find money somehow somewhere. We basically have no idea how much money the Treasury has, time to time has not shown up yet. We have no idea how much money is spent, or what the money was spent on. Patrick henry was right about the definition of time to time. There is no audit and no accountability when it comes to the Treasury or the Federal Reserve and any efforts to do so are stymied. The national debt may be non-existent, but rumors of its existence serves as an effective scare tactic. Each political party blames the other for the national debt, but both parties spend money like drunken sailors(not meant to disparage drunken sailors). We are told that a national debt exists and we are also told how much each of us or household is responsible for. I have borrowed nothing I am responsible for zero dollars. The taxes that I pay should be sufficient to cover my share of the costs to fund the government, for the things the government is supposed to do according to the Constitution. The only way I could possibly owe more would be if the government is operating outside of the Constitution.

Back to the republican Senators not seeking re-election. You obviously dont have the guts to follow through on your obligations. You will be departing with your “war chest” stacked full of cash, not to mention the millions you have acquired and a nice fat pension. You are set for life while those of us who counted on you to be honorable are left down here just getting by. Don’t worry yourself too much over our fate, we will get by not because of what you have done but in spite of what you have done.

One last point. For those complaining about the slow progress in draining the swamp consider this. If you drain the swamp to fast you may just find yourself up to your ass in alligators.

God Bless the State of Florida.

And Tomorrow?

This post will cover a lot of ground, intentional. This post will leave gaps and holes, again intentional. This is just the first of many parts, the gaps and holes will at some point be filled in. Some will seem repetitive, some things are worth repeating. Each will be lengthy, grab a cup of coffee, sit back and enjoy.

Each generation has but one wish, and that is the hope of leaving for their descendants a better place than they inherited from their ancestors. The only way to insure this is to have good and proper(truthful) record of the history of the people and their country. Half-truths are no substitute for the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

As it relates to history there are three types of history.
1 Past History. The history of yesterday and the days past.
2 Present history. The history of today though it is still being written and will not be finished until tomorrow.
3 Future history. The history of tomorrow and days yet to come.

In the annals of mankind there is but one book written that covers all three areas of history, and that is the Holy Bible. The Word, God’s Word. From Genesis through Revelations.

So, what about tomorrow? Do we want tomorrow to just another today? Do you want to continue living the same day over and over? Just like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day? We don’t have to live in the past nor should we, and frankly I doubt that today’s population could endure the hardships of our ancestors, nor do we have to. Nor can we just live for today, the here and now. This would be existing and not living. Tomorrow is the key. Tomorrow should and will be better than today if only we let it.

What kind of tomorrow will we have if we allow some in society to erase or demand that others erase today and yesterday from history? How far are they willing to go in their efforts? What is their ultimate goal? These are questions that need to be asked.

Demands to remove “offensive” Confederate symbols from the Flags of the Confederacy to Monuments to the Confederacy are just the beginning. Much like the demands from the “alt-lifestyle” community.

That mess started with just a demand to visit “loved ones” in the hospital, so the idea of a Civil-Union was forced on the rest of society. This whole issue could have been avoided by the use of a simple power of attorney. But no, their ultimate goal was a legal marriage, and the courts have provided for a small segment of our population what the rest of the population has been denied, a Constitutional Right to Marry. There still is no Supreme Court ruling to allow the marriage of a Man and a Woman, nothing making different sex marriage a Constitutional Right. A friend of mine(Male)just recently married his long-time sweetheart(Female)and there was something unusual on the marriage license, instead of having a space for the husband and the wife, it had a space for the spouse and the spouse. Good Grief. I wonder what sex if any will be listed on birth certificates now and in the future. Canada already has three sexes to choose from on their passports.

Now back to all things Confederate being “offensive”. In recent post I said that people would begin changing their names because they may be offensive to some person at some time. Well it is now it has gone straight to the point of a person being punished because of his name, because it might offend someone. The sportscaster was not allowed to broadcast or announce on a college football game because his name is Robert Lee. This has got to be a first. I wonder, could he have performed his normal duties if his name was Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Che Guevara, Karl Marx or Friedrich Engels? Just asking. I kind of suspect that he would have, and most likely with cheers from the left. After all Earth Day is celebrated on Lenin’s birthday and Castro, Chavez, Guevara, Marx, Engels, Mao and Lenin are all heroes to the left.

