Well it’s out

The republican memo came out, now we wait and see. Given the level of apathy in this Republic today, it is a great possibility that only those of us who care will even give a hoot. The memo has been spreading around the blogs and that is a good thing, it being released was also a good thing. The problem with some of the blogs media outlets is that so many say “Here is what you need to know”. I say let the people who care decide what they need to know. Let them read it and come to their own conclusions. Many will come to different conclusions, people can see or hear the exact same thing and come to different conclusions.

For instance, during the State of the Union address when President Trump made the statement that Black and Hispanic unemployment was at record low-levels. The republicans heard good news and applauded, the democrats(sitting in the same chambers and hearing the same words)sat on their hands not applauding. The republicans heard good news and the democrats heard bad news. I know what you are saying, the democrats and republicans clap like trained seals when the president is from and representing their political party. But, record low unemployment levels is good news no matter which party has the presidency.

Let’s look at the timing. Released on a Friday, not just any Friday, but the Friday before the superbowl(small s in this case because I don’t see it as worthy of a big S). So let’s look at Monday and the discussions around the “water cooler”. Will they be talking the big game of the big memo? I suspect the game by a large margin.

Why, you ask. The answer is that, people are “fickle”. It was not all that long ago that many “diehard” sports fans were up in arms because some knucklehead pampered prima donna took a knee during the National Anthem. Swearing to never watch a football game again. Some will stand by their word, while others will don their favorite jersey and sit in front of the “boob tube” eating wings and drinking beer, never minding what they said not so long ago. Much the same as when the videos came out about the selling of baby body parts at the abortion clinic.

Maybe by Tuesday the masses will get around to reading the memo, or not. It will go back to the apathy problem, or a new shiny object to look at. Then there is the crowd of Jacobins that exist in society and government. The never Trump crowd and the Trump haters will not give of flying(almost said a bad word)about the memo. To them the ends justify the means. They want the president gone and to them there is no measure that goes to far. They will not care that it appears the at least on government agency and possibly one government department “weaponized” itself to influence an election because the candidate, later the president-elect and finally the president was not one they chose.

I read it several times and the best I can say is “Wow”. It appears to me that some high-level bureaucrats were attempting to use any means possible to derail a presidential campaign. It also appears to me that failing that they would settle for bringing down a sitting president. Wow, talk about collusion, conspiracy and trying to influence an election. It also appears to me that these same individuals did not give a flying(almost said that bad word again)about the future of this Republic, they instead were concerned in their futures. Those same bureaucrats cared not if their activities tarnished the reputation of the entire agencies and/or departments. One even wanted to hang on long enough to reach full retirement benefits. Not to mention the never-ending leaks.

Well raise your hands if you are shocked that a government agency would attempt to influence anything or be used to further a political agenda. It was not all that long ago that the BATFE was used to help the gun control crowd. You do remember fast and furious, don’t you? The gun-walking scheme to send guns across the southern border. That one got Brian Terry killed. Let me see, making guns available to criminals to see if the criminals would use those guns in crimes. The IRS was used against Tea Party conservative groups.

The democrats were to craft a response to the allegations or revelations made in the republican memo and they wanted it released as well. They wanted everything to remain a secret unless they to could expose something. Then the agency wanted to redact the memo if it were released, claiming national security. Many people in government are still up in arms over the release. Claiming this memo was politicized, maybe it was and maybe it wasn’t. I would like to see the democrat memo, just to compare the two. I would like them to offer some sort of justification for the alleged abuses, from their point of view. Perhaps that will come out down the road.

There are some who will read the memo and be taken aback, to say the least. There are others who will read the memo and think that nothing was wrong. There are others who will simply let the media interpret it for them, being to lazy to read it and decide for themselves. There are still others who could care less about the whole affair, the totally apathetic.

In my view there is another thing about the memo. All of this has come to light because Trump became president. It started out as a Russian collusion investigation. It appears that someone claims or thinks that the Russians influenced the outcome of the election. There has yet been a person to come forward and publicly state that the Russians had influenced the way they voted. Each country tries to influence the outcome of elections in other countries. The reason is that they want a friendly government. As to Russia, think about who they would view as a friendly government. Would they, The Russians, view a possible friend as one who had sold to them 20% of its Uranium(you know the stuff that is used in nuclear weapons)? Or would they, the Russians, view an unknown as a possible ally? Who do you think they wanted to be president HRC or DJT? Very few trust the unknown.

If HRC had won the election and became president it is highly unlikely that any of this would have been known much been released to the public. Trump would have lost and there would be no allegation of Russian influence. That alone should anger people as much as, if not more than, what has been revealed in the memo. That means that the bureaucrats and the agencies could have operated without impunity as weapons against the citizens. They could have their “insurance policies” against unwanted results in elections, and no one would be the wiser. The “secret society” remark has yet to be explained. When one “desperately” does not wish for one to become president, how far will his and/or her desperation drive them? Likewise when one desperately wants to be president, how far will his and/or her desperation drive them? How desperate were and are some people? How far were or are they willing to go?

I also understand that there are people in government and out of government who are more than willing to betray their country. I might point this out there are many ways in which one could betray their country. Most do it for financial gain, some do it to hide and cover-up things they have either done directly or been a willing participant in, sometimes both.

Looks like some people need to look up the definitions of Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity. All Americans have their own political basis, they support a political candidate, most do not let their bias interfere with their job. Unfortunately by what is in this memo their political bias became their job. I really want to see the democrat memo.

What is happening in and with government today is pretty close to if not exactly what Patrick Henry had warned about.

The best we can hope for at this point is a ripple effect. All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.

As I recall there was a country in the 1930’s and 40’s that had used government against and to spy on its own people. Some sort of “secret society” or “secret police” as I recall. I wonder what the level of apathy was in that country.

On a side note. We have another government shutdown looming, yet the republicans managed to find time to go on a retreat, the democrats go on their retreat next. The drama of D.C. continues. A tough fight or a retreat and the politicians choose to retreat.


How on earth did America reach this low point?

Perhaps a better question would be, How low will America sink? I’m not even talking about the presidential primaries or the conventions, though that seems to be the subject of the times. what I am talking about is America in general and the American citizens in particular.

Is it the state(condition) of America dragging down the citizens or is it the state(condition) of the citizens dragging America down? The answer to this question is that one feeds off of the other in what appears to be a never-ending cycle.

The current state(condition)of America.
If America were a person in the Emergency Room what level of care would be needed? America is by no means in a condition of being placed on Life Support, but the Vital Signs are not good and treatment is required to prevent a further deterioration in Vital Signs. Much like a person America could only end up in the Emergency Room for Illness or Injury or both. Triage would reveal the reason and course of treatment. The triage would reveal that there is both an Illness and an Injury that has caused the continued decay and decline in America. But there is a Cure.

The decline of America and the American citizens began with the birth or more aptly the creation of Generation E. The American government created the E Generation, and the created Generation E has given birth to millions who are a part of Generation E. To answer the question, What is Generation E? Generation E is the Entitlement Generation, the Generation that believes that they are Entitled to anything and everything. Not only are the good and decent citizens forced to contend with and support the Entitlement Generation, we are forced to contend with Generation O and Generation D. In case you are wondering, Generation O is the Offended(by any and everything)Generation, and Generation D is the Dependent(on government for any and everything)Generation.

In the not to distant past there was one constant that kept America safe and strong and that was the citizens. When Japan attacked at Pearl Harbor it was done so to deal a death-blow to the U.S Military and especially the U.S. Navy in the Pacific. Japan did not attack or attempt an invasion on America for one simple reason, an outright invasion of America would have come at an extremely high price and the price was unaffordable to Japan. Had Japan mounted an outright invasion of America, Japan would have faced a heavily armed population. Not only were the citizens armed but they were a hardy and hardened lot. It was famously said by one Japanese “There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass”. The Japanese were ambitious not crazy. It is my opinion that no country on earth would attack America for the very same reason.

