Southern Born, Southern Proud

This post will in most likelihood send the farcebook censors running for their safe-places and frankly I don’t give a rat’s behind. The time is upon us where we must make and take a stand. We Southrons(Southerners)must do all we can to preserve our Heritage and preserve our Rights as Southrons and Christians.

Think on this. How many times have we been lectured too about being tolerant of others? Yet, we are not tolerated, we are ridiculed.

We are expected to be tolerant of gays and lesbians, I believe they are called the LBGT community, I also understand that a whole plethora of other letters have been added to their description. But no letter they have claimed indicates that they welcome those of us who are straight(normal). We are expected to be welcoming to them yet they are not expected to be welcoming of us. So much for tolerance and reciprocity. If this crap keeps up we will all be expected to be a part of the LBGT community. No Thanks.

Think about how many times per day you and I see the symbols of the LBGT and what ever letter they now have affixed to their movement. Whether it be on the media outlets or within our own sight. We are expected to react positively or not to react at all. We cant claim to be offended, for if we did we would be called homophobic. We cant run to our “safe-spaces”, we don’t have safe-spaces nor do we feel a need to have them.

We are expected to be tolerant of those who enter our country illegally. Law-makers at the federal and state levels have even introduced legislation to protect their rights, some governors have even signed that legislation into law. Rights by the way they do not have. Those who are here legally and lawfully have Constitutional protections, those who are here illegally and unlawfully dont. The democrats even shutdown the government over the issue of illegal immigrants, dreamers and DACA. They are in this country illegally and display the flags of their native lands, this to is not supposed to offend us. Yet they are offended by our flags, we must hide our flag from their sight so as not to offend them. They burn our flag in protest, but what are they protesting? We have been lectured too by some in high government offices that America is a nation of immigrants. Well that may be, true to a point. The immigrants of times past assimilated into American society, learning to read and write English. Those days are long past, today immigrants are no longer encouraged to assimilate. As a matter of fact it appears that assimilation is discouraged, even frowned upon. Why do I have to press 1 to continue in English?

We must be tolerant of the Muslims coming to this country. Employers are being forced to bend over backwards to accommodate their religious beliefs and activities. At the same time employers are sued if they allow Christian prayers on company property. We must be tolerant of Islam while being intolerant of Christianity. If we get offended we are labeled as islamophobic.

We are expected to be tolerant of the what I call the gender confused. We are expected to let them use the bathroom of their choice, no matter how they are plumbed. We are not supposed to get offended if a man thinking he is a woman or vise versa, for that day to go into the bathroom with our wives and/or children and not complain. Wouldn’t want to offend them. I am not quite just sure if there is a phobia, ist or ism label for that one or not, don’t rightly care. There is at he same time no consideration of the woman who wants to use the women’s room absent the prying eyes of a man claiming to be a woman. The offended confused can and do sue because they have been “shortchanged”, not allowing them to express their preference. Yet, what legal avenue does the one being forced to submit to the bathroom choice policy? Do that with mine and I will do more than just offend you.

As a side note, to those businesses that have adopted the policy of using which ever bathroom you want my shadow will never cross your threshold. Much the same for those businesses that post a no firearms sign.

For most the rest of this post I will be using visual aids found on the internet.

As a matter of fact we are expected to be tolerant of everyone and everything but ourselves. We are expected to deny our culture and heritage. To borrow a line from a book I read, We are expected to sit atop the stool of everlasting repentance, apologizing for our culture and heritage. Well, this ol’ boy aint sitting atop no stool, I aint got nothing to apologize for. I certainly aint gonna apologize for being a Southron. I certainly aint gonna apologize for being the descendant of a Confederate soldier. I will also not apologize for being descended from those brave men who first fought for our Independence from the British. I am a Floridian, and no apology there either. I am an un-reconstructed Southron, and again no apology. If you are sitting atop that stool kindly get the hell down. Take a stand. Make a stand. Be proud of your culture and heritage.