So where is all of this heading? As stated above the attack on all things Confederate is just a starting point, a sort of “jumping off point”. There is an ultimate goal, there has to be. Even if all things Confederate could be “erased” from sight, the memory of the Confederacy would still exist. The Constitution of the Confederate States of America still exists as the “law of the land’ of the Confederacy, it was never repealed.

If the intent to destroy all things Confederate is tied to a sort of atoning for slavery then only the middle is under attack. The Confederacy in the opinion of some was founded on the premise of continuing that “Peculiar Institution”. This is not the opinion of many others including myself. One could I suppose claim that the first seven sates seceded over slavery. But how could one suppose the same of the next four states to secede? Going back to the original seven seceding states South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. They each and all seceded because they had a right to do so in the same spirit that the original 13 colonies when they seceded from Great Britain. To chart their own destinies and institute a government that best suited them, they formed the Confederate States of America, drafted a Constitution and set up a provisional government.

Now let’s go to the four states who later seceded and what caused their secession. Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas all voted to remain in the Union as the other seven voted to depart from the union. So ask yourself why they voted to stay and then voted again to exit and why. The four voted to leave the union after and only after President Lincoln attempted to raise an army with each of the remaining union states contributing a requisite number of men to accomplish the task at hand. So just what was the task at hand? The task at hand was to force the original seven seceded states back into the union and comply with federal laws, laws they considered ruinous. The four seceded rather than take up arms to force their fellow countrymen back into the union. The point here is that the federal government would use force against fellow Americans not because they refused to free slaves but because they dared to “buck” the system, and secede. There was no law to free the people held in slavery.

There were other states actively considering seceding. It would appear to some states that the federal government was becoming what the Colonials have fought just 85 years earlier.

Lincoln waged war against Americans to preserve the Union not to end slavery. It was not the Colonials that waged war with Britain, the King chose war. It was not the Confederacy that waged war against the Union, Lincoln chose war. A little note, Lincoln thought so highly of Lee that he offered him the job of commanding the federal forces against the Confederacy. Lee refused, resigned from the federal army and returned to Virginia to defend his home state.

Had the seven not seceded they in all likely hood would have retained slavery and the slaves would have remained in bondage. In fact slavery would have continued in all states North and South that were yet to abolish slavery, of their own volition. As stated above their was no federal law outlawing slavery. Had there been no what some people call the Civil War, we call it the War for Southern Independence there would have been no Emancipation Proclamation. Which by the way freed absolutely no slaves, it was merely a political maneuver, a slick one at that.

The Confederacy is just viewed as the “low-hanging fruit”, easy to pick. For many reasons, number one being the slavery issue. The Confederacy is viewed as a group of slave states therefore anyone who defends the Confederacy, it’s Flags and Monuments will be labeled as racists and bigots. This backed up by “cherry picking” speeches and papers from selected individuals concerning slavery and causes for secession. Half-Truths. The whole truth is out there for you to find, if you care about the truth. But let me ask you this. Would you fight a long war, 4 long years just to keep a race in bondage, knowing that keeping them in bondage lowers your chances to gain employment? Think about it. Would you fight a war to protect yourself and your country? Would fight a war, no matter how long if this country was invaded by a foreign nation? Would you harbor ill-feelings if your country was conquered and then occupied for years if not centuries.

So if all of this being “offended” stems from the Confederacy and slavery, why not address the real issue. The buying and selling of humans. The lesser of two evils, many choices made are based on just that, the lesser of two evils. We can all agree that slavery, human bondage, is an evil, a great evil. But as with anything else it can be divided into categories. Buying and selling slaves, which is the lesser of the two? Buying? Selling? One can not buy what is not for sale. One can only buy what is for sale. One can not sale that which another will not or can not buy. No market no sale. Think about it. If the hating of and removal of all things Confederate is based on the premise of slavery, then one must start with the slave traders. Did the plantation owners demand slaves to work their plantations? Did someone create a market by providing slave labor. But then again this would cause people to think for themselves. Being indoctrinated is not conducive to thinking, unless you count groupthink.

As stated above the hatred of a subsequent removal of all things Confederate is just a “stepping-stone” for the liberal socialist progressive left, going after the “low-hanging fruit”. What is going on now is just the beginning. The end goal is not to erase the Confederacy, it is to erase America itself, erase America from existence, sending her down the proverbial “memory hole”. To go after the Constitution, or what is left of it, for in the Constitution is the phrase “three fifths of all other persons”. Destroy the Constitution, destroy America.