In 1941 there were many veterans of WW 1 still among the citizenry and still relatively young and able-bodied hardened by war and further hardened by the Great Depression. Many of the population still lived in rural areas on farms and ranches. They too were hardened by the Great Depression. The people in the rural areas had to make do with what they had and make the best of it. These people had skills, farming skills, raising their own food and hunting skills(actually going into the woods and mountains and taking game)to feed their families. If things were needed that they could not afford they made up for the lack of cash by trading and bartering. They made do without government handouts. They endured the hardships and pressed on. That was then.

This is now. Look around the general public today, you will see many(to many)that are lazy and fat. You see many that will not do for themselves, they expect and even demand that the government do and provide for them. These are the same ones that do nothing to better themselves. These are the ones that feel that they are entitled to something, everything and anything even though they have never earned it. They feel Entitled and are Offended if someone insist that they provide for themselves and have become Dependent on government. They have been Conditioned to believe that the government provides Free Services(Welfare), the government does provide Welfare, but it is not Free, for the government to Give to one it must first be Taken from another. Does anyone really believe that these people know what a true hardship is? They will stand in line for hours upon hours or even camp-out in front of a store just to be the first or among the first to buy the latest electronic gadget or game or to see a movie. But they will not stand in line to do their civic duty and vote. If they do vote and have to wait in line they claim that is not fair or places an undue hardship on them and demand that the government do something. They readily show photo ID to by beer and liquor but cry foul if they must show ID to vote. The only hardship these people know is if they can not acquire the latest electronic gadget or if there reality show gets cancelled. This is the Illness.

The preceding paragraph was not written for every citizen, if it does not apply to you then you will recognize that fact. At the same time those that it does apply to will not recognize that it was written for and about them. Would anybody really expect these people to come to the defense of this country? Would they be willing to lay down their gadgets and pick up a rifle and get behind a blade of grass? I submit that they would not. They would rather submit to an enemy than Offend the same enemy.

Sadly there are not any veterans of WW1 among us now they have all since passed. However, we are fortunate to still have among us some veterans of WW 2, Korea and Viet Nam these too are hardy and hardened men and women. But sadly they are growing old and they too will pass from us in the not to distant future. Additionally we still have among us the veterans of Desert Storm, of which I am one and we too are aging and undoubtedly will also pass from existence. As will the ones who follow.

One undeniable fact is that the Entitled, Offended and Dependent Generations exist in every generation from the Depression era to the present.

Governments role in the decline of America. Where should I start?
Should I start with Tariffs? Tariffs are no more than a tax. A tax placed on goods imported that is paid wholly by the consumer. The tax is not paid by the overseas manufacturer. The tax is not paid by the exporting country. The tax is paid by the consumer in the importing nation to the government of the importing country.
Should I start with Subsidies? Subsidies are no more than corporate welfare. They are used to prop up businesses or industries that the government says provides a benefit. The only one that benefits is the business or industry. Subsidies are paid for with tax dollars. The consumer pays the subsidy(if they pay taxes)and still pays for the product. Buying one thing twice.
Should I start with the other subsidy, Welfare? Yes welfare is a subsidy. The tax payers are forced to subsidize the lifestyles of others that will not or choose not to finance their lifestyles for themselves. There are many welfare cases that are generational. A reward for bad behavior and bad decisions.
Should I start with Income Taxes? Income taxes are at this point a penalty for producing. Welfare is a reward for not producing.
Should I start with the National Debt? Nearing 20 trillion dollars in debt, money spent buying votes and friends. Please explain to me how everything that was taken in was spent or wasted and why you had to borrow an additional 20 trillion dollars to continue spending or wasting.
The list goes on and on. This is the Injury.

Taxes at the outset were intended for the Welfare(Well-Being)of the Nation. They were intended to fund the needful functions of Government, they were not intended to subsidize the less fortunate and especially not the lazy and slothful. There was warning from long-ago that went something like this; The Republic is in danger of failure when the populace discovers they can and then begin voting themselves money from the national treasury. They discovered it, they do it and the Republic is in great peril.

If you need proof that America is in decline you need to look no further that this. Some men that claim to feel like a woman demand to use facilities for women. The state says no, men use men’s rooms and women use women’s rooms. Then some federal government knucklehead says that might be discrimination based on sex. Some men feel Entitled to use women’s rooms based on how they feel and are Offended that they can’t and are Dependent on government to force the women to comply and allow men in the women’s rooms. College students that seek counseling because they were traumatized by someone writing in chalk “Trump” on a sidewalk.

There is another aspect to “Making America Great Again”, other than bringing back jobs and money from overseas, though that would be nice. What is needed to make America great again is for the American citizens to make themselves great again. The citizens need a revival of the American Spirit. American citizens need to become hardy and hardened. American citizens need to return to the practice of Self-Reliance and become Self-Dependent. Rely and Depend on ones own self. Stop being lazy and slothful. Learn to live with-in one’s own means. Learn to make do. Become the one behind the blade of grass. This is the cure so to speak.

America is great, always has been, always will be. The government and some of the citizens are dragging her down. Every time I hear a political clown claiming that he or she will shrink the “size and scope” of government I just bust out laughing. No politician has any intention of shrinking the federal government, I especially get a kick out of one claiming to abolish the IRS. Just how does one abolish a federal government agency? No politician will shrink the federal government in size or scope. If the federal government were to be shrunk, that would in theory return power to either the state or to the people. Do you really think the federal government would empower the states much less the people? Government at all levels is about power and control. What we the people should be concerned with is, when will the government gain absolute power and total control? If and when government gains absolute power and total control over the people it will be because the citizens allowed it to happen.

All of the Kings, Tyrants and Dictators of the world have always feared one thing and one thing only, and that is a nation of Free People. America was founded as a Free Nation(at that time Free and Independent States)inhabited by a Free People Governed by Consent. It is my opinion, If the nation continues down the current path the nation will no longer be a Free Nation inhabited by a Free People governed by Consent, it will become a Nation Ruled by Force with no free inhabitants.

So I now ask what is it that keeps our enemies from our shores? I can assure you that it is not the Entitled, Offended or Dependent Generations. The answer simply put is that there are still enough Hardy and Hardened Americans to make the cost to high to bear. The downside to this is that time and laziness has taken a terrible toll on the Hardy and Hardened.

To answer the Question, How low will America sink? To the very bottom if the people do not wake up and start acting like the Americans and if the government does not start governing as the Founding Fathers envisioned. Both must happen. So which are you ? Part of the Illness? Part of the Injury? Are you willing to be part of the Cure.

Incrementalism and Gradualism Engineering the means to the ends Part 2

Conditioning the people. It does not have to be all the people, just enough of the people and in the right places. Think of it this way. Conditioner is applied after shampooing to make the hair easier to control and manage, preventing tangles thus aiding in grooming. Conditioning is no more than an application of whatever to make the population easier to control and more manageable. Another way to think of it is this, conditioning the population is a way of grooming them into what government wants them to be versus the way they want to be or are supposed to be.

Conditioning through teaching reliance on government. This began in the 1930’s with government attempts to end the Great Depression, even though government interference caused it to last eleven long years. But, none-the-less the conditioning began. Then came the 1960’s and the “great society”, conditioning on steroids. No longer expect self-reliance or self-sufficiency instead teach and instill government dependence. The government will provide for you that which you can not or will not provide for yourself. If one social program was not enough to bring total government dependence another program would be introduced. Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC, Section 8 Housing, the list just goes on and on. Sooner or later a segment of the population will be given enough through government social welfare programs to make working for a living pointless. Working and earning even a little bit would cause a drop in the amount received from government social welfare programs. Welfare programs began to be used as either a reward or a punishment. A person could either be rewarded for laziness or punished for trying to make it on their own. Now the point has been reached with welfare programs where those receiving government welfare live as well and in some cases better that the ones who pay the taxes that support those programs. The social welfare programs did as they were intended, that was to make a segment totally dependent on government for their every aspect of their lives. This conditioning took off like a rocket when social welfare programs began to be called “entitlements”. More on entitlements later.