The social justice warriors are demanding that the symbols of the South must be torn down. They seem to be offended by our culture and our heritage. The Flags of the Confederacy, the Statues and the Monuments are all offensive to them they claim that they are the symbols of slavery and white supremacy. Hogwash, they are no such thing. To borrow a line from another book I read, These people suffer from Confederaphobia, Confederaphobia an American epidemic.

So what are we to do? Well that is entirely up to you, but time is short, do something. I have few suggestions.

Quit apologizing and get down from the stool. This should be easy. Did or do you own slaves? No, then quit apologizing for slavery and quit apologizing for those who did. See how easy that is.

Educate yourself on your culture and heritage. Realize that you have been lied to since grade school and seek the truth. The soldiers of the Confederacy were noble men who believed in their cause. It was not a lost cause or a fool’s errand.
If you are in denial and find yourselves constantly apologizing for being a Southron, it is you who are on a fool’s errand.

Educate your children and grandchildren. They are being taught a lie, it is your responsibility to teach them the truth.
It is our descendants who must carry on. At this moment the preservation of the Southron heritage and culture seems pretty bleak. This must be turned around.

One would think that we are living in George Orwell’s book 1984. The Ministry of Truth had the power to say what the truth was and change the truth a the drop of a hat. There was no truth in that ministry, much the same as the education system teaches everything but the truth, while calling what they teach the truth. The former truth was dumped down the memory hole and the new truth
became the truth, the truth that had always been. 2+2=4 right? But it equals exactly what they say it does. Remember the impeachment hearings of a few years back. It depends on what your definition of is, is.

When a Confederate symbol taken down put two, three or more up in its place. Show your pride. In fact you could put up a Christian flag for good measure. Yes you can be a Southron and a Christian at the same time. My ancestors were. Don’t believe the lie that the Confederacy was not a Christian country and a Christian people.

Educate others. Spread the word. Spread the truth. Join an organization that supports and promotes the South, Southron Culture and Southron Heritage. If you join an organization participate to the level you can. Don’t be browbeaten into being at every event across the land, or chastised for not being at some place others think or thought you should have been at. Most of us have limited resources and have jobs to support our families. If you cant find one start one, even a book club.

Forget about the whole “coexist” ideology. You can not now and never will be able to coexist with those who only want you to be destroyed. You may be perfectly capable of being a good neighbor with people who are different with you, but they will never be good neighbors to you. Coexistence is a fool’s errand. It was Gen. William T. Sherman who once said “The problem with the South is that it has to many Southerners”. Fully one-quarter of the male population of the South were either killed or maimed during your civil war. Towns, cities and the Southern people were ravaged and savaged. Well Billy Boy, both my Great-Great Grandfathers survived and here I am.

Make no mistake about it what is going now with the symbols, statues and monuments of the Confederacy is no more than another period of Reconstruction, reconstruction 2.0, if you will. The South may have lost its bid for independence, the South did not lose its identity. There is another thing, the socialist social justice warriors will not stop with eradicating the last vestiges of the Confederacy. While they “chomp” away at the symbols Confederacy, they are “nibbling” away at much more.

Hide and watch. It will not stop with eradicating the Confederacy, they are already moving towards other targets. Think the plaques at the Church attended by George Washington. Much the same as the, at the time civil unions of same-sex couples. Civil unions was not the goal, it was however a “launching pad” towards their ultimate goal. Their goal was same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is with us today, not by legislation, but by a ruling, a decree if you will. Not by the president, but by the courts, the Supreme Court. The majority opinion of 9 people in black robes decided that the rest of the country had to succumb to and accept same-sex marriage as the law of the land. Make no mistake their goal is the complete and total eradication of this Republic. Which brings this question, How do you eat an elephant? One bit at a time. Eradication of all things Confederate is just the “launching pad”.