The ultimate goal, I believe is a second period of reconstruction, a reconstruction of America. Erase the old and construct the new, the New America with a new Constitution and a new form of government. This time there will be no Bill of Rights, you will have no Rights, only Duties, Responsibilities and Obligations. This has got to come to a halt, and I pray that it does before it becomes too late.

Maybe this from Germany will help. When they can for the(insert what is appropriate)I said nothing, because I was not a(again inset what is appropriate). Keep the process going listing all that has no concern for you because you are not a whatever. You will at some point during the process come to a point where you are affected, but remember that when each group is attacked the numbers of those can or could resist constantly dwindle. When they came for me there was no one left to speak out. There is another aspect to consider in this application. Call it payback, revenge or whatever term you choose to use. It would be easy to say; You refused to stand up or speak out for me or on my behalf, why on God’s green earth should I assist you now? Think about that. Segregate. Isolate. Destroy.

But where does it stop? Will it stop when all of the Monuments and other symbols of the Confederacy are destroyed and erased from memory? No, my friend it will not stop there. Will it stop when all books and papers favorable to the Confederacy are collected and burned? No, my friend it will not stop there either. It will not stop until all that represents America is destroyed, removed from sight and then burned.

Anti-FA has some allies in this destruction of America, some willingly and others unwittingly. A word of caution. The ones marching under the banner of Anti-Fascist America are the Fascists, those going with the flow, so to speak, are just tools, tools to be used and then disposed of. They will accept no point of view but their own. They resort to violence to accomplish their immediate goals. Their immediate goals are to work towards their ultimate goal, one step at a time. They should probably use their correct name, Jacobins, the “ends justify the means” crowd. There will come a time towards the end where Anti-FA will have no choice but to implement their own Operation Mockingbird. You have heard of Operation Mockingbird, haven’t you? You may know it better by the common name, The Night of the Long Knives. Those who accompany Anti-FA might just want to brush up on history, before that too is erased.

What was right in 1776 was right in 1861 and is still right today
God Bless Dixie
God Bless Florida
God Bless Southern Heritage

Stand strong Texas, the Florida Baptists are just gearing up. The real cavalry is on the way, The Church.

Who or What is next?

Now we have this from the Liberal Left Socialist Progressives(LLSP). It now appears that there are offensive monuments in the Halls of Congress. We know this because some “esteemed and enlightened” politicians(clowns)have said so. These clowns have wandered these same halls for years, however it would seem that they have just now at this very minute seen them, though most of these statues have stood there silently for years bothering no one. These same “esteemed and enlighten” clowns want to introduce legislation to have them removed from Capitol Hill.

So you have to ask yourself why must or did they announce to the world that these offensive things exist, offensive to them but only recently. The answer to that is simple, and here is why. American politics revolves around opinion polls, yes it is the pollsters and those who hire them that set and control the political agenda. Likewise the American foreign policy has for years been shaped by “World Opinion”. They are just checking to see which way the wind blows.

There is a reason why the legislation to remove the “offensive” statues from the Statutory was announced. If the legislation stalls in committee, the LLSP esteemed and enlightened clowns will go to their allies in the media and decry the obstructionists to this legislation as racists, neo-Nazis, or what ever term will give them the most “traction”. The same will happen if the Congress does not pass the legislation. Any opposition to the legislation will be met with the same vicious attacks, the legislation will most likely pass with little or no opposition. Worse will happen if the legislation becomes a bill and is sent to President Trump and he refuses to sign the bill into law. If the bill passes with little or no opposition and the president vetoes the bill his veto will be overridden. Damned if you do Damned if you dont. The LLSP will then claim that our Constitution works, the same Constitution they have worked so hard to destroy and so despise when it stands in their way.

There was also a reason the announcement of the existence of these statues was announced. The vast majority of Americans have never visited Washington D.C. Consequently the existence of these statues was until unknown. Those who knew of their existence were not offended. No one demanded their removal, until these clown sprang into action. With this announcement there has been an invitation to visit the Capitol, not to see the beauty but to look for things that offend.

