A nation in decline

A downward spiral as it were.

Immigration. Immigration in times past was a matter of national interest and the nation benefited. Over time immigration became a matter of political interest and the nation suffered.

Legislation. In times past legislation was a national interest. Over time legislation began to be introduced and it was written as a political issue and again the nation suffered.

Laws. There was a time in which legislation became law if not vetoed. Over time opinions became law, opinions made by the unelected, and unaccountable. Also, agencies and departments began to make rule changes, these too are unelected and unaccountable.

Bread and Circus. It no longer matters that the most qualified gets the job. It now matters what is, is not, might be, or was between a person’s legs and the melanin content of the skin. They say the idea is inclusion. Seems to me there is a lot of exclusion going on. Pro-life laws are seen as being cruel to women, yet the ease of abortion is not seen as cruel to the unborn. The criminal is now portrayed as the victim. Punishing the law abiding for the actions of the law breakers.

Some might think the above was written about America. I would ask them if they have ever read the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. If you have and if this were written about America, which chapter would we be in?

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