There was a futuristic fiction movie some years ago, the title was Fahrenheit 451. It was a movie about firemen, they did not exactly fight fires, they instead would set things afire, books to be specific. There were another group of people in the movie. They spent their time talking, not just talking but reciting books that they had read and memorized. As they aged they began reciting to the young, the young were taught to memorize a book that they had never seen, memorizing the spoken word. If the terror were to ever end the surviving generations would then be able to reproduce, print the books that had been lost. They were saving literature and history. If not for this effort all history would have been lost. I encourage you to watch the movie, before it too is lost.

Sherman said what he said in his time. I say what I say in my time. The problem with the South is that has too many “carpetbaggers” and “scalawags”.


God Bless Florida

Well it’s out

The republican memo came out, now we wait and see. Given the level of apathy in this Republic today, it is a great possibility that only those of us who care will even give a hoot. The memo has been spreading around the blogs and that is a good thing, it being released was also a good thing. The problem with some of the blogs media outlets is that so many say “Here is what you need to know”. I say let the people who care decide what they need to know. Let them read it and come to their own conclusions. Many will come to different conclusions, people can see or hear the exact same thing and come to different conclusions.

For instance, during the State of the Union address when President Trump made the statement that Black and Hispanic unemployment was at record low-levels. The republicans heard good news and applauded, the democrats(sitting in the same chambers and hearing the same words)sat on their hands not applauding. The republicans heard good news and the democrats heard bad news. I know what you are saying, the democrats and republicans clap like trained seals when the president is from and representing their political party. But, record low unemployment levels is good news no matter which party has the presidency.

Let’s look at the timing. Released on a Friday, not just any Friday, but the Friday before the superbowl(small s in this case because I don’t see it as worthy of a big S). So let’s look at Monday and the discussions around the “water cooler”. Will they be talking the big game of the big memo? I suspect the game by a large margin.

Why, you ask. The answer is that, people are “fickle”. It was not all that long ago that many “diehard” sports fans were up in arms because some knucklehead pampered prima donna took a knee during the National Anthem. Swearing to never watch a football game again. Some will stand by their word, while others will don their favorite jersey and sit in front of the “boob tube” eating wings and drinking beer, never minding what they said not so long ago. Much the same as when the videos came out about the selling of baby body parts at the abortion clinic.

Maybe by Tuesday the masses will get around to reading the memo, or not. It will go back to the apathy problem, or a new shiny object to look at. Then there is the crowd of Jacobins that exist in society and government. The never Trump crowd and the Trump haters will not give of flying(almost said a bad word)about the memo. To them the ends justify the means. They want the president gone and to them there is no measure that goes to far. They will not care that it appears the at least on government agency and possibly one government department “weaponized” itself to influence an election because the candidate, later the president-elect and finally the president was not one they chose.

I read it several times and the best I can say is “Wow”. It appears to me that some high-level bureaucrats were attempting to use any means possible to derail a presidential campaign. It also appears to me that failing that they would settle for bringing down a sitting president. Wow, talk about collusion, conspiracy and trying to influence an election. It also appears to me that these same individuals did not give a flying(almost said that bad word again)about the future of this Republic, they instead were concerned in their futures. Those same bureaucrats cared not if their activities tarnished the reputation of the entire agencies and/or departments. One even wanted to hang on long enough to reach full retirement benefits. Not to mention the never-ending leaks.

Well raise your hands if you are shocked that a government agency would attempt to influence anything or be used to further a political agenda. It was not all that long ago that the BATFE was used to help the gun control crowd. You do remember fast and furious, don’t you? The gun-walking scheme to send guns across the southern border. That one got Brian Terry killed. Let me see, making guns available to criminals to see if the criminals would use those guns in crimes. The IRS was used against Tea Party conservative groups.

The democrats were to craft a response to the allegations or revelations made in the republican memo and they wanted it released as well. They wanted everything to remain a secret unless they to could expose something. Then the agency wanted to redact the memo if it were released, claiming national security. Many people in government are still up in arms over the release. Claiming this memo was politicized, maybe it was and maybe it wasn’t. I would like to see the democrat memo, just to compare the two. I would like them to offer some sort of justification for the alleged abuses, from their point of view. Perhaps that will come out down the road.