There are many more ways to condition a segment of the population than for government to bestow gifts upon them.

Conditioning through behavior modification. Let’s face it behavior modification has been around a long time. A child who veered from the path of right, or confused right and wrong had his or her behavior modified by parents who actually took the time to raise their children. If you are even close to my age you understood the previous sentence. The government engages in behavior modification in a different way. The government uses taxes and the tax code to modify behavior.
I will use this example as a way to punish with taxes and the tax code. Tobacco and Smoking. For as long as I have been smoking there have been warnings on the packs about cancer, birth defects and a myriad of other warnings. There have been statistics released on how many people die from lung cancer every year. So how does the government attempt to make me change my behavior? They tax the crap out of tobacco. If smoking is so bad why is it not banned? Because there is a federal agency that regulates tobacco. If smoking was banned the government would lose a source of revenue. So I buy tobacco, pay the taxes and try to enjoy a good smoke. Then they further try to change my behavior by telling me where I can not smoke. They still will not ban it, they only limit where it is used and tax the crap out of it. Money is more important than any thing else. The taxes are used to fund social welfare programs, think SCHIP.
I will use this example and a way to reward with taxes and the tax code. Home improvements, the energy star and electric cars. The appliances in your home are aging and you have considered replacing or upgrading. Major appliances are expensive you decide to wait, after all the old appliances still work and do the job that they were intended to do. Enter the government to offer a tax credit if you replace your appliances. The newer ones are more energy-efficient, or so they claim. So you replace them early for a tax credit, a break on income taxes. The same is true of electric cars and solar panels, again the purchase of one garners a tax credit. You do what the government wants and you get a break on taxes. You get not tax credit for conserving without upgrading. You only get a tax break for buying what they want you to buy.

Think about the other ways the population is being conditioned. Getting accustomed and used to seeing and experiencing now what would have been cause for alarm. I am not one to believe that the government allowed the events of 9/11 or the Boston Marathon bombing and the other terrorist attacks to happen. They may have missed the warnings. They have certainly capitalized on every catastrophe and incident. Government has grown or expanded its powers each and every opportunity presented to it. There are many more, you only have to think.

Are you being conditioned?

Now to entitlements. You are entitled to the following by being an American citizen; Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Outside of those three things you are entitled to what you have earned or produced. You are not entitled to one single thing that I or anyone else has earned or produced. You certainly are not entitled to Welfare.

Incrementalism and Gradualism, Engineering the means to the end Part 1

Incrementalism, a policy or advocacy of a policy of political or social changes by degrees.
Gradualism, the policy of approaching a desired end by gradual stages.
Those two words best sum up the Domestic Policy of liberal progressives and especially the current administration. Bit by bit, bringing America down to the level of the rest of the world. Liberalism and progressivism are not just confined to the Democratic Party, it also exists in the Republican Party. In that context when the term “liberal progressive” is used it does not necessarily mean a democrat. Perhaps a better term would be “social progressive” or “political progressive”, that would eliminate some confusion.

The easiest population for government to have absolute power and domain over would be best described as a population of totally compliant Peoples, the ones that are most referred to as sheep, aka “sheeple”. By contrast the hardest people to have absolute power and domain over would be those that believe in the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

There are only two types of governments around the world.
1 The governments founded on a principle that denies basic rights to the citizens and power is retained by the government, even if that government is composed of only one person. In these countries the constitution, if the country has one, gives power to the government, which by default limits, denies or removes power from the people. These countries are ruled by force not consent, a totalitarian government. The people have no rights and have no choice but to comply with government. The inhabitants are property of the State and are passed along to the next Ruler. This is an example of a Democracy, rule by the majority. Actually the people do have somewhat of a choice, they can choose not to comply, which will have dire consequences.

2 The governments founded on the principle that the government has power only because the population gives their consent to be governed. These countries are governed by consent not by force. In these countries the power remains with the people, a representative government. In these countries the Constitution is to limit the powers of the government, not the people. Not only do the people have and are guaranteed, not granted, their rights, they are also free to exercise them or not, as they choose. The Constitution in these countries limit the power of government, each branch has its own specific roles and limitation and operate on a system of checks and balances.

The question at this point would be do you wish to live under a government or with a government?

If your answer was to live under a government, this is what you chose.
You have only the rights given to you by government and can only exercise them as long as government allows. What the government gives the government can take away.
Basically this sums it up best. Rights when granted are not granted equally. The government has complete and total control over your life and all aspects of it from cradle to grave. Government control is total and limitless. A government that tells you what you can do, when you can do and for how long. A government that tells you what you can buy and when. A government that tells you what you will or will not buy.

If you chose to live with a government, this is what you chose.
You recognize and accept that you have Certain Inalienable Rights namely Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. The usage of the word Certain in the previous sentence is the same as the Founders and Framers intended as to mean Absolute. You are responsible for your life from cradle to grave. You have rights that are granted by the Creator of the Universe. They are yours, you can not transfer them, they are yours. You have a choice when it comes to “Certain Inalienable” rights, you are free to exercise them or not. That is real Freedom and Liberty.

Given the choices above and the question of which would you rather do live under a government or live with a government, there arises a new question. Why would a people who had so happily lived with a government would now voluntarily give that up and choose instead to live under a government? Going from being governed by consent to being ruled.

This brings up another question. At what point is the government no longer content with the idea of governing by consent?

There comes a time when government begins to see the population as “a thorn in its side”. When government reaches that point governing by consent goes out the window and rule by force becomes the government. There are only two ways implement a government ruling by force in a nation that had up to that time been governed by consent. The first is Fast and Brutal, in a large nation fast and brutal has inherent problems. The second is in slow, planned, and gradual or incremental steps and requires patient engineering. As I have written before government is about power and control. Government is only concerned with the continued existence and well-being of government. The larger government grows the harder it is to control, at some point it goes out of control, out of control of the people, that is. The larger government grows the more power it has or takes and the more power it wields over the population. Soon the population is powerless to resist the force of government.

Upside down and Backwards

Who would have ever thought America would reach this point? The point of being upside down and backwards. Being born in the 1950’s I remember an America that was right side up and moving forward. That was the America that was and now we have the America that is.

I remember a time when signs of national pride were everywhere. Classes in School were interrupted, a television was brought in and we would watch the rocket launches in an attempt to get an American on the moon. There were pictures and portraits of the presidents, the signing of the Declaration of Independence and many other American historical events and historical figures aka heroes. Copies and renditions of the Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, The Ten Commandments were everywhere. Flags were raised and lowered according to custom and tradition, Old Glory, the State Flag and yes even the Confederate Battle Flag. The Flags were respected even revered. Memorial Day brought about the most beautiful action possible, honoring the fallen. Flags were placed at the grave of each fallen soldier that lost their lives in service to their country. The soldiers of Confederate States of America were honored the same as the soldiers that lost their lives in service to the United States of America. The graves of fallen Confederate soldiers had a small Confederate battle Flag placed near their headstone. The fallen U.S. soldiers had a small U.S. Flag placed near their headstone. Respect and Dignity. Religious symbols were on public display. Statues were erected to honor men of the past and they too were on pubic display. All of this and much more and no one was offended. America was exceptional. That is the America that was. That was the America I and so many of you grew up in.