Stacking the Deck. This is exactly what the LLSP have done with these announcements, they announced the presence of these statues, they also announced their intention to introduce legislation to have them removed. These esteemed and enlightened clowns know that the legislative process in Congress is slow to the point of being excruciatingly slow, they have been a part of the process for years and in some cases decades. They intend to speed up the process, but only in this instance. By making these announcements these esteemed and enlightened clowns have effectively and intentionally invited protests, more protests to D.C. Even without legislation the protests and the ensuing violence will cause outcry. You will get what you want. You intend to make it swift.

Playing both ends against the middle, a favorite tactic of the LLSP. They know by these announcements there will be protesters coming to D.C. There will be those who are opposed to the removal/destruction or the statues for whatever position they hold. There will be those for the removal/destruction of the statues again for whatever position they hold. These will be the only protestors, they come in peace to voice their opinions under the First Amendment, Free Speech. They want to make speeches and carry their signs and posters, Protesters not Rioters. These clowns know full well that the extremes will show up, left and right, they are counting on them. They are also counting on violence, without violence they will not have a victim. They will undoubtedly infiltrate the protesters, whether paid or just to cause trouble. The extremes never come in peace, they bring death and destruction, they provide what you need. The LLSP will blame only the ones who protest the removal.

The Ends Justify the Means. The LLSP and their allies in the media have an agenda to fulfil and will see it through not matter what the cost. They do not and never have considered the cost of their schemes. Their agenda has got to be to destroy America. To destroy America they must finish off the South. Four years of war did not get it done, reconstruction still did not get it done. The South and the Southern culture still exists, and it and has been a thorn in the side of the LLSP, the media and the elitists.

There was country song years back that had the lyrics; You cant stomp us out and you cant make us run. The LLSP know full well that one can only be pushed so far. Maybe a poem will help.

by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good
When the Saxon began to hate

They were not easily moved
They were icy–willing to wait
Till every count should be proved
Ere the Saxon began to hate

Their voices were even and low
Their eyes were level and straight
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate

It was not preached to the crowd
It was not taught by the state
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate

It was not suddently bred
It will not swiftly abate
Through the chilled years ahead
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate

All of this leaves one to wonder just what it is that the LLSP wants. Are they pushing for a Civil War? A War pitting political factions against one another? A War pitting the regions of America against one another? Or are they pushing for Martial Law? What you need now is the same as you have always needed, you need a triggering event. The triggering event you so desperately need and seek has yet to appear. You now seek to cause one, using your allies in the media and violent factions. Be careful what you wish for.

There is perhaps one aspect to all of this hatred of all things Southern and Confederate, not to mention the jealousy of the South, that the LSSP and their allies may have overlooked. The monster you create today will come for you tomorrow. If you manage to finish us off by whatever you have in mind there will be no one to save you from the monster you created. You believe you have insulated yourselves, news for you there will never be enough insulation. Your creation(monster)will destroy you, unless you destroy it. How will you destroy them?

God Bless Dixie
God Bless the Southern Culture

What was right in 1776 was right in 1861 and is right today.

Well excuse me

The republican leadership(if it can be called that with a straight face)in the Senate is about as useless as “milk dispensers” on a boar hog. The only thing they seem to be able to do is make excuses. Now it appears that President Trump has set his expectations to high. He actually expected to get things done. The justification for that remark, “He’s not from the political world and does not know how things work around D.C.”. Well I am not from around D.C. either but I am from around here, and around here a mans word is his bond. The politicians seem to have forgotten that little tidbit. You did make campaign promises, did you not. One of which was to repeal Obamacare, you said you would repeal Obamacare, you never said that we should not expect too much. You certainly never said that we should not expect you to repeal Obamacare.

It becomes more apparent by the day that a statement made in the past is true, “There is not a dimes worth of difference between the political parties”. The republicans are little more than Whigs, radical red republicans, the democrats are little more than socialists, radical red socialists. Both are for big government, a big centralized powerful government.

From this moment forward I will expect you to do nothing, my expectations of you and from you will be low, to the point of being non-existent. That way I will never be disappointed in you. If by some miracle you do get something done I will get more than I expected. Thanks for finally coming clean with us.

I am pretty much done with you republicans, at least on the national level. I will no longer put or help to put a pretend friend at my side. You Whigs are no friend to America or to me(socialists never are), though you pretend to be. You have proven that a pretend friend will turn on a dime. You may still wind up at my side but I will keep a wary eye one you. We still do pretty well with republicans(not as many pretend friends, Whigs)at the state level here in Florida, well but not great.

