Playing out in real time

The government of Ukraine has finally understood something clearly at last. Our founders clearly saw this, those who drafted whatever document that Ukraine operates under should have seen and understood as well.

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The government is offering to give arms to every citizen who wants one, ID is required. They will be giving citizens “military grade weapons” aka “weapons of war”. Even giving training, as time permits. in weapons use, handling (safety) and tactics. Firearms restrictions are being loosened for private purchase. This may prove to be too little too late. The wolf, or in this case the bear, is not just at the door he is coming through the door.

One question being asked is this. Would Russia have invaded if they would be facing a military and a well-armed civilian population aka Militia? We will never know.

The arming of the civilian population has been covered by the MSM here in America. Even those with an anti-gun agenda. Strangely enough the anti-gun organizations, aka gun control cult, have been strangely silent on civilians having military grade weapons, aka weapons of war. Not just having them but being given to them by the government.

Now I have a question or two. If Ukraine is successful in stopping the Russians and driving them out with the aid of an armed population, will they then seek to disarm their population? Will the Ukrainian government once again put in place gun control measures?

One more question. Will the Ukrainian population who just fought for and defended their country from foreign aggression allow their own government to disarm them?

You can bet your bottom dollar that if the Russians are successful, one of the first things to happen will be a complete and total disarming of the population.

Many in America like to use the phrase “right side of history”. Allow me to use your phrase. The unfolding events in Ukraine prove the Founders correct. They were on the right side of History. Past, Present and yes even Future. This is true no matter the outcome in Ukraine.

Does the deafening silence from the cult of gun control indicate that they may have come to their senses and realized that they have been wrong? Hardly. They are at this moment plotting their next gun rights attack. Even though they are wrong and know it they are too far down this path to say so.

I would tell them to go to Ukraine and witness firsthand the absolute necessity of an armed civilian population, armed with the weapons of war because they at this moment are at war. They are not in a pillow fight. They need and deserve weapons equal to those of the aggressor, I would argue they need and deserve weapons superior to the aggressor. But if they went, they would do their best to tell the Ukrainians they are wrong and do not need weapons of war. They would say that weapons of war do not belong on the streets of Ukraine. Even though the streets of the cities may well become a battle ground. They would say that only the military needs weapons of war, while it is an armed hostile foreign military they are facing. These Ukrainians are in a fight for their very lives.

The way I see the gun control cult is this. You are like the person who feeds the crocodile, you only feed it in hopes it will eat you last. You are willing to surrender but not willing to fight. If surrendering is your thing, fine go ahead. You have a right to surrender, you do not have a right to take me along.

The correct response to the crocodile was to engage and come away with a nice belt, wallet and even a pair of boots.

And this is for the cult of gun control. The difference between you and me and those like me is this. I will defend myself, I will defend my family, I will defend my home, I will defend my State, and I will defend my country should the need arise, I will do all of that and if necessary, I will even defend you. You on the other hand will ask or beg (depending on the circumstance) others to do for you what you are unwilling to do for yourself.

To the people of Ukraine, I wish you all the best.

Benefits and Risks

The so-called experts claim that there are health risks associated with the vaccine while at the same time claiming that those vaccinated, in their view, will benefit by being vaccinated. So, they say “just get vaccinated the benefits outweigh the risk”. They claim over half of the population is vaccinated and the unvaccinated have only risk and no benefit.

There is however another area where the benefits do outweigh the risks. I would submit that the Benefits of living in a land where the people have a right to keep and bear arms far outweigh the Risks of living in a land where the people have a right to keep and bear arms.

I see no Benefit to living in a land where the population is disarmed, I see only Risk.

Here is a link you will find interesting, to say the least.

Mind you these people are now in quarantine at the Penny’s Bay quarantine camp. They are not there by choice; they are there by force.

I am not thinking that the citizens of Hong Kong have the right to keep and bear arms. But I am thinking that the ones who forced them into the quarantine camp were armed. Just saying.

I look with a suspicious eye at any government that seeks to disarm the population.

When it comes to the cult of gun control it was never about gun control, however it was and is about controlling who has guns. The government will always have arms, the best arms that money can buy. Armed bodyguards will always surround the elite.

Every American citizen reaps a benefit from those that choose to exercise their Second Amendment Right, the Right to Keep and Bear arms. Every American citizen also shares the risk of a population that chooses to exercise the right to keep and bear arms. Read this again before proceeding.

Go back in history and look at some of the pictures, especially WW2 in occupied Europe. The people boarding the boxcars, were they doing that willingly or were they being forced? The key point is that they were disarmed, while the ones that were herding them were well armed. We can only speculate what would have happened or not happened if say ten percent of the population had retained their arms.