There are some who will read the memo and be taken aback, to say the least. There are others who will read the memo and think that nothing was wrong. There are others who will simply let the media interpret it for them, being to lazy to read it and decide for themselves. There are still others who could care less about the whole affair, the totally apathetic.

In my view there is another thing about the memo. All of this has come to light because Trump became president. It started out as a Russian collusion investigation. It appears that someone claims or thinks that the Russians influenced the outcome of the election. There has yet been a person to come forward and publicly state that the Russians had influenced the way they voted. Each country tries to influence the outcome of elections in other countries. The reason is that they want a friendly government. As to Russia, think about who they would view as a friendly government. Would they, The Russians, view a possible friend as one who had sold to them 20% of its Uranium(you know the stuff that is used in nuclear weapons)? Or would they, the Russians, view an unknown as a possible ally? Who do you think they wanted to be president HRC or DJT? Very few trust the unknown.

If HRC had won the election and became president it is highly unlikely that any of this would have been known much been released to the public. Trump would have lost and there would be no allegation of Russian influence. That alone should anger people as much as, if not more than, what has been revealed in the memo. That means that the bureaucrats and the agencies could have operated without impunity as weapons against the citizens. They could have their “insurance policies” against unwanted results in elections, and no one would be the wiser. The “secret society” remark has yet to be explained. When one “desperately” does not wish for one to become president, how far will his and/or her desperation drive them? Likewise when one desperately wants to be president, how far will his and/or her desperation drive them? How desperate were and are some people? How far were or are they willing to go?

I also understand that there are people in government and out of government who are more than willing to betray their country. I might point this out there are many ways in which one could betray their country. Most do it for financial gain, some do it to hide and cover-up things they have either done directly or been a willing participant in, sometimes both.

Looks like some people need to look up the definitions of Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity. All Americans have their own political basis, they support a political candidate, most do not let their bias interfere with their job. Unfortunately by what is in this memo their political bias became their job. I really want to see the democrat memo.

What is happening in and with government today is pretty close to if not exactly what Patrick Henry had warned about.

The best we can hope for at this point is a ripple effect. All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.

As I recall there was a country in the 1930’s and 40’s that had used government against and to spy on its own people. Some sort of “secret society” or “secret police” as I recall. I wonder what the level of apathy was in that country.

On a side note. We have another government shutdown looming, yet the republicans managed to find time to go on a retreat, the democrats go on their retreat next. The drama of D.C. continues. A tough fight or a retreat and the politicians choose to retreat.


Wars and rumours of wars. Part 1

This series of posts revolves around the liberal leftist socialist progressives and the wars they wage in and against this Republic.

First up is the war on religion, the more correct term would be the war on(against)Christianity. This war has been going on for quite some time and continues today.

They use the same old tired argument, separation of Church and State. They do love to bring up the Constitution when it fits in with their agenda. They are either totally ignorant or they count on the citizens to be totally ignorant, I suspect the latter. The only separation between Church and State is laid out in the first Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Kicking God out of the Schools. 1962, it was the opinion of the court that prayer in school violated the establishment clause of the Constitution.

It continued and continues with kicking God out of public places, removing religious symbols. The latest is the demand the removal of the Peace Cross, a World War 1 memorial. It is the opinion of the court that the Cross is unconstitutional because it excessively entangles the government in religion because the Cross is the core symbol of Christianity.

So was this Republic founded on secularism or religion? Well lets take a look at some of the founding documents. You will find these words, terms and phrases. Found at, there are other sources as well.