While I am here I might as well clear this up for the politicians and the talking heads. There is a special election coming up in the state of Alabama to fill a vacant senate seat. I have heard of it being referred to as Jeff Sessions seat. I would like to point this out, the Senate seat belongs to the state of Alabama, it does not and did not belong to Jeff Sessions. He was just the most recent occupant of that seat. For that matter there is no man or political party that can lay claim to any seat in Congress. The two Senate seats belong to the State, the seats in the House of Representatives belong to that District in that State. Choose wisely Alabama.

When and if the Convention of States convenes there are two things I would like to come from it. 1 The States Rights Initiative, including Nullification and if necessary Secession. 2 Repealing the 17th Amendment.

As long as I mentioned Nullification and Secession I might as well mention this. There is currently a petition going around here in Florida, a petition for the Secession of Florida from the federal union. A petition to place on the ballot for the citizens of Florida to decide to Seceded or not. An uphill struggle for sure but a worthy struggle. I must admit the Republic of Florida sounds pretty good. The movement in Florida is for real and the petition is for real.

On a side note as mentioned above this movement in Florida is real, unlike those who want out because they did not get the President they wanted(California). California and the rest have no chance unless Dixie goes first.

It is not just in Florida but all across the South. There are those of us who see the South as a defeated and occupied land. The Confederate States of America still exists. The Southern people and culture still exist.

God Bless Dixie
God Bless the Southern People and the Southern Culture.

Well just imagine that

The latest republican plan to repeal or repeal/replace Obamacare has failed, at least that is the breaking news. The true story should read; Everything is proceeding according to plan, we never really had any intention of repealing or repealing/replacing Obamacare anyway.

For over 7 long years the republicans have been running for election/re-election on repealing Obamacare. First they said give us the House and we will repeal Obamacare. They got the House and we got nothing. Next they said give us the Senate and we will repeal Obamacare. They got the Senate and again we got nothing. Next they said give us the White House and we will repeal Obamacare. They got the White House and yet again we get nothing.

Well, I just wonder what will be the excuse they will offer for not getting it done now. The republicans control the House, the Senate and the White House. Is there anything else they need? Besides a spine. I would have said that they need to grow a pair, but there are some female politicians. So a spine covers that best, seeing as both sexes have one. Although the lack of a spine can be beneficial to politicians, especially to politicians, a spine makes it hard to slither around, especially if one tries to slither under a door.

Since Obamacare became Law the republicans have been complaining about how it was bad for Americans and thus bad for America. Since the republicans can not/will not repeal Obamacare reveals much about the republicans. It reveals much about the politicians(D,R and I)priorities. Their priorities are:
1. Themselves. Getting re-elected.
2. Their political party. Keeping their party in control or putting their party in control.
3. Themselves. Increasing their personal wealth.
4. Their big money donors, the lobbyists, the special interest groups.

You will notice that the list of priorities does not list Americans or America. That is because in my opinion, Congress does not give a flip about America and therefore can not/will not give a flip about average Americans. Let’s face it average Americans ain’t a special interest group.

The big government Whigs are back, and back with a vengeance. They have aligned themselves so closely with the democrats it is next to impossible to tell the difference.

Obamacare, since it became law has had zero effect, on me personally. I have group health insurance offered through my employer. I had group health insurance before Obamacare came along, my premiums were low then and are now and my co-pays remain the same now as then. Most people I know also fall into this category.

So now you must be asking yourselves why I rant about Obamacare so much and so often. Well my friends, you will notice that I said most people I know fall into the same category as me. I did not say that everybody I know falls into the same category as me. There are many that have had to return to work after retirement simply because they could not afford to by a private health insurance policy, the premiums and co-pays are just to high. It is good to see familiar faces, but it would have been under better circumstances if they returned because they wanted to rather than coming back because they had to. There are still others that are seriously considering giving up their own business(closing their doors)and going to work for larger companies because of the price of obtaining health insurance. Still others have already closed up shop. That is a crying shame, driven out of business not by shoddy workmanship, but driven out by government and health insurance.