We can, however, look at current events around the world that were brought about by government actions or overreactions over covid. Government true to form has blamed failures on others rather than accept responsibility for decisions it has made and the actions it took.

Hong Kong is not the only place around the world that has established covid quarantine camps. There was even a rumor of one or two here in America. So far nothing more than rumors.

Many governments around the world have for years trampled upon their subjects, with covid they have excelled at the trampling. They have no idea what checks, and balances are. The only thing in Check is the subjects, the government keeps them in “check” with the “balance” of power resting in the hands of government.

The time has come to ask yourself a hard question. Would this government, our government, trample the citizens into subjects? While I wait for your answer I will move on.

If your answer was No, then you must believe that only good people have occupied and currently occupy our government. Patrick Henry had something to say on this matter in 1788.

If your answer was Yes, then I have another question for you. What has prevented the government from trampling citizens into subjects? I will move on while waiting for your answer.

If your answer was the Constitution, you really need to read what was written by Patrick Henry, John DeWitt, Benjamin Franklin, and other wise men from the past.

If your answer was an armed Citizenry, you just proved my point that every citizen Benefits from the Risks of living in a land where the Citizens have the Right to Keep and Bear arms.

One last question. What is it that guarantees all the other Rights you enjoy?

Missing the point

There have been countless videos on YouTube showing what causes a SAA (or replica) to fire. While your videos (most of them anyway) are thoughtful and well done and do a respectable job on how SAA revolvers work you are missing the point.

The claim made “I did not pull the trigger” is just a part, the biggest part of the lies told by the cult of gun control. For years they have made it appear the villain is the gun. For them it is always guns kill.

Now that one of their own is in the hot seat the biggest of lies had to be used.

Someone is responsible for the death of that young lady and must be held accountable. You will notice that I did not say Something is responsible.

From what I have read there have been many things brought up that could be contributing factors. However, they were not the cause.

If no one is held accountable that would mean that the cult of gun control was right all along. The biggest lie becomes truth.

Merchants and Whores

Both of these offer goods and services. But, there comes a time where people will stop buying what they are selling. If, by what I read in the so-called news that time is fast approaching. What I refer to is Covid19, the new variants and the so-called vaccines and the might be needed possible boosters.

We as a nation are well into our second year of this ___________(do feel free to insert the word of your choice). Many people have pointed out this, if this “virus” is so deadly then why is there a constant “need” to keep telling the public that this is and we are in the midst of the worst pandemic in over a century. It has also been pointed out that one must be tested for this “deadly” virus to find out if they have it.

The merchants and whores I speak of are the Fear Merchants and Publicity Whores, most play both roles(some pose as doctors or scientists or both).

Let us look at some of what you are selling that more and more people are not buying.

I will start with the so-called vaccines. If the so-called news reports are true you appear to be giving out of willing recipients. You even came up with a nifty term, you call it vaccine hesitancy. Then you came up with a lot of reasons why some are hesitant, you even cited polling data to back up your conclusions(More on these stupid polls later). It could be that you look at this from the wrong angle. Perhaps you should be asking, How is it possible that so many were willing to “take the jab”, when the jab was an unapproved vaccine being offered under an Emergency Use Authorization. Add to that the manufacturers of these vaccines were given immunity. Without going too far down this rabbit hole I will just leave that there.

How were you able to “sell” the vaccine in the first place. If I remember correctly, you claimed the vaccine was the “path” back to normal. Get the jab get your life back, do as you did before. People got the jab and you still held their life hostage.

As the daily rate of vaccinations slowed you came up with a gimmick. Everything from free beer to lottery tickets. You claim rates went up but have apparently fallen off again. A rather lofty goal was set, the goal was to get 70% of the population vaccinated by July Fourth. It appears you will fall short of that goal.

Now to the Publicity Whores for a bit who are also Fear Merchants. Enter the Delta variant. A variant of concern. This is now being used to stoke fear into the population again. For the Fear Merchant Publicity Whores. How in the world are you able to get any real work done with all of the time you spend on TV?

Back to the virus and vaccines. If this virus is so deadly and your vaccines are so effective, why are you using gimmicks to get people to take the jab?

There will come a time when your daily vaccination rate drops to Zero. People that are fully vaccinated are still coming down with covid19, still be hospitalized and still dying. Some recipients are suffering some pretty severe side effects from the jab.

Now we come to what I call the fun part of this post.

I listen to what people have to say, regardless of what they say or their political persuasion. Which is something more of you should try.