The Declaration of Arms July 6, 1775. Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms.
…that the divine Author of our existence…
…But a reverence for our Creator…
…Divine favor towards us…that his Providence would not…
…before God and the world…
…which our beneficent Creator hath graciously…
The Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776
…Laws of Nature and Nature’s God…
…their Creator with…
…the Supreme Judge of the World…
…protection of Divine Providence…
Articles of Confederation November 15, 1777; ratified and in force March 1, 1781
…the Great Governor of the World…
Treaty of Paris signed in Paris September 3, 1783; ratified by Congress January 14, 1784; ratified by Great Britain April 9, 1784
In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity
… the Divine Providence…
…by the grace of God…

Obviously this Republic had its founding on Religion and not secularism. God is mentioned in the above founding Documents. You will notice that the Constitution is not on the list. Intentional, I assure you.

Is this Republic founded on Christianity or secularism? Again we turn to the founding documents.

The Articles of Confederation
This is found in the Preamble.
…the fifteenth day of November in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy seven…
This is found in the Signatories
… the ninth day of July in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven Hundred and Seventy-eight…
The Treaty of Paris
This is found in the signatories
…this third day of September in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three.
The Constitution.
This is found in the signatories
Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven.

Obviously this Republic was founded on Christianity and therefore is a Christian nation, or at least it is supposed to be. The date of the historical documents reflect the date A.D. The year of our Lord. With that being said this is a Christian nation not a nation of Christians, there is no national religion and congress has made no law creating one. The citizens of the several States that comprise this Republic are free to worship as they please. Now we wait to see if the Courts have a differing opinion.

Church and State are separate, or are they? Government(state)has gotten itself unnecessarily and exceedingly entangled in religion. How you ask? IRS tax codes. Why? I believe for the simple reason of getting politics out and away from the Church. When was the last time you heard a sermon on politics, not necessarily supporting or opposing a particular candidate, but what effects politics and therefore government has had on the Church and Christianity? If a Church were to have sermons based on politics would they lose their favor with the IRS(government)?

Government has in itself become a religion, of sorts. Government has replaced God in people’s lives, government has become god. There was a time when people Prayed to God in times of difficulty. Now people pray that government(god)will come to their aid in times of difficulty.

If this was still a Christian Republic, based on Christian principles I doubt very seriously that we would have abortion on demand? But then again you have to ask yourself, why is there such a demand for abortion? Is it because we have devolved into a secular nation?

The right to an abortion is based on a court opinion. The right of same-sex marriage is based on a court opinion. Much of what we are forced to contend with are based on court opinions.(More on opinion becoming law in a later post)

We in this Republic can stop thinking that politicians and jurists can save this Republic. They are the reasons this Republic is in such a mess. The only thing that can save this Republic is by returning to the religious foundations this Republic was founded under. The first thing to do is to remember that our rights come from God and are not bestowed on and to us by government(politicians and jurists).

Now my brothers and sisters in Christ let me say this I do not care the color of your skin, we as Christians must stop dividing ourselves and me must stop letting others divide us. We are easily conquered when we are divided.

Ephesians tells us what we must do. I prefer the King James Version, it is what I am most familiar with. I am not a Biblical Scholar, Theologian or any thing of the sort. Some call me a back-sliding Christian. I call my self a work in progress. To reinforce this I use a King James Study Bible, and seek help from my Personal Savior, Jesus Christ.

Ephesians Chapter 6
6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil
6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness.
6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
6:19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,
6:20 For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

That is it my friends we must regain our Republic. To do this we must wake up and follow the Scriptures. If we do as instructed we win the war on(against)Christianity. If we remain asleep and continue to ignore the Scriptures we will lose this war to the powers of darkness. The task ahead of us is not as great as the power behind us.

The time has come for another Crusade, a Great Crusade to restore this Republic. A spiritual awakening, revival and redemption.


Some do, some dont

Some get it, some dont and probably never will.

The latest mass killing(murdering)occurred in a Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. This was not the only shooting(murdering)that has occurred in a Christian House of Worship. Before the one in Texas there was one in Tennessee. Before the one in Tennessee there was one in South Carolina.