Now we have a country that has been turned upside down. There is a movement to remove any sign of and deny all national pride. It is ushered and encouraged by the Federal Government. We have a president who felt the need to go around the world on an apology tour, apologizing for America and even to declare that America was no more exceptional than any other country. He alone declared that there is no American exceptionalism. The religious symbols are slowly but surely being removed from public display on public land and from public buildings. As a matter of fact each and everything listed above is in danger. It seems that America and its greatness has become offensive. The truly sad part is that it is the citizens of America that enjoy lie here are the ones who are most offended by America. This is the America that is. This is the America that future generations will grow up in.

There was a time when the citizens of America were a resilient and hardy people. A time when a set-back or failure was viewed as another opportunity to succeed or at least try to succeed and keep trying. There was a time when the citizens of America were a self-reliant and self-sufficient people. They would do for themselves and provide for themselves. During times of exceptional hardships or severe set-backs these people would accept a hand-up never a hand-out. The hand-up came from the neighbors or the Churches. Repayment came in the form of helping another if they needed it. That is the America that was. That was the America I and so many of you grew up in.

Now we have a country that has been turned upside down. Through government programs and conditioning of the citizenry resiliency and hardiness are long forgotten or rarely practiced by the young. Now a set-back causes despair. The same government programs have conditioned some of the population to the point that they are no longer self-reliant or self-sufficient. There is no need to do or provide for themselves, the government will do that for them. They have become conditioned and accustomed to living on government hand-outs. The government does not and is not in the habit of offering a hand-up, their specialty is giving hand-outs. A friend will offer a hand-up, the government will give you a hand-out. The government is not your friend. What the government gives to one it takes from another. Again, each and every trait and attribute listed above is in danger. The government is about power and control. It is hard to rule over a population that is resilient, hardy, self-reliant and self-sufficient they can be governed but not ruled. On the other hand is easy to rule over a population that exhibits none of those qualities and is totally dependent on government. This is the America that is. This is the America that future generation will grow up in.

I could go on about the America that was and the America that is in regards to: The Judicial Branch legislating from the bench. The Legislative Branch abdicating its power to the Executive and Judicial Branches. The Executive Branch Usurping power. Immigration, legal and illegal. Amnesty for illegal aliens. Gun Control. And so many other examples of how America has turned upside down and backwards. I almost forgot to address the backwards part, so here it is.

There was a time in America when the yoke of tyranny and oppression became so heavy and oppressive that a group of brave men staked their Lives, their Fortunes and Sacred Honor to wrest the Colonies from rule by a tyrannical dictator and a tyrannical form of government. The Revolutionary War was waged against The British Crown and Great Britain to cast of the yoke of tyranny and oppression. The British Crown chose to have and fight that war, the Colonists did not want war. The Colonists only wanted to govern themselves and be left alone. The crown wanted to rule the Colonists. There are only two ways to get a person to see your point of view, Reason and Force. The Crown would not listen to reason, option 2 force was exercised. A Revolution is normally to through off and abolish a form of government. That is the America that was.

Now we have a country that has turned backwards. Not so much the country but the government. It seems that the government, all three branches along with the various departments and agencies has declared a war against the citizens through their onerous rules and regulations. Not to mention a total disregard to the will of the people. It cold be seen as a Reverse Revolutionary War, on in which the government is attempting to place the yoke of tyranny and oppression around the necks of the citizenry. As stated above, there are only two ways to get a person to come to your point of view, Reason and Force. This is the America that is or may become. It is or may become the America the America we are forced to live in as well as future generations.

This is a good time to mention one of the greatest fictional literary works, at least in my opinion. 1984 by George Orwell, it was either fiction or a look into the future. It is beginning to appear as a glimpse of what he future holds for us.
Two parts come to mind and need to addressed.
First is the Memory Dump. A hole in the wall going to a chute where everything went that Big Brother said was to be erased from existence, like it never happened. Big Brother decided what was the truth and what never happened. Is the intent is to relegate the Confederacy and all associated with it to the Memory Dump? Are the attempts to destroy all signs of the Confederacy an effort to deny it ever existed? The Confederacy will not be relegated to the memory dump, it existed and will for evermore be a part of the American history. The A in the U.S.A. and the C.S.A. stood for the same thing America. No you will not get to deny the Confederacy existed.
Second is the Ministry of Love. The place where non-conformists were sent, and in some cases those that knew the truth. They were sent there to be re-educated and conform or just to disappear. FEMA Camps anyone.

To what ends?

It has been said that “the ends justify the means”. There was also a statement to the effect of “fundamentally changing America”, which should have been to the effect of “radically changing America”. America has certainly been “fundamentally changed” by “radicals” in government, from the executive branch to the judicial branch including the legislative branch. The legislative branch has willingly abdicated its powers and responsibilities to the executive branch and in some instances to the judicial branch. The judicial branch has usurped powers from the states and nullified the voices(votes) of the people. The executive branch, well.

The SCOTUS has usurped the power and assumed authority to legalize same-sex marriages in all fifty states and the District of Columbia. Regardless of state laws and without regard to the will of the people. The judicial branch has apparently assumed the role of legislating from the bench. Apparently the States have no rights and the people have no say.

Same-sex marriage was a “social issue”, and what was once a social issue was taken up by the courts and is now law. There are dangers when social issues are taken up by the courts, and especially dangerous when they become law. They are enacted without the legislative process. There was no bill from congress, passed by congress then sent to the president for signature that would allow same-sex marriage throughout the land. Ask yourself why? The answer is this, the politicians would have committed political suicide if they passed such a bill. They relied on the courts to decide that one, again abdicating their powers and responsibilities. Much the same way they decided to “deal with Obamacare”, they let the courts decide that one too.

Breaking down the saying “the ends justify the means”. The “ends” refers to the finishing of or arriving at the goal. The means refers to the route taken or the object or method used.

Now that the SCOTUS has legalized same-sex marriages, all the same-sex couple has to do is to pay a fee to obtain a marriage license and find a place to “tie the knot”. There are many options available but I will only discuss three.
1. Go to the Justice of the Peace. This avenue will garner a few but it does not make a “statement”.
2. Go to a Mosque. This avenue will garner none, in the muslim world homosexuality is punishable by death. No Iman will perform a wedding ceremony for homosexuals and no one will force a muslim to perform the ceremony. Political Correctness, you know, fear of offending the muslims. Homosexuality is against their religion.
3. Go to a Christian Church. This avenue will garner the most activity. Why you ask? Because it makes a “statement”. The homosexual community will go to a Christian Church and demand to be married in the church, knowing it is against their religion. The government will step in and force the church to perform the ceremony. There is no fear of offending a Christian. Besides the government has the power through the IRS to cause financial hardships on the Church by revoking the tax exempt status.

So, with the above in mind consider this. If the “ends” were to destroy Christianity in America the “means” to do so is legalizing same-sex marriages. If a Pastor of a local Church is approached to perform a same-sex marriage he has two choices.
1. Deny the request only to be forced by the government to do so.
2. Perform the ceremony, which violates the basic tenants on which Christianity is founded, marriage is between a man and a woman. If the Pastor performs the ceremony the people who attend church will leave the church as the basic tenants of Christianity are no longer followed by the Church. Darned if you do, darned if you don’t. No way to win. How many Churches will remain if no one attends? NONE.

The Church could voluntarily give up the tax exempt status and avoid pressure by the IRS. But you still have the DOJ to contend with, namely in the form of the civil rights division. Legalizing same-sex marriages has by default made it a right, a civil right, and we know how the current administration views denying someone their civil rights. The LBGT community probably has their own version of the reverend waiting in the shadows ready to visit at a moments notice.

The above references to the Christian Church refer only to the physical building, not the religion or to the real “church”. The building is only a place to gather for worship and fellowship. The Pastor is the leader, the authority figure. If the Pastor is ill or cannot make it to “Church” there is another who can lead the service. The Christian religion lives in the heart of the Christian. The Church is the Christian.