Even though I know that you are a fear merchant and publicity whore I still listen to what you say. To date you have failed to convince me. You on the other hand will not listen to what I have to say. I doubt that you have ever listened to yourself. You have said some pretty remarkable stuff for a leftist, and in some cases you have even written some pretty remarkable stuff.

You have said we should follow the science, trust the science. One even got his panties in a bunch when criticism came his way. When it comes to following the science when it comes to covid19 the science keeps changing. I suppose that is the way it is with science, it keeps changing.

Hold the phone. How can science keep changing when it comes to covid19 and the variants when we are told that the science is settled and the time for debate is over when it come to climate change? Are their two sciences, one that is settled and one that keeps changing? Or is one just bovine feces?

When it comes to the vaccines and the adverse side effects. You have said and indeed written that the benefits of the vaccines far outweigh the risks.

Hold the phone. How can it be that when it comes to vaccines the benefits outweigh the risks when at the same time we are told that living in a society where the citizens are armed the risks outweigh the benefits. I am thinking again one of these is bovine feces.

Who is John Galt?

Tell me if this makes any sense to you

Suppose there are two groups of people, out of those two groups there is only one group that you speak(talk)with. The group that you do not speak(talk)with, you do not speak to them because of their ideology or some other reason. Now let us say that a fight erupts between these two groups, as with any two(or more)groups that take to fighting one is the aggressor and the other is or has been attacked. Now, let us suppose that the one not spoken with is the aggressor and the one that is spoken with is responding to the attack. In other words one is acting and the other is reacting, or put this way, one wants to fight and the other is forced to fight. Now , you come to a point where you want to say something, problem is that you only talk with the one who is under attack. So what do you say? You tell the one under attack that you want to see a significant de-escalation today. You have got to be kidding me, How can the one reacting provide you with a reduction in violence?

Telling the one being attacked that you want to see a significant de-escalation today make as much sense to me as standing behind the podium giving a speech to an auditorium full of only women and saying this. I want to see a reduction in the number of rapes. Moron, you are addressing the wrong audience.

And that makes as much sense as this. Standing behind the same podium in the same auditorium but this time the audience is law abiding gun owning citizens. What is it you say to them? You say you want to end “gun violence”, but to end gun violence you must curb or eliminate the right for them to own, possess or carry firearms. Again moron, you are addressing the wrong audience.

You may find at times in life the person you least want to speak(talk)with is in fact the person you should be speaking too.

If you really want a de-escalation of the violence going on in the Middle-East then address the aggressor in clear terms. You can make yourself clear, can’t you?

It is more than just “Bad Optics”

Bad Optics, a phrase we were exposed to not all that long ago. A phrase employed or deployed by government, more precisely those in government, to give them “cover” when they do something stupid. Like a president going golfing when an American has just been beheaded. It is not bad optics their actions show just how little they care.

Let us look at just some of the “Bad Optics” on display courtesy of some if not many in our government.

We have the anti-gun left, which by the way includes some if not many in the republican party, declaring that we must get “weapons of war” off of our streets. They say this while at the same time placing actual weapons of war on our streets. The Military, National Guard stationed outside the perimeter surrounding the Capitol complex are not armed with typewriters, they are indeed armed with weapons of war.

Not only are the anti-gun left placing actual weapons of war on our streets, there is talk of those actual weapons of war remaining well into the future. There has been talk of a Quick Reaction Force comprised of National Guard members on a rotating basis being permanently stationed in DC to augment the Capitol Police.

More “bad optics”. The open borders left, which again includes some republicans, bitch and moan over the wall that was being constructed on the southern border have no problem with a fence erected around the Capitol complex. For people of an ideology of fences and walls do not work and are in fact inhumane seem to be loving the fence around them. They seem to be okay with leaving the border wide open to whoever wants to come in while they fence in their area to keep whoever out. Seems as though they have a greater concern for their safety and security than the safety and security of the nation and indeed the safety of those living along the southern border.

Another. What happened to the left and their “defund the police”? From what I read there are going to be hundreds of new hires by the Capitol Police to provide a greater level of security and safety for those in government. I have a hunch that the defund the police movement only applies to the ordinary citizens not those who rule over us.

And now this example. It appears, to me, that the chief role of the military is shifting. The military is shifting away from defending the nation towards defending the government and indeed the seat of government. We may indeed come to understand why the Founders were so against having a permanent standing army.

Now to tie all of this together.

We now have the democrats controlling the Legislative branch and the Executive branch and just as expected they are on their march to enact gun control legislation. Two bills have already cleared the House with republican support. The Senate is once again putting forth an “assault weapons” ban while we wait to see how many republicans join their ranks. They do this while surrounded by actual weapons of war and a pretty effective physical barrier.