Perhaps these are two intended consequences of Obamacare.
First. Keeping or actually forcing people to stay in the work force longer and longer, past the time they wanted to retire. Those that have group health insurance leave the group if they leave the job, forcing them to buy health insurance. Making health insurance so expensive people simply can not leave the work force because they can not afford the premiums and co-pays.
Second. Eliminating competition. The small business man/woman can not afford to comply with the law. He/she closes shop and goes to work for a bigger company or corporation. The politicians are in the pockets of big banking, big business and the unions. Using laws to eliminate competition.

Obamacare never was about making healthcare affordable, it was about forcing people to buy insurance. Insurance they neither wanted or needed. Insurance they can not afford. If the insurance was affordable there would be no need to subsidize health insurance for some. As for the cost of health insurance, the politicians do not care what it costs the average American. Let’s face it the government does not care what anything costs, what ever the cost it is the American tax-payers who pay. As for subsidizing health insurance for some, this is how that works. One pays his/her premiums for the policy, the government then takes taxes out of his/paycheck(income taxes)and then uses that tax money to pay a portion of another persons health insurance policy. Paying twice.

There is another reason why I despise Obamacare so much. Government intrusion and interference. Some how the government thinks that its place and has the right to tell a person they must by healthcare insurance or pay some sot of penalty. Not only that they must buy the insurance policy but what it must cover. As stated above Obamacare has had no direct effect on me there is another reason I speak out against Obamacare. Obamacare has had a direct negative effect on some near and dear to me.

The republicans will most likely fail to do anything about Obamacare. They at some point will act of desperation to pass something good or bad. The other option is that they will seek help from their mirror image, the democrats to come up with a plan. No matter which way this goes the government has gotten its big fat nose in an area they had no business meddling in. They have gotten control of another part of American lives and they will not give that back. Obamacare or something like it will be with us for a good long time, until the next scheme comes along. Obamacare was a welfare scheme, two schemes in one. An entitlement program for some and corporate welfare for the insurance companies. This republic is on the path towards single payer insurance, government insurance. That will be a truly sad day for this Republic and its citizens.

Everything is as planned and moving right along on schedule. There is nothing and no reason to delay the August recess now.

This government intrusion and many like it only go to prove that men Like Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson were right in 1786 and 1787. It also proves the South was right in 1861.

God Bless Dixie. DEO VINDICE

Oh Goody, I got another one

Yep, got yet another RNC survey in the mail entitled; Trump Agenda Survey along with a three page accompanying letter. This one too is from the RNC Chairwoman. Three times on page three of the letter the RNC is begging for money, the dollar amounts go from $25 up to $1,000 or what ever I can spare within the next 7 business days. These people are really testing the limits of my good manners. The letter once again proves that the RNC has no vision. They picked the wrong one to offer them advice as I am right next to telling them exactly what they can do to themselves.

Let’s go through this thought-provoking survey. First I might note that there is a notice at the top of the survey which reads: NOTICE: This DOCUMENT IS REGISTERED to the individual named below and must be accounted for during tabulation. If you choose not to represent your District in this official Trump Agenda Survey, sign and return this Document using the pre-addressed envelope provided.

A little further down the front page is another statement all capital letters in red: OFFICIAL REPUBLICAN PARTY DOCUMENT- DO NOT DESTROY

Then instructions as how to mark the block that corresponds with the answer, return in 7 business days. A total of 12 questions and the and possible answers. Question 1 has only yes or no for the possible responses. Question 2 has ten items to be marked from 1 through 10 with 1 being the most important. Questions 3 through 11 have Yes, No and No Opinion for possible responses, there is however no room to explain the answer selected.

For instance question #3. Are you in favor of major federal investment in rebuilding the country’s infrastructure of roads, highways bridges, and airports? The options are Yes, No and No Opinion. If I were to answer this question my answer would be, No. My answer would indicate to some that I do not care about the sorry state of the infrastructure. While I do care, it is not right for us here in Florida to pay for improvements in say, New York, nor would it be right for another state to pay for improvements here in Florida. When ever they say federal investment they mean money that came from the States. You can bet that the states with the fewest Electoral College votes would come dead last if the federal government gets involved in financing infrastructure improvements.

Question #9 is worded all wrong. Do you believe that Democrats in Congress have any intention of working in good faith with President Trump and Republicans to address the pressing issues facing our nation? There is really no a way to answer that question as worded.
If the question was worded; Do you believe that Democrats and Republicans in Congress have any intention of working in good faith with President Trump to address the pressing issues facing our Republic? Boy, I could answer that question. The answer would be not only NO but Hell NO! No I couldn’t say that Hell No is not an option. I guess NO would have to do. I would need lots of room to say why, even though there is really no explanation needed.