The legalizing of same-sex marriage will not destroy Christianity in America. It may cause “Churches”(buildings) to close, but the Religion and the real Church(the Christian) will endure and flourish. It may even cause Christianity to go “underground” for a time. Christians may be persecuted, but that is nothing new. Neither one is.

Legalizing same-sex marriages was just another vain attempt by man to think he knows better than God. We as man are but ashes and dust temporarily inhabiting a body, and to ashes and dust we shall return when our time on earth is finished. God has always been and will always be.

The attempt to destroy Christianity in America may just be a point along the way to the ultimate “ends” the total and utter destruction of America itself. Most houses undergo destruction or demolition from the roof down. Even though the house is destroyed the foundation remains. A new house can be built on the existing foundation, providing the foundation was strong enough to withstand the demolition of the house. To erase all signs of the original house the foundation must also be destroyed.

The United States was built on a strong and solid foundation. The United States was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, that is our foundation. The founding documents make a reference to the Creator of the Universe. There is also reference to the Laws of Nature and of nature’s God. There is also a reference to being endowed by their Creator.

Christianity has long been under attack and assault by the liberal progressives. Not just Christianity it is the symbols of the Christian religion. What the liberal progressives and at times the SCOTUS are engaged in is the chipping away at the foundation of the house in an attempt to bring down the house and remove all signs that it once existed. The House that was and is America. There is a more powerful force in this universe than the liberal progressives. You have weakened the house but the house still stands.

Two passages came to mind when I heard the decision by the SCOTUS.
1. Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do. Then I thought, yes they do they are vain and stupid.
2. Jesus wept. Then I thought He probably did.

It is long overdue

The current field of potential candidates who have “thrown their hats in the ring” by announcing their campaign to become President of the U.S.A. offers some interesting possibilities. We as usual have a cast of characters from the establishment, but we also have new choices. We have one that is a renowned surgeon, one that is the former head of a large corporation and one that is what would be called a tycoon. This post only concerns the Republican field of contenders.

The questions to ask oneself is this concerning the establishment politicians are these. Have they made it this far because they are career politicians? Have they made it this far because of the system?
For the one’s currently holding elected Constitution offices these are the questions to ask. Do you represent and serve the electorate or the political party? Do you serve the people’s or the money and the agenda associated with the money? Are you fulfilling your oath to uphold the Constitution? Were you elected on character or did the political party buy you the Constitutional office that you now occupy?
For the ones not holding a current Constitutional office? Will you represent the people or the political party? This question answers itself, just after your name will be your political party affiliation.

For the three outsiders, never holding public office before, did you make it to where you are because of, or in spite of the system?

Just the possibility that an outsider could actually win the nomination process and then actually get elected to the office of the President of the United States of America set me to thinking. This event would “shake the political landscape to its core”. Washington D.C. and politics would be changed for evermore.

Then I got to thinking how else could Washington D.C. be changed? Then I starting thinking of ways to shrink the government, getting government out of the personal lives of Americans and saving money and in the process saving America.

First thing an immediate government hiring freeze, no new employees and vacant positions would remain vacant. No one fired YET!!!!!!.

Now the FUN begins and the SHAKEUP starts.
Each newly elected President names his cabinet and his staff.
Political appointees, political hacks, political operatives and bureaucrats get to D.C. and never leave, that would change because they would find no employment and would be forced to return home.
1. No more damned Tsars, they all go and no more appointed.
2. The White House chef, no more overpaid cook. The president is the Commander-in Chief of the Military. Pull the White House cook staff from the ranks of the military. If the food they prepare is good enough for the rank and file it should be good enough for the Commander, the same food eat what they eat. They are already being paid by for the tax payers. Why pay two people to do one job? Already saving money.
3. Personal assistants, really, if you need assistance with everyday activities you belong in a long-term nursing facility not in the White House, this goes for you and your family. Walk your own dog. Saving more money.

Some thought on Cabinet members.
Secretary of Defense. No more bureaucrats, find a retired Sergeant Major, First Sergeant or preferably a Platoon Sergeant or even a private. They understand the plight of the everyday soldier and most excel in the common sense arena.
Secretary of State. As above any one of those could get the job done, their way of negotiating is I win you lose.
Secretary of the Treasury. Find the wife of any Military service member, they understand the value of a dollar. As matter of fact this would be a good choice to appoint in any money handling or budgetary office.
Secretary of Health and Human Services. No more bureaucrats, find a competent real life doctor, a skilled doctor not one who does plastic surgery, one who actually saves lives and values life.
Secretary of Transportation. Find a Fleet Manager of a large trucking company they understand the roads and could even help with logistics.
Home Land Security. Since we are stuck with this department we may as well have a qualified Secretary. Choose from one of the Sheriffs around the country, one comes to mind. Border Patrol and ICE need good leadership as well. Again choose from the sheriffs, two more good candidates come to mind.
The rest of the cabinet should be filled in the same manner, the person holding the post should at least have experience in that field. Politicians have political experience, and since most are career politicians that is all the experience they have political and no real-world experience.
Education goes back to the States.
Some departments simply go away, especially those that are redundant.

The Surgeon General should come from the ranks of the military and especially consider a Flight Surgeon.

The one heading up the V.A. should be one that has needed the V.A.

The political landscape in America is long overdue for a shakeup and finally the swamp should be drained, or clean out the septic tank which ever expression you prefer.

I do not wish to hear “but they have no experience”.
No one said that about BHO and look at where we are now both domestically and foreign. You were happy letting a liberal with no experience run things, why not give a conservative the same opportunity?
Nor do I want to hear “but they don’t have a college education”.
Look at where we are now with all the geniuses we have at present running things. Going to and graduating college does not make you smart the same as sitting in a garage does not make you a car. The difference between a box of rocks and what the so-called geniuses in Washington D.C. have between their ears is the box.

Yes, It is long overdue. The politicians seek to do a comprehensive reform of the immigration laws, I say it is time to comprehensively reform American politics. At this point I am so fed up with the so-called conservative republicans who in all actuality are no more than progressive liberals I am to the point of supporting and seeking a third option. A true conservative who wants to restore America to greatness, the status before social liberalism and political correctness.

Possibilities and a twist

Lately there has been much on JADE HELM and the possibilities of the military exercise being used as a prelude or practice for Martial Law and a round-up and extraction of citizens for either placement in FEMA Camps or outright elimination.

First let’s take up the possibility of Martial Law.
Martial Law by definition is 1: the law applied in occupied territory by the military of the occupying power 2: the law administered by military forces that is invoked by a government in an emergency when the civilian law enforcement agencies are unable to maintain order and safety.
Let’s break these down.
Martial Law under definition 1 would require of two one of two possibilities.

1 America invaded, defeated and occupied by a foreign power. This is highly unlikely, unless prearranged for political expediency. Even then the foreign power would have to face the American people. Even Japan after the successful sneak attack on the U.S. Military at Pearl Harbor did not dare to attempt an attack on mainland America. Japan and it’s military did not at that time fear or respect the U.S. Government or the Military, if they had they would have never attacked. What they did fear was the American people and their capabilities, the same as any person with half of a brain would do.

2. The American government to declare war on the American people, this is the most unlikely of all. It is the American people who pay for government, the government dries up and ceases to exist and the people are still here. Even if this were to happen ALL civilian(non-military)personnel would be removed from office to be replaced by the military, either in the effected areas or the nation as a whole, this would not serve politicians well. Remember Martial Law is administered by the Military. That is unless they appointed themselves as Generals and Admirals.
Martial Law under definition 2 is the problem and has almost an endless array of possibilities of coming into existence. Let’s take a look at some of these possibilities.