The one in Tennessee and the one in Texas have one thing in common. A concerned citizen brought the carnage to a halt. If I recall correctly the murdering at the Antioch Baptist Church was stopped by an Usher who wrestled the attacker to the ground. Again if I recall correctly the attacker(murderous savage)was shot in the leg. The murdering at the First Baptist Church was also brought to a halt by a concerned citizen. In this attack the concerned citizen exchanged fire with the attacker, as reported the attacker(again a murderous savage)was shot during the exchange. In the one in South Carolina the attacker(and again a murderous savage)was able to flee the scene, only to be captured a short time later. The murderous savage in Texas was not only shot, but when he attempted to flee was subsequently chased down by two townsfolk, including the one who had exchanged fire with and wounded the murderous savage.

This needs to be said and understood by all. In each of these instances the murderous savage knew he would face little if any resistance. They basically had the upper hand, the advantage if you will. They are brave when they have the advantage, not so much when they encounter resistance. None of the three murderous savages had planned on any meeting any real resistance.

I would like to point this out about society in this Republic today. The concerned citizen in Texas who grabbed his rifle and brought the savagery to an end is more the exception than the rule. Most in our society would have chosen not to get involved, if they did get involved it would have only been to the extent of grabbing their cellphone and making a video. This man chose to get involved, he grabbed his rifle(not a cellphone)and placing himself in great danger engaged the threat. He placed himself in great peril to defend the defenseless. To me that is the definition of a true Hero. This man exemplifies the meaning of the American Spirit, heroic and decisive action in the face of great peril. The other man, the driver of the truck also chose to get involved. This man also demonstrated great courage during the chase, determined to not let the murderous savage escape. Both of these men are exemplary and courageous in deed and character.

Now lets move on to those who dont get it and probably never will. This would be the gun control crowd, actually it should be called the “cult of gun control”. I call it a cult because to them it is a religion, but it is a cult. It is a false religion based on a false premise. It is based on the premise that what they call “gun crime” can be eliminated by placing further restrictions on law-abiding citizens. Passing laws and even more laws have no effect on those that choose to ignore or break the laws. If the rights of the citizens are infringed the only effect that would have would to be to provide even more victims of those who use a gun to commit a crime. I call the gun control a cult for another reason, they have Profits, false Profits. They follow a Profit who calls for more gun control while at the same time they are surrounded by armed security. They have guns to protect them while they seek to disarm others. The false “religion” of gun control headed by a false Profit, that makes it a cult.

Now we have a republican Senator from Texas siding with and reaching out to the democrats on gun control. This is a democrat windfall. It sounds as simple as writing legislation to enforce and strengthen laws on the books, but it is not that simple. It will not stop with legislation to fix existing legislation, it will lead to “comprehensive reform”. Currently the Air Force is being blamed for the failure on its part in reporting the conviction of the murderous savage in Texas. To me it is just another example of the government being above the law. When the government makes a mistake they just say “oops”. What happens to the rest of us if we make a similar mistake?

Now let’s go to those that get it. Once again a bad guy with a gun was stopped by a good guy with a gun. We have a sheriff here in Florida that has come out to say, “if you have a permit and a gun take your gun with you”. He gets it and so should you. I agree with what he has said.

You are your own “first line of defense”. Everyone who owns a gun should be proficient, range time and holster drills. I would like to say this, carrying a firearm comes with great responsibility. If you are not willing to accept that responsibility them for God’s sake do not carry. Let me point this out, the gun in your holster is not a “good luck charm”. Just because you have a concealed weapon and a permit is no guarantee that nothing bad will ever happen. Be proficient. If you want to carry a “good luck charm” get a rabbit’s foot, but then ask yourself what happen to the rest of the rabbit?

Now this is going to bring us to the subject of guns in Church. This is a subject that most congregations are unwilling to discuss. But it must be discussed. Before beginning with this I would like to point out this. We should be walking about this Republic everyday without a care in the world. We should be safe in our schools, offices, parks and everywhere we go, but things are different now.