Question #11 is hilarious. Do you believe that the so-called “Mainstream Media” will give President Trump fair, unbiased coverage of his policy proposals and leadership? Are you kidding me, you really felt you had to ask this question?

Then of course there is question #12. The one that begs for money. The possible answers are:
Yes! You can count on me with a pledge to support the RNC with a contribution from $25 all the way up to Other.
No, I cannot make a commitment today, but I support our President and his Agenda. I am returning my survey document with a contribution of $15 to cover processing.
No, I do not support President Trump and Republicans in Congress.

Well Madam, you will not be getting this survey back, nor will you be getting one red cent. The exact same as last time.

Just tell us the truth, for once

And again the Republicans have failed. But, then they never had any intention of coming through and never will. Campaign promises(lies)left unfulfilled, but then they have been making promises since the days of Reagan to secure the southern border. Actually, I am not at all shocked that the Republicans in Congress failed the voters(time and again)who sent them to office. Failing is their only success. At least they are not a total loss, they would be a total loss if they did absolutely nothing.

By all appearances the Republicans have “mystical powers”. They can talk out of both sides of their mouths at the same time, and the audiences hear different things. One could say that one audience hears what the politicians say and the other audience hears what the politicians mean.

You had nearly 7 years to come up with a “fix” for Obamacare, and that almost 7 years appears to have been fruitless. You had no plan, you made no plan, no I take that back you had a plan. Your plan all along was to “bitch and moan” then do exactly nothing about Obamacare. The House took two half-hearted stabs at it, nothing. Now the Senate has taken their stab at it and again nothing.

You seem to have time to do everything but your job. You had time to practice for a baseball game. You even found time to play the game. Quick question for you. Had the republicans been busy taking care of business at work instead of out “goofing off” on our dime would the fellow from Illinois been able to do what he did? You claim that the baseball game is a long-standing tradition and that may be so but it is not important. There is another long-standing tradition for Congress and that is to legislate actually getting things accomplished, and that is important. You put “play” before or instead of work. We out here in work-a-day America play after the work is done.

You seem to have an abundance of time to go on recess and take one vacation after another. You seem to have time to go on the “news” programs and give interviews. You seem to have time to “probe” and hold hearings. You seem to find Russians everywhere, while finding them nowhere.

Speaking of vacations and recesses, you have a vacation coming up real soon. When you come back from your vacation it will be the middle of July. Then you will have about 2 weeks before your August recess. How much can you get accomplished in just 2 weeks? I mean after all you had nearly 7 years to come up with a plan to repeal Obamacare and apparently that was not enough time. So in 2 weeks you plan to come up with a “fix” for Obamacare. Do not forget we are still waiting on a tax “fix” and a border wall among other things. Speaking of the border issue, how much time do you really need? I guess over 30 years was not enough. Seems to me some one said something like; Do this now and never have to do it again.

You people are truly overworked. Oh, by-the-way September comes after August, that means budget time. You have the same amount of days available to work as do most Americans that still have jobs. I put in over 40 hours a week and still manage to have time to goof off. How many hours do you manage to put in every week actually working? My guess is next to none.

So tell us the truth. Are you ever going to secure the southern border? Are you even planning on “fixing” Obamacare? Are you even planning on addressing the tax issue? My guess is NO to each question.

Maybe I am being to hard on you. After all why should you do anything right now, you have plenty of time. Next year you could do it all. After all if you did these things now the voters might forget. If you manage to get it all done next year it would still be fresh in the voters minds. Would it not? This is not an election year, next year is. No, this is not your plan.

Do nothing this year and next year and the voters will remember. President Trump does not face re-election until 2020, while the House as well as 1/3 of the Senate face re-election in 2018. Is that your plan to do nothing and risk losing control of the House and the Senate in 2018? If that were to happen the years 2019 and 2020 would be lost, absolutely nothing meaningful would get done. That would place the re-election of President Trump in jeopardy. My guess is this is your plan.

Which is it you despise the most President Trump, the American people or America?

In name only my backside

I’m thinking over the course of the next few weeks and months the republicans in Congress are going to reveal something or possibly many things about themselves to the Peoples of this Republic. Now that the “fix” for Obamacare has been pulled of the table, and the spending bill continues the government pretty much as it was, still funding the things that the so-called republican conservatives promised they would fight. By the way still no Wall.