First a large-scale terrorist attack. Let’s not forget the events on September the eleventh of 2001. 9/11 solidified the American people like no time since the Japanese attack on December seventh 1941. Differences were set aside and the Americans became one voice. Public order and safety remained intact. Another would do the same.

Second a natural disaster. Hurricane Katrina comes to mind and the events that unfolded along the gulf coast especially those in New Orleans. Law, order and public safety deteriorated rapidly. Local law enforcement agencies were over whelmed and the active and guard units of the military were called to assist. This event met the criteria for definition 2. Not meaning to downplay the loss of life, property and damage inflicted by Katrina but it was a localized event. Though the area of destruction and damage was large it was small in comparison to the size of America. Therefore if Martial Law was declared it would have been for a relatively small area in America and would have ceased upon restoration of order and public safety.

Third societal breakdown. Much like witnessed in Missouri, Maryland, New York and the other localities where riots broke out after the death of a person, and every time a minority, at the hands of law enforcement. These were too a localized event that law enforcement was capable of handling to restore order and public safety.

Fourth a total financial collapse. This event would trigger civil unrest like almost no other. Government would have no funds to pay the bills, this would not trigger the unrest. The unrest would commence as soon as the government checks stopped coming. Those that have become dependent on government, and in some cases generational, for their every need and in some cases wants would find themselves penniless with no prospects. The amount of crime that would arise would soon overwhelm local law enforcement, the military could even be overwhelmed.

Fifth a total power failure. It would not matter if it was caused by the forces of nature or manmade the result would be the same. Possibilities three and four would follow in short order. The “grand daddy” of them all.

Sixth a small-scale terrorist attack. Not meaning to downplay the loss of life, pain or suffering but the Boston Marathon bombing comes to mind. Again the country came together. But, the Boston Marathon bombing provided something the 9/11 attacks did not. The bombing provided two live terrorists on the loose in a major U.S. city, Boston. The man hunt for the two suspects caused the “lock-down” of a city and provided law enforcement the opportunity to conduct warrantless searches of people’s homes in search of the two suspects in the name of public safety, of course.

Of the six possibilities listed above, and there are many more, only the second can not be arranged, the other five can be engineered or allowed to happen. However government is not above “capitalizing” on natural disasters.

Just as the Boston Marathon bombing provided opportunities for placing a city on “lockdown” and warrantless searches which proved to be valuable training, Hurricane Katrina provided opportunities as well. Warrantless searches of homes for stranded people and most important of all forced relocation of citizens. Were there any complaints? It was all done in the name of public safety. Much was revealed about the people and how much freedom and liberty they would surrender in the name of security. 9/11 brought air travel in America to a stand still and ushered in an even larger government. Travelers must now endure the intrusions of the TSA just to travel by air, again more freedom and liberty were surrendered for security. Not to mention one glaringly important fact. People, at least some of them, will obey government and follow directions without question.

Now to the matter of round-ups and extractions. This type of operation would require an effort on such a large-scale it is almost unmanageable. So much must tale place before such an effort could be undertaken. All forms of communication would most certainly have to be shut down. There would need to be a MSM blackout, no news. No television, radio, cell phones, internet and the list just goes on and on, but the population remains mobile. Shut all of this down at once, see possibility number three. Not to mention every one selected for round-up would have to be tracked 24 hours a day to ascertain their exact location prior to commencement of the round-ups not to mention the extraction method would need to be close at hand. Even if selected people were placed on color coded priority lists the logistics are mind-boggling.
There is a way however, to get the intended quarry to come to you. No need to find them if you know where they will be, a kind of arranged meeting. More on this in a subsequent paragraph.

One more note on Martial Law, where it has been implemented the people had no way to fight back and were the losers in an armed contest. A military government was established soon replaced by a provisional government and eventually a stable permanent form of government if all went according to plan. In recent conflicts the martial law part was never implemented, it instead went straight to a provisional government that became permanent even if it was corrupt. Politically Expedient.

Disarming a nation. There are those who will say there are only two ways to get a person to agree with you. Reason and Force. In other words get them to voluntarily disarm or take them by force. Taking them by force could come at a heavy cost. Voluntarily disarming is the cheapest way. But what if there was a third way? Let them keep them but give them no reason to resist, it is for your own good and safety, or show them resistance is futile at best.

As to JADE HELM 15 I am not saying that it is or is not a prelude or practice for the implementation of Martial Law or being used as a cover for round-up and forced relocations. It may be to demonstrate the over whelming force that could be deployed against resistance, but it could be used to demonstrate the force and reaction a terror group would be facing. What I do find odd about the exercise is the publicity, though that may be the intention. Advertising a show of force is a pretty effective deterrent. The duration is tiring an taxing on a person participating. The training in, near and around populated areas. Most military accidents occur during training. Or maybe just an excuse to pre-position needed equipment and personnel.

Above I only listed six possibilities. What if there was a seventh? An “accidental” release causing a potentially extremely deadly biological event real or imagined.

Here is the twist. This goes back to arranging a meeting, bringing your quarry to you. Why now the news of the “accidental” shipments of live anthrax so close to an announced realistic military training exercise? News comes out everyday of more shipments. If it is live and ends up in the hands of some incompetent lab assistant that “accidentally” opens Pandora’s Box, what then. This would be the “news flash”. An accidental release has occurred all persons should report to wherever for testing. The Quarry comes in voluntarily and “tests positive” and must be relocated for treatment to prevent further spread. There you have it turned yourself in and willing got on the bus to receive “treatment”.

Or maybe JADE HELM 15 is to bring distrust upon the Military, after all they are the most trusted part of the government. Events are being used to bring distrust for law enforcement.

The coming of the Fourth Reich?

The world has already witnessed three Reichs. A Reich is no more than a government, which is best defined as to put in order, set straight. The First Reich was the Holy Roman Empire and is regarded as the First German Empire. The Second Reich was the German Empire from 1871 through 1919. The Third Reich was the German Fascist State under the Nazis from 1933 through 1945.
Is the fourth unfolding? The Fourth Reich will not be about Germany, it will not even be in Europe.

The Third Reich came into existence for several reasons and to correct the failures of the previous two. The first reason was to protect national identity and establish it as the master identity, master race. The government under the leadership of Adolf Hitler and with the aid of his “henchmen” set about a campaign of propaganda, lies and fear-mongering to convince the “master race” that they were “victims” and oppressed in their home country by foreigners, “inferior races” and “inferior people” or “groups of Peoples”. Once the hatred of those deemed by the government, Reich, as “inferior” was established separation and segregation began. The next thing needed for the execution of the plan to protect the “master race” was enforcement. What had begun as the “Brown Shirts” that would later graduate and elevate to the level of the “Black Shirts”, the SS. Full implementation of the plan to protect the “master race” would require the occurrence of a “triggering event”, the “Enabling Act”. The “Enabling Act” was established in the Constitution of the Weimar Republic and would be triggered and set in motion by an event seen and deemed by the government as a threat to national security. The Enabling Act would remove all legislative processes and powers from the Legislature and placed them in the hands of the Führer and the Cabinet, aka bureaucrats. The triggering event was a fire at the Reichstag, which was not only a threat to national security but a direct attack on the government. Once the Father Land was secured, why not spread the Reich to the neighboring countries that had high populations of the “master race”, through annexation. The annexation of neighboring countries not only brought more of the “master race” but it also brought excess baggage, large numbers of “inferiors”. Elimination of all opposition and those seen and deemed as “inferior” began. Round-up and Containment of “inferiors” in “Ghettos” lead to the establishment of “concentration camps”.