There are many places that one would believe they were absolutely safe, but for today I will address only two. We should feel absolute safety in these two places, the sanctuary of the womb and the Sanctuary of the Church. Taking a little side road for just a minute. Let me go back to the “cult of gun control” for just a minute. The same people who favor gun control are the same people who favor abortion on demand. I find this to be more than ironic, they are perfectly willing to support abortion, which is not a Constitutional Right but oppose the private ownership of guns which is a Constitutional Right. Since 1973 it has been estimated that over 53 million babies have been murdered in the mother’s womb. The pro-choice “abortion cult” has their false Profits, the same as the “gun control cult”. The ones who push abortion have children and grand children. Those that support abortion only do so because their mothers chose life.

Now let’s go back to guns in the Church. This is going to cause angst in some Churches. I am of the opinion that every Church in this Republic have some sort of Church Protection Plan. I am also of the opinion that every male in the congregation carry his own personal firearm, that is, if he is trained, proficient and holds a permit if required and most importantly will to take on that responsibility. Some Pastors are going to be against guns in the Church. Some of the Congregation like is going to be opposed to guns in the Church. But I remind you of this you are your own and best first line of defense. As I have said before when a wolf comes it is best to have some wolf repellant.

There are those who claim that a handgun is not match for a rifle. Well that is true, but something is better than nothing. For a handgun to be effective against a rifle, the distance must be closed, either by the defender or the murderous savage. I am not for turning every Church in this Republic into a bristling fortress, but Churches like all “soft” targets must be “hardened”. We want people to come to Church and come to Jesus. We could lock our doors, but locks only keep honest people honest.

Above when I said “This man exemplifies the meaning of the American Spirit heroic and decisive”, that was and is true but it exemplified more than just the American Spirit. He exemplified the Christian Spirit. Willing to lay down his life for a friend. The Christian American Spirit.


Well excuse me

The republican leadership(if it can be called that with a straight face)in the Senate is about as useless as “milk dispensers” on a boar hog. The only thing they seem to be able to do is make excuses. Now it appears that President Trump has set his expectations to high. He actually expected to get things done. The justification for that remark, “He’s not from the political world and does not know how things work around D.C.”. Well I am not from around D.C. either but I am from around here, and around here a mans word is his bond. The politicians seem to have forgotten that little tidbit. You did make campaign promises, did you not. One of which was to repeal Obamacare, you said you would repeal Obamacare, you never said that we should not expect too much. You certainly never said that we should not expect you to repeal Obamacare.

It becomes more apparent by the day that a statement made in the past is true, “There is not a dimes worth of difference between the political parties”. The republicans are little more than Whigs, radical red republicans, the democrats are little more than socialists, radical red socialists. Both are for big government, a big centralized powerful government.

From this moment forward I will expect you to do nothing, my expectations of you and from you will be low, to the point of being non-existent. That way I will never be disappointed in you. If by some miracle you do get something done I will get more than I expected. Thanks for finally coming clean with us.

I am pretty much done with you republicans, at least on the national level. I will no longer put or help to put a pretend friend at my side. You Whigs are no friend to America or to me(socialists never are), though you pretend to be. You have proven that a pretend friend will turn on a dime. You may still wind up at my side but I will keep a wary eye one you. We still do pretty well with republicans(not as many pretend friends, Whigs)at the state level here in Florida, well but not great.

While I am here I might as well clear this up for the politicians and the talking heads. There is a special election coming up in the state of Alabama to fill a vacant senate seat. I have heard of it being referred to as Jeff Sessions seat. I would like to point this out, the Senate seat belongs to the state of Alabama, it does not and did not belong to Jeff Sessions. He was just the most recent occupant of that seat. For that matter there is no man or political party that can lay claim to any seat in Congress. The two Senate seats belong to the State, the seats in the House of Representatives belong to that District in that State. Choose wisely Alabama.

