No Time

Before getting started I do sincerely hope that each and every one of you had a joyful and Merry Christmas. I also hope you found time to remember the “reason for the season” our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

On a side note I will get back to the series,How far will they go, hopefully before the democrats take control of the House.

Well here we are again, in the midst of, yet, another partial government shutdown. This one, like all of the previous shutdowns was totally preventable. All congress had to do was its job and send a budget funding the government to the president. But no, they had to drag this out again, keeping things humming along with a continuing resolution until a later date, well that later date has arrived. Seems as though they did not have enough time or they squandered the time away. One or the other happened you decide.

They, some of them(democrat and republican), had more than enough time to make total asses of themselves during the Supreme Court nominee hearings and confirmation vote.

They, all of them, had ample time to take their numerous vacations and attend their “retreats”.

They had time to “haul” individuals before their various committees to hold hearings. Did these hearings really amount to anything productive?

They had time to appear before the cameras of their favorite media outlets.

They, those who had primary challengers, had plenty of time for campaigning, meeting with their donors and holding those stupid town hall meetings.

They, those running for re-election, had plenty of time to go campaigning, meet with their donors and hold even more of those stupid town hall meetings.

Some found time to go “stumping” on the campaign trail for their preferred candidate.

More than a handful have found time to visit Iowa and New Hampshire in hopes of seeking a higher office, putting out “feelers” for possible donors and staffers.

They had plenty of time after the election to throw their victory parties and in some cases their pity parties for losing.

They had plenty of time to send billions upon billions of dollars to foreign lands funding foreign governments, yet they had no time to fully fund our government.

The new Congress will be sworn in on the 3rd of January, their re-election bid begins on the 4th of January. Who is minding the store?

In fact, they had plenty of time to do everything except to perform the job they were sent to D.C. to do.

Just how many days out of the year does congress actually spend doing the job they were sent to do? Out of those days just how many hours a day to they set about doing the needed business of this country. My guess is not many.

It should be apparent that the biggest problem is not who occupies the White House as that person is there for 8 years at the most. The biggest problem is indeed those who occupy the halls of Congress for decades or even multiples of decades.

Had Congress sent forward the spending bills, all of them, to fund the government for the full fiscal year, instead of yet another piecemeal approach we would not be at this point again. It sometimes makes me think they do this on purpose, just to play the part of the “drama queen”.

How about next time, after the dust settles, when Congress sends the government funding bills to the President to sign, he hand it right back to them unless the entire government is funded and only the government, no more playing “kick the can”. If the critters “tack on” some extras like funding for PPH, the President should ask if PPH is a part of the federal government. The same goes for subsidies to corn, sugar, electric autos and the rest, address those separately.


Merry Christmas

The Gospel According to Luke, chapter 2 verses 4-20
4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem:(because he was of the house and lineage of David;)
5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.
6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.

7 And she brought forth her first born son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round them: and they were sore afraid.
10 And the angel said to them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all the people.

11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which has come to pass, which the Lord hath made known to us.
16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.

17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.

18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
19 But Mary kept all these thing and pondered them in her heart.
20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

I wish You and Yours a very Merry Christmas,

Your Brother in Christ,

The liberals in a nut shell

They are for the death penalty as long as the condemned is still in the womb. Other wise they are totally against putting a person to death. Kind of seems backwards to me, willing to condemn the innocent but protecting the life of the guilty.

They fight tooth and nail against voter ID laws, claiming it imposes undue hardships on the poor. I guess that the poor can not afford a picture ID. Yet they have never proposed legislation that would provide a photo ID at taxpayer expense for the poorest. I can not understand why they never propose such legislation especially when they believe that government is always the solution. I also wonder why the republicans never propose this.

They are for religious expression as long as Christianity is not the religion being expressed. They are for free speech as long as everyone is saying what they are saying or what they want to hear. If it goes against what they say, think or believe then they call it hate speech. They demand to be heard while demanding others be silent. They don’t really have to worry about the press, the press is in their corner. They would rather have the First Amendment repealed than have to contend with differing view points.

They support the Second Amendment as it pertains to hunting, except for those that have come right and said the Second Amendment should be repealed. Problem with that cupcake is that the Second Amendment was not written to allow hunting. You can read the Second Amendment forwards, backwards and even upside down and you will not find the words hunting, target practice or sports shooting. The Second Amendment was written for a specific purpose and reason.