Concerning Obamacare, now I understand that some republican congress critters all of a sudden love it. They have been referred to as “moderate republicans”, last I heard it was 18 of them. They do not want to change a thing. This has led to the term RINO’s(Republican In Name Only)being bandied about. I have no idea when or where the term RINO’s came about, and I really do not care. I had even referred to some republicans as being a RINO. I no longer do that. I began to referring to them as CINO’s(Conservatives In Name Only). I will no longer do that either. Quite frankly there is not other name to attach to them other than republican.

Since I am of the opinion that the republican party is the party of “big government and big business”, has been since the days of the federalist party and still is today. I would like to say that I do not believe that there is any such thing as a moderate republican. It is impossible. Being a “moderate republican” would be the same as a woman being almost pregnant. You are either a republican or you are not, one can only be pregnant or not. I mean after all what would a moderate republican stand for, a moderate government in size and power?

Let me get back to this Obamacare thing for just a minute. The democrats passed Obamacare without a single republican supporting it. So you must have been opposed to it right? None of you claimed that their was one good part or thing about it. If you were opposed to it, it would make good sense that you get rid of it now. You claimed then if you had control of the House you could get rid of it. You got control of the house. You did not manage to get rid of it. Them you said that if you got control of the Senate you could get rid of it. You got control of the Senate. You did not manage to get rid of it. Then you said if only you had control of the White House you could get rid of it. Your party now has control of the House, the Senate and the White House. You still can’t seem to get rid of it. You just did not get the president you wanted or expected. I might also mention that each and every spending bill including the latest one fully funds Obamacare. Come on admit it, you love the damn thing don’t you?

I think the American voters have been had, yet again. No, I know that we have been had. You have no intention of getting rid of Obamacare, never had never will. The democrats did for you what you would not do for you. Obamacare gave the federal government even more control over the American people and their lives. You are not going to give back that power. You will never repeal Obamacare. If you do replace it, it will with a republican plan, it will still be a government plan that controls people’s lives. You will win, we will lose.

Now let’s get to Planned Parenthood for just a moment. You were appalled when the videos were released of baby parts being sold. Where is your anger now? You funded them again. You’ve funded them every time. Explain that to me. You really weren’t appalled were you?

If the government was about to be shut down because the money was running out, where did you come up with the over 1 Trillion Dollars in your spending bill? You did not borrow it did you? You always wait for the very last minute and then come up with a bill that runs at least one thousand pages and piles of money. Was it just more smoke and mirrors? Political drama.

Since the new spending bill will take the government through the end of September you are pretty much finished for the year. You can now start planning your summer vacation. Lord knows you need one, what with being overworked and all. By the way do stop by and tell us of all the wonderful things you have accomplished. You will come back just in time to do a panic spending bill again. More political drama. I mean after you must not let the government shutdown. What would we do?

Now let me get back to your big government for just a minute. Both parties are all about the growth of government. The democrats are at least honest about it, where you deceive the voters at every turn. We, the voters that have been supporting you for so long have just been slapped in the face, again. It would seem that the republican party is the party of watch what we do, do not worry about what we say, when it comes to government. You are like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The campaigning republican is not the same one that gets sworn into office.

Now let’s talk about your so-called principles for a bit. Some of you would not support President Trump during his campaign, you said doing so against your principles. It would seem that building up debts and running deficits as far as the eye can see is not against your principles. It would also seem that funding Planned Parenthood, an organization you claim to despise, does not go against your principles. It would further seem that stopping or even controlling illegal entry into this Republic would go against your principles. It would seem that the only thing that does go against your principles is losing an election. I don’t know but I have a suspicion that the very same ones who would not support President Trump then are the same ones who are fighting so hard against him now.

You are not Conservatives or Constitutional Conservatives, no matter your claims or the claims of the talking heads. You are republicans, plain and simple. I still would rather be in the company of Skunk than a republican politician. Go ahead prove me wrong.

I might add that the only reason that the conservatives even hang out in you party is that we don’t have any where to else to go. Not yet anyway.

On a personal note. Still looking for a political home. A couple looked “promising”. But that is what you have been doing for years. Promising and never delivering. Probably going to opt to be politically homeless.