When and if the Convention of States convenes there are two things I would like to come from it. 1 The States Rights Initiative, including Nullification and if necessary Secession. 2 Repealing the 17th Amendment.

As long as I mentioned Nullification and Secession I might as well mention this. There is currently a petition going around here in Florida, a petition for the Secession of Florida from the federal union. A petition to place on the ballot for the citizens of Florida to decide to Seceded or not. An uphill struggle for sure but a worthy struggle. I must admit the Republic of Florida sounds pretty good. The movement in Florida is for real and the petition is for real.

On a side note as mentioned above this movement in Florida is real, unlike those who want out because they did not get the President they wanted(California). California and the rest have no chance unless Dixie goes first.

It is not just in Florida but all across the South. There are those of us who see the South as a defeated and occupied land. The Confederate States of America still exists. The Southern people and culture still exist.

God Bless Dixie
God Bless the Southern People and the Southern Culture.

What was done with it?

Today marks the 73rd Anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy, France. Tuesday June the 6th 1944 Operation Neptune, from the sea. Sadly some in America and Europe, especially France, will go through this day without even a thought of the events of 73 years ago.

Most of Western Europe had been overrun by Adolph Hitler and his German Military. Entire countries were occupied by the Nazis. Groups of people had been rounded up and placed in concentration camps. People were executed or exterminated for their religions or for a myriad of other reasons or for no reason at all, millions of people were killed. Some of the people of the occupied countries collaborated with the occupying Nazis. Some of the people of the occupied countries continued the fight, the resistance, after their military forces surrendered to the Germans.

The Great Crusade, Operation Overlord. The military intent of Operation Overlord was to drive the German forces from the occupied countries of Western Europe and ultimately to destroy the German Military. A Crusade to return to the people what had been taken from them in conquest, their land and homes. The German military was a Military of Conquest. The Allied Military was a Military of Liberation.

The Crusaders landed at Normandy then moved across Western Europe. They drove out the Conquerors and gave the lands back to the people. The lands were Liberated and then given back to the rightful owners, France was given back to the French and so forth. The Liberated countries were once again free to chart their own destinies. Free from occupation. Sound familiar?

That was then this is now.
Western Europe is once again being invaded, not by a foreign military but a foreign religion. The new invasion is not like the last. The last time was with force, military force. This time it is being done with immigration, the invaders are actually being invited in. They are being allowed in. The new normal, Terrorists and Terrorism. Who would have ever thought that living with Terrorists and Terrorism would be considered “part and parcel” of normal life in the civilized West? Is that not what some of your “exalted Leaders” have said? Or at least something similar?

Now to the Citizens of the Western European countries. On this day go and visit the graveyards of those who died helping to Liberate you and your lands from the last invading hoards. Hundreds of Thousands, if not Millions of brave men gave their lives to rescue you from invaders and occupiers. As you visit the grave sites ask yourself a question. Have I done them justice? Reflect on this for just a minute. Men died helping during the effort to Liberate you and your lands, Crusaders. Men also died in effort to keep your lands occupied and keep you as a conquered people, Conquerors.

What did you do with it when it was Liberated and given back to you?

You, the citizens of Western Europe may yet lose your lands because of the latest “invasion”. Unless you come to your senses and exercise some common sense. It will not be taken from you, you will instead give it away. You may once again need to be Liberated. Crusaders may be in short supply. Your own doing will be your undoing. It is hard to save one from ones self. I do pray for Europe and the citizens of Europe everyday. I pray that you come to your senses before it is too late.

Do not look to be Liberated again from “across the pond”. We too seem too be lacking in the area of exercising some common sense. We may just be too busy to come to your aid, not because we don’t want to, but because we won’t be able to. I also pray for this Republic and the citizens of this Republic everyday. I also pray that we come to our senses before it is too late.

I and many others have said that not all Muslims, followers of Islam, are terrorists. It is time for the non-terrorist Muslims, followers of Islam, to step forward and prove it. Not with words but with deeds.