They only want to ban scary looking rifles and high-capacity magazines. They even come up with new words, their new one is military grade. The old one was assault weapon. They say no one should be allowed to have military grade weapons but the military and law-enforcement. I believe the correct term would be Mil-Spec(Military Specification). But you could not call the AR-15 a Mil-Spec weapon could you? The AR-15 is not made to Military Specifications, it is a modern sporting rifle made for civilian use.

But then that is what you do you use words, more accurately use a play on words. You cant really come out and say you are pro-abortion, can you? That would equate to being pro-death. So you use the phrase pro-choice, by using the word choice it gives the impression that what happens was the choice of all. The truth of the matter is that the one directly effected by the “choice” had no “choice” in the matter. So lets look at some of your other plays on words.

When it comes to gun-control you use phrases like;
End gun-violence. Why do you never speak of ending violence? The U.K. banned guns and that did not end or stop crimes committed with a firearm, they still happen. They may have lees crimes committed with a firearm than here in the U.S., but for two straight months this year(Feb and Mar)the murder rate in London surpassed the murder rate in N.Y. City. The residents of London now have to contend with knife-crimes and acid-crimes(violent acts committed with a knife or acid). So the U.K. stopped the mass shootings, sort of, and now they face the possibility of mass stabbings and acid attacks. Now London lawmakers are having to come up with laws to control knives and acid. They now have to end knife-violence and acid-violence. Our northern neighbors had an act of violence that involved a man driving a van on a sidewalk and mowing down pedestrians, 10 dead and 15 injured. He used neither a gun, knife or acid his weapon of choice was a motor vehicle. A person intent on killing or maiming will use whatever tool is available. Neither the gun, the knife, the acid nor the motor vehicle is violent on its own in each case it takes a human to use those items in a violent manner. For you it is not about ending violence, it is about ending guns in the hands of the citizens(law-abiding citizens). If your gun-control measures worked the most violent cities in this land would be the safest, but it is the exact opposite.

We have to do it for the children. You really expect me to believe that you care about children when far more are murdered by abortion. Enough said on this one.

If it saves just one life it is worth it. My question is worth what? You and I both know that there is no way to prove that even one life was saved. This simply can not be measured. Besides some in your camp(cult)have come out and said that no legislation could have prevented______(fill in the blank).

And then there is everyone’s favorite. We just did not go far enough.

Now that the gun-control cult has been outed, your far enough in that matter is the repeal of the Second Amendment and banning all firearms from the public. You are okay with the military and law-enforcement having all of the guns, well all of them but what the criminals have. The criminals will still have guns. Maybe you should look back in history, not that far back either, and see what happens to the civilian population when they are deprived of the tools to defend themselves. There was a reason that the Founders and Framers included a Bill of Rights, in particular the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Read about Boston, Lexington Green and Concord. Read the Declaration of Independence. Read the Constitution, there was a reason the Founders and Framers did not want a full-time standing army, if they did not want a full-time army they certainly had no intention of giving them all of the guns. Since law-enforcement is part of the government local, state and federal they certainly never meant for government to have all of the guns either. They also never meant for the people to be deprived of arms, if they had they would have said so.

Speaking of the Constitution you use it to your advantage when it suits your agenda. Take the Electoral College for instance, when your guy wins the Electoral vote you shout to the world that the system works, you do not mention the popular vote unless you by chance get both. When your guy, or in this case gal, loses the Electoral vote but wins the popular vote you scream that the election was illegitimate the Electoral College is outdated and does not represent America. When it comes to the Second Amendment you say the Founding Fathers never intended for us to have _____(fill in the blank). You use the equal protection clause for every group but Christians and gun owners.

They want every person in this country to vote in the elections regardless of citizenship. I guess not enough legal citizens supported your candidate, you need some illegal support. Win any way you can, right? You really are an obstructionist when it comes to securing the border. Would you act the same if those coming here illegally were apt to vote republican? While on this subject, you are having a “kitten” over the citizenship question being talked about when the new census comes out. You want to count heads not citizens. Why? Seats in the house are based on population, the number of citizens not heads. You could stand to lose some House seats, reports have it that there has been an exodus of citizens from your liberal leftist states. Not to mention the money that flows to states is also based on population. If it was the way it was you would have to send money to D.C. based on the census, you would kick the illegals out so fast and hard they would bounce three times before coming to a rest on the other side of the border and build a wall a hundred feet tall and ten feet thick with a minefield to keep them out.

