Thanksgiving 2018

Wishing each and every one of you a joyful and blessed Thanksgiving Day. Spent the day with family.

Someone wiser than me once said “Be thankful for what you have and you will always have more to be thankful for, Be not thankful for what you have and you will never have enough to be thankful”.


criminals(men and women)will not obey the Law and Word of God, then what could ever possibly make anybody think that they will obey the law and word of mankind? God already said “Thou shall not murder. Another mass shooting(murder)and more calls and demands for gun-control.

The left as well as those who favor gun-control push what they call “common sense” measures. The problem is that those measures will only apply to law-abiding citizens, they will not apply to the criminal element in our midst.

Look at it this way, when permits to carry are denied to law-abiding citizens they simply do not carry. The criminal has no intention of applying for a carry permit, in fact the criminal will carry and would carry no matter what the law says or does. The only thing accomplished here is that a person who could have been “allowed” to have in possession a means to prevent himself from being a victim was instead “allowed” to be come a victim.

It is one thing to have the means and capability to defend oneself or another and choose to not exercise that option. It is quite another when one is denied the means to defend oneself or another leaving them no option.

At this point I am going to have to admit ignorance, I am at least partially ignorant of the laws particular to California as to where a person can carry or can not carry. As a matter of fact on that point I do not know all of the laws of the other 48 states or D.C. either. At this point in time there is no need for me to know the gun laws in or of the other 49 states or D.C. as there is no chance in the foreseeable future of me venturing out of the state of Florida, so I shall remain blissfully ignorant. Even if I were to leave the state of Florida there are some states I would avoid like the plague based on what little I do know of your gun laws.

What I do know are the gun laws that pertain to Florida as well as the Federal Laws. I know where I can carry and where I can not carry. When I do have to visit a place where I can not carry I conduct my business and depart. If a business I visit has a no gun policy, I simply turn and walk away never to revisit. He/she made their choice and I made mine. My point here is that I follow the law, and this is exactly what the criminal element counts on. They count on us to follow the law.

I would venture to say that the vast majority of these mass shootings(murders)are conducted in the shooters(murderers)home state, home town, nearby town or at the very least a state the murderer is very familiar with. If the murderer is in his/her home state then it is very likely that he/or she knows the laws for that state or at least some of them. The same is true if the murderer is in a state they are familiar with. Operating in familiar territory has advantages, for instance these mass murderers want “big numbers”. They will not achieve “big numbers” if they choose a target in which the intended victims have a means to fight back. There is a reason why these mass murders never happen at or are even attempted at a “cop shop”. They want a “soft” target they do not want a “hard” target, they do not even want a target of unknown softness or hardness. They will pass up hard, possibly hard, possibly soft just to focus on a “known soft” target.

The murderers use the law to their benefit(advantage)in racking up numbers. It is not the tool(gun)that gives them the advantage, what gives them the advantage is the lack of opposition.

Now is a good time to bring up few points.

First, the criminal element does not give one hoot about the Second Amendment. As a matter of fact they see the Second Amendment as a hinderance to their criminal enterprise. An armed populace is the last thing they want and what they fear most.

Second, the criminal element is probably and most likely among the gun-control cult. The more restrictions that can and will be placed on the law-abiding public means that there are fewer obstructions for the criminal element to overcome. The criminal element is probably the loudest voice in the gun-control cult.

Third, the common sense gun control measures they push benefit the criminal element while they only effect and burden the law-abiding citizens.

Fourth, the ones bank-rolling this cult do so with armed, heavily armed, security at their side or at least very near. You can bet that what restrictions they want placed on the public will not apply to them.

I do have to wonder about the motivation of any government at any level that would start legislating away the rights and liberties of the population. They promise more security if you give up a little liberty. A quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin goes something like this, “Any society that will give up a little liberty for little security will deserve neither and lose both”. But even with the promise of increased security they have admitted that nothing can stop all of these mass murders. Yet their favorite mantra is “We just did not go far enough”.

Let us look at some of their common sense measures.
A national registry of firearms. Historically speaking this had led to disaster for the population registering their personal firearms. Registration leads to confiscation, even if only of political opponents. It would be difficult to confiscate firearms unless one were to know where they were and who had them.
Universal background checks. Each time you buy a firearm from a FFL you must do the paperwork and pass a background check.
Close the gun show loophole. One can not close what does not exist. If you want a background check done on all firearm sales, including private(between individuals)just say it.
A ban on the AR and AK platforms, which will morph into a ban on all semi-automatic rifles, which will morph into a ban on a semi-automatic anything, which will morph into a ban on their next “demon” until we are left with nothing but sticks and rocks.
A gun violence tax. A per bullet tax. A gun buy-back. A background check to by ammunition. Limits on magazine capacity. Bans on bump-fire stocks. The list just goes on and on.

Please note that none of the above will affect the criminals in the least.

In the past they claimed they did not want to stop us from hunting, sport shooting or target practicing, well that was pretty generous of them considering. But it was not all that long ago they said they thought it was time to repeal the Second Amendment.

We now wait to see what laws are shoved down the throats of law-abiding gun owners in the states now in control and those that will be in the control of the anti-gun left.

We are living in interesting times.


Well that is over

Election 2018 is over and in the history books, save for a few places. The republicans managed to lose the House but made some gains in the Senate. President Trump is still President Trump. Congratulations to Governor-elect DeSantis and Lt. Governor-elect Nunez. Still waiting on the Senate race to be settled.

Today the political strategists will be out trying to find out what went wrong so they can explain how they lost, especially those that thought the race was in or should have been in the bag.

Many a pundit and talking head had claimed this election would be a referendum on President Trump. They claimed his “rhetoric” was dividing the nation and he was himself a threat to the Constitution.

Last night was in all actuality a referendum on Congress. I would think that we conservatives know good and well why the republicans lost control of the House, and it aint President Trump or demographics. I personally was surprised by the gains in the Senate. I think the democrat senators sealed their fate during the circus that was the Supreme Court nominee confirmation hearing and votes. Some of their antics before, during and after the vote looks to have taken their toll.

The voters have chosen a left of center House and a right of center Senate, looks as though they are putting both parties on notice. It is much easier to change the House than it is to change the Senate. A wrong choice in the house can be fixed in two years. The country as a whole is not ready to go left, some states yes, the country no. As to both parties be put on “notice”, I believe the message they, those in Congress, should get from the results of this election is “it is time, past time, to get your feces together”.

So now we have a divided Congress, a democrat controlled House and a republican controlled Senate. What will come of that divided Congress? Both parties call for bi-partisanship, reaching across the aisle. Will we have bi-partisan cooperation or obstruction? We will know that answer in January.

The left of center House still has their own agenda to pursue, and pursue it they will. They will try to attach their agenda to must pass bills, after all Congress holds the purse strings. They will not give up on their gun control agenda, they could attach some of their so-called commonsense gun control measures to other legislation like funding for the wall. In order to get some funding for the wall some gun rights would have to be given up. They could attach citizenship guarantees for DACA to military funding. No citizenship no money. How many government shut-downs will we be threatened with, and how many will we have to endure? Will we be held hostage by our own government? How obstinate will they be before the new congress convenes?

You see my friends we aint out of the woods yet.

Actually it aint over, it is never over, it is just a lull. The campaigning will begin again in January, testing the waters began some time back. Future presidential hopefuls heading out to Iowa, New Hampshire and several other key states and events giving speeches. Hoping to become the next “rock star” of their party.

Well at least my mailbox will get a break.