As to the establishment of a Fourth Reich, what would it entail? What would be required of a Constitutional Republic to let itself deteriorate to the state of such a Reich.
First, a leader using “charisma” just like Hitler used in the establishment of the Third Reich to establish the Fourth. One that could give speeches to a “targeted audience” to stir up feelings and emotions, especially the “you are victims approach”. One that would use any opportunity or event to stir-up discontent, and use the administration to do the same. A leader who could use rhetoric to divide the population into ever smaller groups, and then give targeted speeches to the targeted audience to elicit a targeted response. A leader would be needed that would capitalize on the over-reach of those that previously held his office, and be willing to engage in even more over-reach. A leader would be needed that was willing to use the Cabinet to punish anyone who is seen as opposition.
Second, a completely obedient Legislative branch of government to abdicate its responsibility to the “charismatic” leader, the current administration, cabinet and bureaucrats. A legislature that would voluntarily give more and more power to the leader, but at the same time complain about the power grab of the leader. A Legislature would be needed that would appoint “radicals” to cabinet level and judicial positions. A Legislature that would in a moment of insanity pass legislation that would give the leader ultimate power in the event of a triggering event.
Third, a completely obedient press, one which totally abdicated the principles of “freedom of the press”. A Press that protects the Leader and his minions while attacking any opposition.
Fifth, a population that blindly believes what they are told. A population or a segment of the population that has become completely dependent on government for their existence. A population that willingly allows itself to be divided and “pitted” against the remainder of the population. A segment of the population that is constantly told that they are victims of the remaining population. A population that willingly trades, no gives up, something for value for something little value and at times for things of no value. A population or a segment of the population that will not stay informed, or think for themselves. A segment of the population that has totally abdicated the principles of self-determination and self-reliance, totally government dependent.

Will the Fourth Reich be different from the previous three? Yes, definitely.
One distinguishing characteristic about the Holy Roman Empire was that a conquered people were expected to assimilate and become citizens of the Empire with the rights and protections afforded with citizenship.
The Fourth Reich will have no expectations of assimilation nor will it be demanded of any new citizen in order to garner the privileges or benefits of assimilation into the population. The Fourth Reich will be a direct contradiction of the First Reich in the matter of assimilation. As a matter of fact non-assimilation will be rewarded. The new citizens will become hyphenated citizens, with their origin first and the new country last. Amazingly some of the population that had existed before will be encouraged to do the same, become hyphenated, a form of division. The government will even ensure that some segments of the population will be and remain hyphenated on government forms. The Press will even be complicit in this hyphenation. The Cabinet will even be complicit in this, branches of the cabinet will ensure that one segment is afforded special protections. The Legislature will even be a part in passing legislation that offers protections for one against another. This will all be one-sided.
The distinguishing characteristic of the Third Reich was to establish a master race.
The Fourth Reich will not attempt to establish a “master race”, as a matter of fact the exact opposite will be the goal. The country that will be the Home of the Fourth Reich does not believe in the principles of a master race. In this country there is a dominate population and by dominate I do not mean superior, I mean the majority population. The Fourth Reich will instead seek to relegate the majority population irrelevant. This will be accomplished by allowing illegal immigration and forced relocation. The establishment of Ghettos will not be needed, instead the idea of social engineering will be used. It will be the intent of the government to remain in power. The best way to accomplish this task would be to disperse the non-assimilating citizenry into areas that are seen as opposition by the government and giving them the right to vote. By knowing that the non-assimilating will vote a particular way and by social engineering and strategic relocation it is easy to relegate the majority to a minority.
One other characteristic of the Third Reich was National Pride. National Pride will be discouraged in the Fourth Reich. The Leader will assure this by constantly denying the exceptionalism of the country. Not only will the leader do this in his own country, to a targeted audience, he will make these announcements around the world and anytime he addresses the world. He will use any unfortunate yet isolated event to make his case that government interventions are the solution. He will interject himself into local events especially if that event serves to further his agenda, even if it causes more trouble and deepens the divides. He will seek to eliminate any resemblance of national pride. The symbols usually associated will begin to disappear as the government begins telling the population that the symbols of nationalism are the cause of evil in the world. The lie will be repeated over and over and the uninformed of the population begin to believe the lies and propaganda, soon the population will demand the removal of national symbols as they are signs of oppression. The leader would claim that the country is a country of immigrants, therefore all immigrants should be welcomed. The leader would begin the education, no indoctrination, of the citizens first in public schools with a curriculum that would be common in all schools around the country. Later education in colleges would be provided free of charge, but only if the student was to meet specific requirements. The government would set the requirements. The people of the Fourth Reich would soon learn that there is nothing that is free, but it will have to be learned the hard way.
There are many tactics employed in the previous three that would be of great use to a tyrannical despotic ruler. One tactic and tool a tyrannical despotic ruler could use was a Nationalized Police Force, sort of like the Gestapo. Another would be a “secret police force”, where one citizen would spy on another citizen and report back on any activity the government thought to be anti-what ever the case may be that day. The most useful tool would be a “national registry”, where all citizens are required to produce their “papers” at the request of some bureaucrat or nationalized police.
The national registry could be established in many ways, but the easiest is mandatory voting. If everyone that is eligible to vote has to vote, everyone must register. But, even this draconian measure would only net a portion of the population. It would only be a partial list, registry, as only those eligible to vote would be registered, but this would be a huge start. But how to finish the registry? That would be easy in a tyrannical despotic empire. All that would be required is for some bureaucrat in an agency that oversees travel to come up with a requirement for in-country travel papers, an in-country passport. That would only require a triggering event, such as a terrorist attack, even if it were staged. It would then be required for safety and security. The government would say they are only looking for suspected terrorists, and the terrorists would not have an in-country passport. If you are not in possession of one you must be a terrorist.

The Fourth Reich is coming, of that you can be sure. Maybe it is already in existence, though yet early in its founding. When it is fully formed for the world to see it will be given a more sanitized name than the Fourth Reich. There is probably some bureaucrat sitting in an office in the Department of Slogans that is busy working on a sanitized name, while another bureaucrat in the Department of Scams is busy working out the final details of it implementation. The whole thing will come under the control of the Department of Misery, formerly known as the Department of Fairness and Equality.

Like I stated earlier it will not be in Germany, and not in Europe. Where will it be you ask? To that I say stay informed.

Is it Time?

Is it time for a new breed of public servant? Yes it is. What America is in need of is elected leaders who understand that they hold Constitutional offices and not political offices, at all levels. America needs elected leaders that will operate within the limits and confines of the Constitution and perform the duties of the branch they serve in as stated in the Constitution.

Is it time for a new political party? One that honestly represents conservatism? The GOP says no, absolutely not. The Dem’s do not care if one springs up and puts forth a serious challenge. Why is it that the Dem’s do not care and the GOP starts foaming at the mouth when the three party system idea surfaces? If there was a third national political party the Dem’s would see little migration to the new party. The GOP on the other hand would see mass migration to the new party. But, why is that? The biggest reason is principles. Principles that are run on and the same principles are demonstrated in the execution of the office. The Democrats are Progressive Liberals and they run on progressive principles as progressive liberals and they act as progressive liberals when elected. The Republicans are conservatives and run on conservative principles, but sadly many do not demonstrate conservative principles in the execution of their office when elected, they act as progressives. The Conservative voters will vote for a conservative, even if it means voting for a third-party. Liberal progressive voters will vote for a liberal progressive, and that means a democrat. The GOP loses. Why? The candidate representing the GOP is not a conservative. The GOP has lost its way, both parties have lost their way, but it only costs the GOP.