What is going to happen on your march to go far enough? This question sets up another post.


If only it were possible

This month April has much significance in American history, both good and bad. Since this is such a historical month I thought it would be fun and a learning experience to send some people back in time to relive those events. You know sort of experience history firsthand.

I think first I would like to send the leaders of the gun control cult back in time to Boston, Concord and Lexington Green on say about the 17th of April, 1775. I figure that way they would live the tense moments leading up to the events of the 19th of April, 1775 when the shot that was heard around the world was fired. Yep, they would get to see the British troops marching through the streets. They would get to see and experience firsthand what happens when a government turns on its own people. Leaving them there long enough so they would learn and then bring them back.

Then I would pack them up again and send them to Philadelphia to witness the drafting and signing of the Declaration of Independence on about the 1st of July 1776 and leave them there until the 4th. Then bring them back once again.

Next I would send them to Yorktown, VA. on say about the 16th of October, 1781. They could witness the last few days of war and on the 19th they could watch the British surrender. Here they would learn a very important lesson. They would learn that guns can be used for evil or for good. The British were using guns for evil, to force by the use of arms the colonies comply and be forever subjugated. The Colonials(Americans)were using guns for good, to gain Independence(not to be subjugated). Then again bring them back to the present.

Next I would pack them off the Philadelphia for the second time in the Spring of 1787. Then and there they could witness the Constitution the debates and perhaps gain an understanding of why a bill of rights was added, including the Second Amendment they so despise. They would also understand why the Founders and Framers had no desire to have a full-time standing army. They had not long since defeated a standing army of the Crown. An army that had turned on the citizens(subjects)of the Colonies. The King had declared the Colonies out of his protection and sent his army and army of mercenaries to force the Colonials into submission. Basically the King declared war on his own people(subjects). If the King could declared them out of his protection that would leave one to believe that they were under his protection previous to being out of his protection. They trusted him to protect them yet he offered no protection instead attacked them and their rights. Then once again bring them back to the present.

Why keep bringing them back you ask? To let them reflect of what they are attempting to do. But if they still did not understand I would pack them off one more time. This time the dead of winter, the night of December 25th and morning of December 26th, 1776. They could witness firsthand the lengths men will go to just to be free, independent and guarantee their rights, their God-given rights. Crossing the icy Delaware River at night on Christmas just to attack an enemy.

Just putting this out. Why are some Americans so concerned over the antics of the royal family? I care not that one of them has uploaded or downloaded, I care not if a royal pooch expired. My ancestors fought them and drove them out.

Just for fun I would like to go back to October the 20th 1781 and bring back a few of those brave and heroic Colonials(Americans)and let them see what has become of what they so valiantly fought for and handed down to us. I would ask them, Was it worth it and would you do it again knowing what has become of this precious gift? How would they answer?


Merry Christmas

Many millions across this Republic, and many millions more around the world are celebrating Christmas. Families sat around the Christmas Tree opening gifts, singing Christmas Carols and all of the other traditional things people do on this day. Many went to visit with family and friends and exchange gifts and to wish each a Merry Christmas. Many went to Church, many more stayed home.

Tens of thousands of American service members are celebrating Christmas today, for some it was yesterday. They will, or did, open gifts, sing carols and have a Christmas Meal, there may, or was, even be a Christmas Tree they could sit around. They even visited friends and family to exchange gifts. There is a big difference when you are deployed your friends are your family. Most went to church. There is one thing about attending Church when you are deployed, Church is held where and when the Chaplain finds you. Do keep them in your prayers.

Let us not forget what we are supposed to be celebrating. We are celebrating the birth of the One who came to save the world. We are celebrating the birth of the One who is the Way and the Light. It is by His Grace that we are saved. We are Celebrating the Birth of Jesus, the Son of God and Mary. Happy Birthday Jesus. In your precious name I pray. Amen.