As of this writing the democrat controlled Senate will come up short on enough votes to pass any of these or any other gun control bills, even with some arm twisting. However nothing can or should be ruled out. The gun control groups poured a lot of money into this past election and they are going to demand a return on their investment. The filibuster rule may just go away and bills in the Senate could pass on a simple majority vote.

Some will say that whatever the democrats do the republicans will undo if we, the voters, give them back the Legislative branch and the Executive branch. Any republican that makes that claim is a bald faced liar. They promised to repeal the ACA, they did not do that.

No, what will happen is that the politicians will sit behind their physical barrier surrounded by men and women of war armed with real weapons of war while they continue to forge the chains they intend to rivet upon us.

Finally a registry the Leftists are against

Came across this today.

Mind you that I personally am against any registry of any type. Historically speaking registries have often been misused by governments. Still I found this interesting and is just another example of the hypocrisy of the left.

Read the whole thing, I will just highlight a few points. Italics will be used for parts of the article, my interpretation will be in standard block letters.

The following is from the first paragraph.

The Trump administration is requiring states to submit personal information of people vaccinated against Covid-19 — including names, birth dates, ethnicities and addresses, raising alarms among state officials who fear that a federal vaccine registry could be misused.

So, the federal government wants to create a registry, with certain identifying information, and the leftists worry that it could be misused.

These are the same leftists that are constantly seeking a national firearm registry. They never raise any concerns that the information in this registry could be misused. Even when history says otherwise. Hypocrites.

And another thing you leftists have tried to do is to publish the names and addresses of concealed carry permit holders. You seem to think that this information could never be misused either. Freaking hypocrites.

Now let’s move along.

So, just why does the federal government need to collect this data? This comes from the forth paragraph.

Administration officials say that the information will not be shared with other federal agencies and that it is “critically necessary” for several reasons: to ensure that people who move across state lines receive their follow-up doses; to track adverse reactions and address safety issues; and to assess the effectiveness of the vaccine among different demographic groups.

Same old drivel. Critically necessary. These are “needed” because the vaccine is to be administered under an Emergency Use Authorization(EUA). The following is a link about EUA’s, for your reading enjoyment. This is, in my opinion, a must read.

By reading what information the federal government wants to collect it would seem that the leftists would be pleased as punch, after all registries are their thing. It could be viewed as a leftist “wet dream” especially as it comes from a republican administration. But they have objections to this registry. What is it they, the leftists, fear about this registry?

The answer to that lies in the third paragraph. 

The collection of personal data could dissuade undocumented people from participating in the vaccination program. To get information that they can use at the Department of Homeland Security and ICE that they’ll use to deport people.

They worry that those here illegally would opt out of being vaccinated and if they chose to be vaccinated and provided the information requested the information could be used to deport them.

If only they would apply the same level of concern for the protection of the rights of the American citizens as they do to the rights of those that have no right to be in this country.

There is much more in that first linked article to pick apart, especially some of the wording used in the last 10 or so paragraphs. I will get to that in future posts while we wait for the results of the election.

And now they know

They ran head first into a brick wall.

By now everyone has heard, seen or read about the “run” on gun stores. From the videos I have seen the stores are pretty much sold out. From what I gather the vast majority of these sales of firearms, accessories and ammunition were to first time buyers.

So I was wondering what was fueling the sudden “need” to have a firearm. Could it be that you now, at long last, know that you are your own best defense?

What were they buying? From what I have seen just about anything and everything. I imagine that the shoppers that got in on this “run” early got pretty much what they wanted. From the looks of it the ones shopping later were buying what was available(leftovers)and then only if there was ammunition available. This might cause you a problem down the line, but something is better than nothing.

Many a first time firearm owner/buyer has come to the stark realization that acquiring a firearm is not as easy as they have been told. From what I hear some of you were taken aback at how difficult and time consuming the whole process can be.

You were told all you had to do was give the clerk some cash and walk out with a firearm. Didn’t work out that way did it? Had to “jump through some hoops” did you? Let’s look a some of the “hoops” you had to jump through after making your selection.

First you had to fill out a form 4473 in which you had to give up a lot of personal information and submit to a background check. If your State has a law requiring a background check for ammunition then you had to submit to that also.

Second the FFL had to make a phone call and wait for approval before the firearm could actually be transferred to you. The system could be overwhelmed and shutdown, operating hours could be reduced, personnel shortages many things could cause that approval to be delayed, no approval no firearm.