There is one glaring thing that I have noticed about all of the scandals caused by and surrounding BHO and his administration and it speaks volumes about America. There are no more Americans demanding answers and accountability than there were at the beginning of the scandals, none. This alone makes no sense. The sheer numbers of scandals and failures should swell the numbers demanding answers and accountability, sadly this has not happened. Worse, I fear the numbers will not swell, no more will demand answers and accountability tomorrow than today. On the other hand the numbers of those who either will not or refuse to demand answers or hold anyone accountable will swell. This is best demonstrated by two groups of people. The first group is the young adults. Most do not even know where Benghazi is on a map, never heard of the BLM standoff at Bunkerville. The list goes on and on, most are not even aware of current events and have little recollection of yesterday much less yesteryear. The problem with the young adults is that they are a “me” generation, if it does not affect me it is not my problem. The second group is the “New Americans” the ones who will be granted “executive amnesty” and the ones arriving here from the Middle East as refugees. The “new Americans” called dreamers broke the law by coming here illegally and will be allowed to remain here, illegally. The refugees will most certainly be granted privileges they do not deserve. The second group illegals and refugees will most definitely not demand answers or accountability. They most certainly will join with the progressives, by doing so they will be rewarded.
True enough the scandals are far removed from the lives of everyday America and have little effect on the individual, that is until it finally does effect you. But they do effect you whether you see it or not.

Progressives, at least to me, seem to be confused about Rights and Choices. Progressives are a complete contradiction. Progressives espouse that we as Americans must be tolerant of others, at times to the point of denying our identity. Yet progressives are the most intolerant of all, to the point of attaching labels to anyone with a different view. Progressives claim to be pro-choice yet, progressives attempt to limit or eliminate choice, and do in fact deny rights and choice to others. Progressives even believe it is their right to limit or eliminate rights and choices. This may come from the progressives tendency to voluntarily give their rights even if it means giving up free choice, sacrificing Liberty for Security. No only are they happy do this they actually expect, no demand, that all Americans do the same. Progressives believe that all rights are bestowed upon them by government, if that were true government could deny rights on a whim.
Progressives have a “herd mentality”, simply following the leader no matter where they are led, even if it means going over a cliff. Free thinking is not part of their “scheme”, they just plod along, all on the same path to the same destination. Adopted for no other purpose than garnering votes. Progressives give no thought to what dangers await them on the path much less what lies at the end. Progressives live and exist on the principle of hope. Progressives hope that the utopia they so desperately seek is at the end of the path. Progressives hope that total destruction is not what waits for them at the end of their path. Masses moving together just like the Lemmings during mass migration with no idea what lies ahead and with little care, just playing follow the leader. Hoping for the best.
Progressives have no hard and fast set of principles, they are constantly evolving, constantly broadening. I find it hard to believe that anyone that has no hard and fast set of principles could ever be trusted. I find it especially hard to believe that this type of person could be elected or appointed to any position in government. The un-trustworthy being trusted to govern.
Groups that feel that they are discriminated against or have been disenfranchised only have to keep voting for progressives, because it has been proven time and time again a progressive will evolve and perhaps adopt that group into its fold.
You will notice in the above paragraph the only term used was Progressive, this was intentional. The why is simple, there are many progressives that call themselves republicans. Actually progressive is liberal and liberal is associated with the left, meaning democrats. If you wish to attach labels, start with yourself and label yourself correctly. Identity politics. Pandering politicians.

This part of this post is not to start an argument over which is or was better the Articles of Confederation or the U.S. Constitution, if it does so be it, though I do like the phrase Free and Independent States mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. The Articles of Confederation was replaced by the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence is where the phrase Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are found, not in the Constitution.
The U.S. Constitution is so short as in the numbers of pages for a reason. The Constitution spells out the duties of the three branches of government and is a limit on government power. The Constitution was not designed to limit the power of the people, as a matter of fact it starts with these words “We the People”. The Constitution even guarantees a republican form of government. It even guarantees the powers not granted to the government or prohibited to the states would remain with the states and the people respectively.
Our rights do not come from government, they instead come from the Creator of the universe. The U.S. Constitution with the Bill of Rights goes hand in hand with the Declaration of Independence. The Articles of Confederation and the Declaration of Arms should also be considered as a part of the founding documents. Yes even the Federalist Papers. Several key words and phrases from the Declaration of Independence. The first is Self-Evident meaning without need of proof or explanation. The second is Unalienable Rights, Un means Not, Alienable means Capable of being alienated or transferred to a new owner, meaning they “Your Rights” can not be transferred to a new owner. Certain when used in the context of the structured sentence in the Declaration of Independence does not limit the Rights to a list it means Fixed or Indisputable.
The Declaration of Independence is about the people not the government, it expressly states the conditions that the people would not and could not live or exist under. The Constitution is an agreement by the people concerning the type government under which they were willing to be governed.

The Constitution, the first three articles deal with the three branches, independent branches, of government. No where in the Constitution does it allow for a fourth branch of government. Each of the three has specific duties and responsibilities. Each was designed to keep the others in check, under control.
The one that I wish to discuss is the first listed, and it is listed first for a reason. The first is the most important. The Legislative Branch is responsible to introduce or propose legislation that is wholesome and good. The Constitution states that ALL legislation begins with the legislative branch. No other branch was granted legislative powers.
Yet, we in America find ourselves ruled and governed by the fourth branch of government which was not addressed in the Constitution, government agencies. The government agencies have no legislative authority. The government agencies rule over us, not govern us, by rules and decrees. The government agencies are headed by hacks who see he agenda of the president and the political party as their marching orders. As mentioned in a previous post, these vile government bureaucrats are the worst as they switch sides with each successive administration.
The legislative branch has abdicated their duties and responsibilities to the Executive branch and the government agencies and their bureaucratic heads.
There is even perhaps a fifth branch of government. That would be the special interest groups, along with lobbyists and political donors. All three branches, no all four branches, of government seem to pander to the fifth branch with special appointments and privileges. This issue was directly addressed in the Declaration of Independence.

Back to the question of is it time for a third national political party. The answer is both yes and no. The reason America is in such a mess now is that there was at one time a third political party. Ironically it was started by a liberal progressive masquerading as a republican. None other than Theodore Roosevelt, with his “bull moose party”. Though it only lasted a short time the damage was done. The bull moose party succeeded in dividing the republicans. The republicans never reunited.
No, we do not need a third political party. It will only divide the republicans, when I say republicans I mean conservatives, further. As a matter of fact America does not need either of the other political parties, rather than representing the agenda of the political party the ones elected to govern should be representing the values and principles of either a republican or a democrat. That would be difficult for a democrat or a republican who is also a progressive, as progressives have no firm or fixed set of principles and thus is not likely to have any values.

The people elect men and women to Constitutional office to govern the country. Notice the usage of the word govern, I did not say rule. I also did not say fly around the country giving political speeches. If you are flying around the country you are campaigning not doing the job you were entrusted with. Do what you were entrusted to do. You were not elected to campaign, do that on your time and dime not the country’s time or dime.

The results of the election of last November were no accident. The republicans were swept into office for no other reason than the conservatives came out to vote. Why? They turned out in force because the republicans, some of them anyway, started sounding like conservatives and would at last represent conservative values and principles. Again sadly, time has proven that most not all have proven themselves to be progressives and some of those have proven themselves to be progressive liberals masquerading as conservatives. This will be remembered and many conservatives will stay home next election.
As for me, I will not stay home on election day and never will as long as I can move and get around. What I will do is look at the ballot and vote for the one who represents conservative values and principles. If none are listed and there is a space for a write-in I will use that space to cast a vote for one who represents conservative value and principles. If there is not one it gets skipped and move to the next section, no voting for the lesser of the evils, evil is evil. There are those who will say, not voting for a republican is the same as voting for a democrat. To those I say a better candidate should have been put forth. After all the only difference between a progressive republican and a progressive democrat is the R or D behind the name. Neither can be trusted.

As for the current field of GOP hopefuls, give me a break. Some are so progressive they could switch political parties and no one would even notice. Others will get through the political party, they would be too hard to control. For those is it the candidate or the political party? Guess. The progressives should label themselves as such and be honest for a change.