Third if your State has a mandatory waiting period you did not walk out with your firearm. You paid for it but you left empty handed. Depending on how long your State requires then you will wait that many days before taking possession.

Fourth if your State requires that you first get a license to purchase a firearm and you did not have that then you just plain did not get to buy a firearm. From what I hear the office that issues that license is closed, thus you are just out of luck.

Fifth if your State is in the “one gun a month club” and you just bought a firearm because it was all that was available then you are going to have to wait a month to buy another firearm. For instance you had every intention of buying a pistol for yourself and found them all gone and all that was left was a single shot 410 shotgun and you bought it because it was the only firearm available with ammunition you will have to wait 30 days for your next purchase in hopes of getting what you really wanted. You may find that by the time your “time-out”has expired there are no pistols left. But at least you have that 410 and as I said something is better than nothing. By the way, if your “time-out” has expired and you finally get to purchase what you really wanted you will have to go through the whole process again, the form, the phone call and the approval, the waiting period it is not a one time ordeal.

Sixth do not forget about the safe storage laws that your State may have.

Seventh if you tried to order a firearm on line and have it delivered to your house you found that it does not work that way either. You are going to need a licensed dealer to complete the transfer, and yes you still have to complete the form and the phone call still must be made and you must wait for approval and do not forget the mandatory waiting period.

All that above are just some of the “hoops” that must be jumped through. Some apply to everyone no matter what State they live in while others are specific to some States.

So I guess you now know that it is not harder to buy a book than a firearm. Did you ever have to fill out a government form to buy a book? Did you ever have to undergo a background check to buy a book? Was there a mandatory waiting period to take possession of your book? Were you ever limited to the number of books you could buy in a month?

I suppose right now the natural inclination would be for me to sit back and laugh at you in your current predicament, but I shall not do that.

If you are a first time firearm buyer/owner I would personally like to welcome you to the community. Congratulations on your purchase. If you are now just old enough to make your first purchase then I want to take this opportunity to wish you a belated Happy Birthday. More on this in a later post.

If you live in a State with a “red flag” law you now are subject.

What you had and have to endure is the product of and result of many years of gun control steps and measures. There are many more in the works. Things like a national registry and mandatory liability insurance on your firearms just to name two.

The gun control zealots, politicians and/or citizens, have been lying for years, lying to all of us, some bought into their lies and others did not.

They lied when they claimed that “gun free zones” were safer. Well until your recent purchase your home was a gun free zone. What was it that caused you to feel not so safe? By the way most of those claiming that gun free zones are safer are surrounded by armed security details whether paid for by the taxpayers or privately funded.

If you are well above the minimum age to buy a firearm and just got around to purchasing a firearm then you have first hand experience at how difficult and time consuming the whole process is. Your eyes are now open and hopefully you now realize that you have been lied too for years. If they have lied so much and for so long about how easy it is to buy firearms, then you need to ask yourselves, What else have they lied about? Well I ask you, Are their lips moving?

I would like to point out that all of these so-called “common sense” gun control measures have had no effect on the criminals. What they have had an effect on is you and your ability to exercise your right, the Right to Keep and Bear arms. Keep in mind there is an election coming.

Not a dimes woth of difference

It has long been said that when it comes to republicans and democrats at the national level there is not a dimes worth of difference between the two. It would appear now that that is also true at the State level.

While all eyes were on Virginia some things have been happening here in Florida. In Virginia the democrats have control of the Legislative and Executive branches of government, and one would kind of expect that they would pursue an anti-gun, anti-liberty and anti-freedom agenda. Here in Florida the republicans have control of the Legislative and Executive branches of government and one would kind of expect them not to pursue an anti-gun, anti-liberty and anti-freedom agenda, but they have.

Our republican controlled State Senate is reportedly working on a series of gun control bills. It was also reported that there was a rather sizeable political contribution from a gun control group. Which brings me to wonder which a politician will respond to, a letter or phone call from a constituent or a sizeable contribution? I think the sizeable political contribution will win every time. Do you really think that you have the politicians ear?

Looks like Virginia has a problem with democrats and their gun control agenda, and Florida has a problem with republicans and their gun control agenda.

By the way, the last round of gun control legislation passed after the mass murder in Parkland here in Florida was with a republican Legislature and a republican Governor. And let us not forget, before all this impeachment nonsense kicked off the President said something about having an “appetite” for some gun control measures. Also some republicans had sided with democrats on gun control measures, and some republican Senators had “instantly” put together national “red flag” proposals with incentives for states that would enact their own red flag laws.

It would seem that the two parties are heading in the same direction when it come to the Second Amendment. The only difference between the two is the speed at which they move.